'Way to be creepy there, DNC': The latest Obama birthday campaign is just a bit 'disturbing'
Way to be creepy there, DNC pic.twitter.com/QIKeIK7zR7
— Bridget Johnson (@Bridget_PJM) August 2, 2014
Liter-uh-lly: Was this awesome Rob Lowe zinger aimed at Obama? We hope so!
It could just be me, but when someone says "uh" twice in a sentence that's meant to be unequivocal, I'm inclined to doubt them.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) August 2, 2014
'Spoken like a truly ignorant bigot': Juan Williams' latest suggestion about Tea Party motivation is 'desperate'
Juan Williams on FOX just said only old white people oppose Obama and they do so because they are racists. Got that?
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 3, 2014
Don't worry, Ebola doesn't pose a smidgen of risk to the US
Facts about Ebola: You can’t get Ebola through air, water, or food. Learn more: http://t.co/hpmzWVHIvk pic.twitter.com/mIVGE8ymPx
— CDC NCEZID (@CDC_NCEZID) August 3, 2014
Brad Thor retweets reminder about Fed Ed cheerleader Lamar Alexander's position on Common Core
Flashback: #TNSen Lamar Alexander Joins Jeb Bush in Support of #CommonCore Standards http://t.co/hhyjMIFXfZ #Vols pic.twitter.com/DLNs2B1YER
— Kelly (@KLSouth) August 4, 2014
'Stop taking pictures of yourself': Geraldo tweets 'I should be in Gaza' along with shirtless selfie
@GeraldoRivera @fart You should stop taking pictures of yourself and put a fucking shirt on.
— Dave, Probably (@muzikguy1) August 3, 2014
Mayim Bialik likes Jon Voight's letter shaming pro-Hamas celebrities
um, jon voight is mad and i think i like it. http://t.co/YS3wIe2bHM
— Mayim Bialik (@missmayim) August 3, 2014
David Crosby sort of disses Hamas but goes full hippie when challenged
@thedavidcrosby ..I now have to unfollow one of my heroes
— Hamish Mackintosh (@McBuddah) August 3, 2014
Sen. Grassley: Why outrage against Israel and not ISIS?; Unhinged responses
Why not same outrage when Arabs kill Arabs OR ISIS militants killing Christians in Mosul as there is disapproval of Israel defending itself
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) August 3, 2014
'Heil Hitler' chanted at Israel supporters, media ignores
@erikamstark You heard them yelling "Heil Hitler" at these Jews and refused to report it - why haven't you handed in your resignation yet?
— Dean Skoreyko (@bcbluecon) August 2, 2014

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