Greg welcomes guests James O'Keefe and Sherrod Small.
PBS to Broadcast Documentary With 'Deeply Humanizing' Portrayals of...Late-Term Abortionists?
On Monday, the PBS series "POV" will air "After Tiller." The show's web page promoting the film describes it as "a deeply humanizing and probing portrait of the only four doctors in the United States still openly performing third-trimester abortions in the wake of the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas." Who knew that these murderers of late-term pre-born babies — Dr. LeRoy Carhart, Dr. Warren Hern, Dr. Susan Robinson and Dr. Shelley Sella — could be such great people?
Many of the usual suspects are involved in developing, promoting and underwriting the film. Taxpayers are by definition partially on the hook, given that $445 million for fiscal 2014 was allocated to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in October of last year.
The film's primary funder has been The Fledgling Fund, whose "about" page describes it as "driven by the passionate belief that film can inspire a better world." So enabling late-term abortions is not just some kind of unfortunate necessity to help downtrodden women. It’s a positive thing which brings us "a better world." Wow.Also read: Sorry NARAL, Most Americans Aren't Pro-Abortion

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