Obama drops quick statement on Foley beheading, then hits the links
The psychology of Barack Obama's dogged insistence on allowing nothing to halt his vacation – not war, or riots in an American city, or even the brutal murder of an American citizen by ISIS – will be analyzed for years to come. Rush Limbaugh's theory is that it's elaborate camouflage for Obama's domestic agenda – he's lying low, pretending he doesn't care about his job, making himself scarce while various domestic policy warheads (such as a massive amnesty for illegal aliens) tick down to detonation. Others wonder if Obama really is just tired of the Presidency, to the point where he can't be bothered to pretend any more. It could be that Obama believes himself completely beyond all consideration of "optics," so convinced that his words are charged with divine power that he doesn't understand how his deeds can undermine them.
For whatever reason, Wednesday lured the President briefly away from his vacation (to, bizarrely enough, an elementary school) to deliver a statement on the vicious murder of American journalist James Foley by the savages of ISIS. Less than 20 minutes later, Barack Obama was back on the golf course. There must be jaws dropping around both the civilized and uncivilized worlds. (I'm not sure which world of dropped jaws is worse. Is it more harmful for ISIS to be laughing at threats from this carefree President, or for America's allies to get the message that he doesn't give a damn?)Also read:
WaPo: Was Foley's killer a former Gitmo detainee?
Foley first kidnapped by Obama-funded "moderate" Free Syrian Army group

I am convinced that our President is mentally ill. The cold-blooded callousness he displayed yesterday has to be even too much for those liberals with any measure of decency or sanity. Could you imagine if a Republican president was seen laughing and fist-bumping on a golf course mere minutes after addressing the nation about the beheading of an American by evil monsters? Is it all a sick act to lure impeachment proceedings so he can once again demonize the GOP as racists prior to November elections? Really scary and quite chilling to think about the madness, calamity and destruction that may well envelop and paralyze the country with over two years of the Obama administration still remaining.