Miss Asia Pacific World organizers advised beauty queen May Myat Noe to get breast implants
May Myat Noe of #Myanmar has been dethroned as Miss Asia Pacific World 2014.The reason: her bad attitude. pic.twitter.com/tjtVyeRigd
— Critical Beauty (@CriticalBeauty2) August 28, 2014
Scandal-plagued Korea-based Miss Asia Pacific World pageant comes off w/out hitch, picks #Myanmar winner May Myat Noe pic.twitter.com/A35voFdZ50
— Benjamin Wagner (@benkwagner) June 11, 2014
อีกรูปของนางงามพม่า May Myat Noe ที่คว้ามงกุฎ Miss Asia Pacific World 2014 pic.twitter.com/SL4gPeLmG1
— ราตรี ขี้ข้าแมว (@belldelagua) May 31, 2014
'Name sexual predators': Sen Kirsten Gillibrand urged to set example for co-eds
.@Cosmopolitan on our effort to combat campus sexual assault & what steps we must take to make college campuses safer http://t.co/sSJmNEFePa
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) August 29, 2014
Can Cosmo do a report on how you refuse to protect female staffers on Capitol Hill? @SenGillibrand @Cosmopolitan
— RB (@RBPundit) August 29, 2014
Hey, I see Joe Biden is in that article. Was that a hint?? @SenGillibrand @Cosmopolitan
— RB (@RBPundit) August 29, 2014
Why should anyone believe you about preventing sexual assault when you won't even prevent it in Congress? @SenGillibrand @Cosmopolitan
— RB (@RBPundit) August 29, 2014
@SenGillibrand @Cosmopolitan have every man become a democrat politician. Then its not sexual assault and theyll be protected by lib women
— Blake Pine (@LetsBanEvrythng) August 29, 2014
'#FauxFeminists': Amanda Marcotte's feminist cred questioned after harassment advice for Sen. Gillibrand
http://t.co/ZKBHDj8wu4 No, Gillibrand should not name her harassers. It would ruin her and accomplish nothing.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) August 29, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte Translation: it would expose harassers as Democrats & hurt our narrative. If any of them were GOP, it'd be front page news.
— Farbrook (@dutchindian) August 29, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte Translation: Harassment only counts when it's done by Republicans.
— Andy Waldron (@AndyWIII) August 29, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte You are absolutely the worst. Let me guess it was a Democrat who said it? Wouldn't want to look bad, huh? Pls get a brain.
— ivory (@pretty_fits) August 29, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte Thanks. Democrat men need to be protected in their rape culture. It's only wrong if a Republican does it #empowerment
— Blake Pine (@LetsBanEvrythng) August 29, 2014
Shorter @AmandaMarcotte - We only want to expose GOP losers. We'll just sweep the liberal ones under the rug because party before people.
— Carla Liberty (@LibertyBelleCJL) August 29, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte I love amanda marcottes feminism. If u want to harass women, be a democrat. If the women tells on you, she's to blame.
— Blake Pine (@LetsBanEvrythng) August 29, 2014
'Has a strategy for that, doesn't he?' Obama's weekend: Fundraisers, wedding of MSNBC host
It's a day of Dem fundraising for Pres Obama. In Westchester NY, he has two DNC events and then to Newport, RI for a DCCC event.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
.@markknoller I was worried he would be busy planning a strategy to deal with #ISIS instead. Thankfully he still has time to fundraise.
— Steve Madurski (@SMadurski) August 29, 2014
Today's events will bring Pres Obama's fundraiser count this year to 44 and to 403 since taking office.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
@Dougtalks997 when it come to fundraising, President Obama always has the time and a strategy. @markknoller
— The_Squeeze (@Juice_McGraw) August 29, 2014
Pres Obama will spend the night in Westchester for the wedding tomorrow of chef/nutrition policy advisor Sam Kass to MSNBC host Alex Wagner.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
'Wow!' David Cameron's terror threat speech found in 'amazing contrast' to Obama's
'We cannot appease this ideology. We have to confront it at home and abroad' – British PM Cameron on #ISIS threat pic.twitter.com/NjDXmOmOC0
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 29, 2014
Cameron saw Obama's performance yesterday and was like "Oh, God. He doesn't know what he's doing. I'll be a leader."
— RB (@RBPundit) August 29, 2014
"This threat cannot be solved simply by dealing with the perceived grievances over Western foreign policy." - David Cameron
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 29, 2014
Cameron: “The terrorist threat was not created by the Iraq war ten years ago. It existed even before the horrific attacks on 9/11"
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 29, 2014
Amateur Hour: State Dept. has resorted to 'crowdsourcing foreign policy'
How can we do a better job of serving the American people & improving the world? Learn how to submit your thoughts: http://t.co/czkhKQO7gI
— Department of State (@StateDept) August 29, 2014
Oh good, we're crowdsourcing foreign policy now https://t.co/szOKQenkmP
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 29, 2014
Prize for contestant with best ISIS strategy RT @lachlan: Oh good, we're crowdsourcing foreign policy now https://t.co/j6Yy59u9Vw
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) August 29, 2014
The promise of the hashtag RT @lachlan: Oh good, we're crowdsourcing foreign policy now http://t.co/xRvpQOtFrQ
— AlexaShrugged (@AlexaShrugged) August 29, 2014
Monica Crowley on FBI threat assessment: 'This kind of BS is literally going to get us killed'
Judicial Watch claims multiple sources inform them of a major alert for possible ISIS terrorist attack at the border http://t.co/0KivIHYGdw
— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) August 29, 2014
The threat is real. http://t.co/kW1HS8XmL4
— National Review (@NRO) August 29, 2014
URGENT ALERT: We Have Uncovered an Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border: http://t.co/sObMqGFK1l via @JudicialWatch
— Judicial Watch (@JudicialWatch) August 29, 2014
And Obama has no plan. Unless it's to go golfing. http://t.co/qARRzpz9AS via @NRO
— Susan Vigilante (@SusanVigilante) August 29, 2014
'Holy cow! I can't believe he said that': Obama drops another bombshell of stupid
"If you watch the nightly news, it feels like the world is falling apart,” Pres Obama told Dem donors, citing ISIL, Russia and Ukraine.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
.@markknoller The nightly news where he finds out about the world too
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) August 29, 2014
Pres Obama said “The world’s always been messy … we’re just noticing now in part because of social media."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
@markknoller "Just noticing now" LOL. Ok. This guy is always last to know.
— Joe (@JSJ35) August 29, 2014
Holy shit!!!! RT "@markknoller: Pres Obama said “The world’s always been messy … we’re just noticing now in part because of social media.""
— Bobby (@bfinstock) August 29, 2014
No strategy? No problem! Tweeters handily #SuggestObamaISISStrategy
#SuggestObamaISISStrategy. This should help. pic.twitter.com/qiRru5Mgwl
— John Brasher (@J_Brasher) August 30, 2014
'Because of the telegraph'! Obama's 'messy' gaffe sparks mockery
@michellemalkin @exjon @anthropocon #SocialMediaIsHell pic.twitter.com/TO1pRQKPe5
— Jason Hart (@jasonahart) August 29, 2014
Your whining about social media just went viral on social media, champ. HIGH FIVE.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 29, 2014
Shorter @BarackObama - And I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that damned Twitchy!
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 29, 2014

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