'That was fast'; After primary win, 'shameless liar' Lamar Alexander renews push for amnesty
Typical RINO!!! BOOM!!!--->Lamar Alexander Embraces Amnesty Again after Primary Win http://t.co/jrAgk8F1vF via @BreitbartNews
— @Curt Golden (@curtandnan) August 12, 2014
Lamar Alexander Embraces Amnesty Again after Primary Win - Fully predictable; the question is why'd they trust him? http://t.co/Q5k5bhShIV
— Steve Williams (@HISteveWilliams) August 12, 2014
'Hey dummy'! Did David Axelrod just call Hillary, Kerry, and Biden 'stupid'?
So, Axelrod versus Hillary then, huh? https://t.co/GV8qTWN1cE #civilwar
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) August 12, 2014
Just to clarify: "Don't do stupid stuff" means stuff like occupying Iraq in the first place, which was a tragically bad decision.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) August 12, 2014
.@davidaxelrod Hey dummy, your VP, SoS, former SoS, Senate Majority Leader, and Secretary of Defense all voted for the Iraq War.
— L (@OrwellForks) August 12, 2014
.@davidaxelrod Why has Obama surrounded himself with people who made such a tragically bad decision?
— L (@OrwellForks) August 12, 2014
Reports: Aid helicopter crashes over Mount Sinjar; NYT reporter on board
An aid helicopter has crashed in northern Iraq while delivering supplies to the Sinjar mountains, according to Iraq state TV.
— BreakingNews.ie (@breakingnewsie) August 12, 2014
@amandapoi1 helicopter carrying injured people from Sinjar crash arrives at Iraqi air base http://t.co/UBDwd06H3k pic.twitter.com/KHytUG13Q8”
— christine stock (@alritekay) August 12, 2014
NYT: war correspondent @alissanyt injured, pilot killed when helicopter carrying aid to Iraqis on Mt Sinjar crashes http://t.co/qEb6QXP7Y2
— David Folkenflik (@davidfolkenflik) August 12, 2014
'Right on!' Shocked Obama focuses on Hollywood? MTV star explains why with zing-tastic result
Just read Obama's statement on Robin Williams. Has President Hollywood mentioned the Major General killed yet?
— MichelleInCal (@MichelleInCAL) August 12, 2014
People shocked that Obama comments on Hollywood, but not other national/international news. Allow me to introduce you to Barack Obama...
— Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) August 12, 2014
@Chet_Cannon bahahaha right?! Literally he's been like that for years, what's the shock.
— Sarah (@sjdemps) August 12, 2014
@Chet_Cannon thank you for staying you. Always refreshing to hear millenials who don't think the sun rises and sets with him
— Ashley Habermehl (@ashleyhabs) August 12, 2014
@Chet_Cannon right on,@Chet_Cannon .....seriously!
— Sarah Maddox (@maddoxmommy3) August 12, 2014
'True colors': DNC is ok for Empire State Building but not kids with cancer
WHAT RT "Empire State Building Lights Up For DNC Despite Policy, Refuses Kids with Cancer" http://t.co/8IiQClarK6
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) August 12, 2014
@DanJoseph78 Lets not forget the Empire State Building denied lighting up for Mother Teresa in 2010.
— Jason Quimby (@JasonDQ) August 12, 2014
President authorizes sending 130 additional US military personnel to Iraq
At rec of SecDef, the President has authorized temporarily sending approximately 130 additional U.S. military personnel to northern Iraq.
— Marie Harf (@marieharf) August 12, 2014
They will assess scope of the humanitarian mission and develop additional humanitarian assistance options beyond the current airdrop effort
— Marie Harf (@marieharf) August 12, 2014
These temporary additional forces are comprised of Marines and special ops forces from @CENTCOM region; will not be engaged in combat role.
— Marie Harf (@marieharf) August 12, 2014
Jimmy Fallon makes an Obama joke; liberals fail to see the humor in it
After spending yesterday at the beach, Obama said, “This has been fun, but I should really get back...to the golf course.” #fallonmono
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) August 12, 2014
@WTjadenIII @jimmyfallon true. The media is always making fun of leftist democrats. Such bias. Someone should enact a law.
— jgray (@RkmmerMer) August 13, 2014
Report: Smoke pouring from National Gallery
Well that's not good RT @StefanGrobe1: Breaking: Fire in the National Gallery, Washington, DC. @euronews pic.twitter.com/2EAKOLrWd6
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) August 13, 2014
Maureen Dowd confounds with 'most tortured shoehorning of Robin Williams into unrelated story'
Maureen Dowd just wrote every Maureen Dowd column ever, in one shot. It is something to behold: http://t.co/6LRSeX3Asd
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) August 13, 2014
Maureen Dowd delivers the combo Robin Williams tribute and Hillary-bashing column you’ve been waiting for http://t.co/rKg4nET5B7
— HotAir.com (@hotairblog) August 13, 2014
Seriously though, Maureen Dowd had already written 80% of that Hillary column, & then when Williams died she was like "wwwwhelp." Right?
— Drew Tipsonson (@dtipson) August 13, 2014
@jamisonfoser @EricBoehlert Maureen Dowd is furiously writing her Lauren Bacall column on Hillary Clinton even as we speak.
— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) August 13, 2014
Video shows just how crazy 'spittle-specked clown' Chris Matthews is
VIDEO: Chris Matthews is a serious journalist and we should seriously take him seriously. https://t.co/slpRR4BOk2 #LeanOver via @MRCTVorg
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) August 12, 2014
Good Lord. Chris Matthews is a nutjob. https://t.co/u9VCX8gWyB
— RB (@RBPundit) August 12, 2014
@redsteeze He can't walk around the Tysons Corner Galleria Rolex shoppe w/o being followed by management.
— Fusilli Jerry (@Halbig_Umadbro) August 12, 2014
@newsbusters nice job! he really is #insufferable
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 12, 2014

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