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Pro-Abortion Group's Own Poll Finds Just 23% of Americans Say Abortion's Morally Okay
LifeNews recently profiled how the Planned Parenthood abortion business is running away from the term "pro-choice" because it is losing the abortion debate. Now, here is more evidence that the pro-abortion side is flailing and how it is attempting to reinvent itself again to somehow make the destruction of unborn babies in abortion palatable to the American public.
The pro-abortion group NARAL released a new poll today. The pro-abortion group had a chance to hire its own pollster and to formulate the questions in a way that would distort the results in a skewed pro-abortion direction.
No matter how hard NARAL tried, its own polling data makes it clear Americans are not comfortable with the current state of abortion on demand. Only 23 percent of those polled told NARAL that they think abortion is morally okay.
"In a poll that NARAL Pro-Choice America plans to release Monday, more than one in five voters – 23 percent – said they believe abortion is morally acceptable and should be legal," according to a Politico write-up on the survey.
NARAL's poll was so bad for the pro-abortion group that it found 45 percent of Americans are personally opposed to abortion and another quarter of respondents said abortion should be illegal — making it so approximately 70 percent of Americans generally dislike abortions...Also read: Feminist Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Lifers Sentenced to Three Years Probation and Anger Management

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