Greg welcomes guests Will Rahn and Joe Escalante.
Billionaire climate activist wants to educate all of you stupid, unsophisticated hicks
For all of you mouth breathing, devolved global warming deniers out there, apparently there is finally hope that you'll be brought out of the darkness. Mega-wealthy hedge fund manager Tom Steyer (who has long since made his own bundles of Benjamins and now has the leisure to devote all of his time to sticking his nose in other people's business) is terribly worried about your lack of education on settled science matters and is seeking to set matters to rights. Speaking at a recent climate conference held in Aspen, Colorado (and really… where else would this happen but Colorado?) Steyer explained – or possibly Voxsplained – how much work remains to be done in terms of converting the hoi polloi to his cause.
Steyer is also displaying more than a bit of hypocrisy here. He's still personally invested in those nasty, carbon producing fossil fuels himself, even as he chides others to pull their financial support. And those billions of dollars he's sitting on didn't come from investing in wind farms. And yet his entire personal agenda these days is to regulate coal-based electricity out of existence if he can manage it. (If you want to see the real world effects on the regular people Steyer is trying to reach and how his favored regulations are "important to them and their families" you can read about the results in Alabama here.)Also read: Irony alert: Al Gore sues Al Jazeera for fraud

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