TV's Andy Levy hosts and welcomes guests Remi Spencer, Sonnie Johnson and Kmele Foster.
Teen Arrested, Suspended For Shooting A Dinosaur (In A Story He Wrote For School)
Now that summer is over and school is starting up again, it's time for the torrent of ridiculous "zero tolerance" suspensions and arrests to resume.
Summerville High School in Summerville, South Carolina, is wasting no time: A 16-year-old student was arrested and suspended for writing a story in which he used a gun to kill a dinosaur. The student, Alex Stone, was assigned by a teacher to write a story about himself. Stone chose to embellish his story with obviously fictional details, like dinosaurs. But the teacher saw the word "gun" and the rest is history, according to NBC-12...Also read: High School Student Suspended For Saying "Bless You" After Classmate Sneezed

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