Fans unapologetically sing 'Hail to the Redskins' during pre-season game
When the crowd sings hail to the redskins, there is nothing better ❤️
— Abby Richards (@BaconHamN_ABBs) August 19, 2014
Always fun to the crowd sing Hail to the @Redskins even if it is preseason #HTTR
— Danny Sweeney (@DRS5193) August 19, 2014
@wsk28rules @KeithOlbermann HAIL to the REDSKINS from a FULL BLOODED NA from Tsimshian Nation. VERY STRONG WILLED!!!
— Lady of Redskins (@LadyofRedskins) August 19, 2014
I will #HAIL to the #REDSKINS until the day I die.
— Crystal Simmons (@MisssCrysss) August 19, 2014
Hail to the Redskins Song preseason game on a Monday Nite Football game big Win score of 24
— maribelle gamallo (@maribelleg) August 19, 2014
Amnesty International deploys to Ferguson; Slammed with devastating points
While ISIS is committing mass murder, Russia is invading Ukraine, & Iran is executing dissenters, @amnesty is focused on lecturing America.
— AG (@AG_Conservative) August 19, 2014
Dear @amnesty: Where can this 14-year old #Yazidi girl find you deployed - She could probably use some help
— #RIPJamesFoley (@Cameron_Gray) August 19, 2014
'Just brutal': Rick Perry fights back against indictment '#LikeABoss'
Rick Perry trolls Lehmberg in a new ad. #LikeABoss
— Lauren Luxenburg (@LaurenC_Lux) August 19, 2014
So very, very #TeamRickPerry ;-)
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) August 19, 2014
— Rachel Veronica (@rachelveronica) August 19, 2014
'We will prevail': Gov. Rick Perry turns himself in to authorities amid cheers; Updated
What a scene - @GovernorPerry has arrived at the Austin courthouse to cheers of "Perry, Perry, Perry" - like a One Direction concert.
— Betsy Klein (@betsy_klein) August 19, 2014
Perry arrives for his booking with chants of "Perry, Perry, Perry"
— Arlette Saenz (@ArletteSaenz) August 19, 2014
Perry: I am going to enter the courthouse with my head held high knowing the actions I took were not only lawful and legal, but also right.
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 19, 2014
Perry: This issue is far bigger than me, it’s about the rule of law, it’s about the constitution
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 19, 2014
Gov. #Perry emerges after getting mugshot and fingerprints taken
— Ryan Korsgard (@KPRCRYAN) August 19, 2014
And then, ice cream cone at #Sandy's
— Rick Perry (@GovernorPerry) August 19, 2014
'He nailed it': Even Gov. Rick Perry's mugshot is a winner
@ZekeJMiller Like. A. Boss.
— Jennifer Melton (@jenmelton1976) August 19, 2014
Hottest mug shot ever.
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) August 19, 2014
'Speak for yourselves'! Esquire says we're 'all complicit' in Ferguson 'warzone'
@Esquiremag Weak tea social justice bait. Stick to fabrics, bars and celebrities.
— the modern trad (@moderntrad) August 19, 2014
Negative RT @SonnyBunch: Yeah, no. RT @seanhackbarth: Uh no, we’re not:
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) August 19, 2014
Standard Liberal trope. Individually responsible for nothing but collectively to blame for everything. @jtLOL @Esquiremag
— Robert Ellsworth (@writerguy636) August 19, 2014
The Socialist Network? Jim Geraghty has an unnerving thought about today's Americans
I wonder how many Americans think "Socialism" has something to do with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other networks.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 19, 2014
"I'm very social, I like talking to people, so I guess that makes me a Socialist!"
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 19, 2014
.@BradThor "I'm very popular, so that makes me a Populist."
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 19, 2014
@BradThor @jimgeraghty "Well, I have pretty good taste in clothes... so sure I'm a fascist! "
— Kate (@misskathrynhyde) August 19, 2014
@jimgeraghty "I enjoy being well-informed and a reliable source, so I'm an authoritarian."
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 19, 2014
@NoahCRothman @jimgeraghty I AM A CAPITALIST.
— Jeryl Bier (@SpeakWithAuthor) August 19, 2014
'What a blowhard'! Markos Moulitsas tells Jake Tapper how to be a reporter
@jaketapper Pathetic that you’re desperate to embed. Report from the field.
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) August 19, 2014
@markos you don't know what you're talking about. Have been in field quite a bit.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) August 19, 2014
@markos @jaketapper Nice, Markos. Tapper spends all night in field with protesters and wants to get cop perspective too and this is yr take.
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) August 19, 2014
@markos Seen on CNN last night: @jaketapper's doppelganger reporting from the field.
— JaSchrein (@jaschrein) August 19, 2014
.@jaketapper should do what all real journalists do: report from @markos's basement.
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) August 19, 2014
WaPo, Politico reporters in Twitter fight: 'Black people don't work for Politico'
@JRagazzo bro, black ppl don't work for @politico
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 15, 2014
Hey @WesleyLowery this is offensive and factually inaccurate:
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) August 15, 2014
@DylanByers please release diversity statistics. Can send to
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 15, 2014
@kenvogel @WesleyLowery so far, all I'm seeing are white people tweeting from politico. Where are the minorities if u r so offended? #showus
— WhyNotUsAgain? (@panthiesba) August 15, 2014
@DylanByers @WesleyLowery Dylan, just scanned through the photo directory. Whiter than cocaine. Be interested to see those diversity numbers
— Terry Jones (@BobMcDavidson1) August 15, 2014
Hey @DylanByers, reporting has found this tweet inaccurate and offensive. Awaiting retraction
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 20, 2014
'Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
Lord, have mercy. MT @mpoppel: BREAKING: Islamic State, in video "A Message to America," beheads American journalist James Wright Foley
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 19, 2014
Evil straight from the pits of hell.
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) August 19, 2014
Here's a picture of journalist James Foley, via @TheWire. Let's remember him like this.
— Ismat Sarah Mangla (@ismat) August 19, 2014
Do not watch the video. Honor James Foley's memory. He was a good damn reporter. The world is less good without him.
— Jeb Boone (@JebBoone) August 19, 2014
Report: ISIS is threatening to execute journalist Steven Sotloff next
Another journalist, Steven Sotloff, is seen in the same beheading video. IS stating that Sotloff's fate rests with Obama's next decision.
— Has Avrat (@hasavrat) August 19, 2014
Friend and fellow journalist Steven Sotloff who appears alive at the end of that video...I'm without words.
— Iona Craig أيونا (@ionacraig) August 19, 2014
'Normal people would say enraged': PBS News Hour 'sorry' about Foley's death
We're sorry to hear of the reported death of journalist James Foley
— NewsHour (@NewsHour) August 19, 2014
@iowahawkblog @NewsHour Well, when you've cleansed your vocabulary of jihad language, you're pretty much neutered anyway.
— Faith McDonnell (@Cuchulain09) August 19, 2014
God forbid you take sides in the beheading of a journalist. MT @NewsHour We're sorry to hear of the reported death of journalist James Foley
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 19, 2014
Media swarms; Jim Foley's family asks for privacy; Obama silent for now
Yellow ribbon on tree at the home of James Foley's parents in Rochester, NH
— Ted Daniel (@TedDanielFOX25) August 19, 2014
@TedDanielFOX25 @fox25news can't the media leave them alone. I mean really.
— e c (@Harleygirl279) August 19, 2014
Report him RT @acarvin: Special place in hell for @Imechevarria18. He’s sending pics of Jim Foley’s beheading to Jim’s friends on twitter.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) August 20, 2014
White House calls a lid on Martha's Vineyard. Translation: we will not see President Obama on camera tonight.
— Phil Elliott (@Philip_Elliott) August 20, 2014
This is a time when Americans, like me, would love to hear a statement of reassurance, resolve from the President. And nothing. #Foley
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) August 20, 2014

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