Not so fast! If you thought Maureen Dowd's Obama spanking was great, Iowahawk has a reminder
Maureen Dowd making golf jokes people have made for six years and thinking she's the first person to make them.
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 24, 2014
No matter if she's taking on Bush or Obama, Maureen Dowd remains the world's most godawful writer
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 24, 2014
@iowahawkblog It was more coherent than her pot candy column, so there's that.
— Amy (@moderncomments) August 24, 2014
@iowahawkblog "Our Forecaddies." C'mon, that's GOLD!
— K9 Ray (@Lubyanka13) August 24, 2014
Blistering truth: Slutwalk spanked with one devastating suggestion
You guys should go to Saudi Arabia!! RT @slutwalkchicago: #SlutWalkChi taking the street!!
— Mary Chastain (@mchastain81) August 23, 2014
Bam! It started with Slutwalk, it ended with total hypocrisy exposure, key question
Oh lord, there was another #SlutWalk? Just shoot me.
— Princess Chelsea (@chelsea_elisa) August 24, 2014
Feminists don't want to be judged and generalized by men, call ALL cops bastards. Okay then. #SlutWalk
— Princess Chelsea (@chelsea_elisa) August 24, 2014
Question to the #slutwalkchi misfits. Do none of you have jobs? Because if you do, how do you show your face in front of coworkers tmrw?
— LilMissRightie (@LilMissRightie) August 24, 2014
Maybe SlutWalkChicago should be asking for MORE patriarchy
.@slutwalkchicago Leftist women talking about "smashing the patriarchy" Meanwhile, inner city kids struggling could use some patriarchy
— Mike (@mike4libertyCA) August 24, 2014
@Nikka_777 And the sad thing is...Men are struggling in society. Few good role models. They need to be encouraged and supported
— Mike (@mike4libertyCA) August 24, 2014
@Nikka_777 It's become politically incorrect to say to our young men, be men! Be responsible, step up, put down the video games.
— Mike (@mike4libertyCA) August 24, 2014
@Nikka_777 We're told fathers are not needed. Many young men do not see the importance of commitment, family, job etc. It's antiquated
— Mike (@mike4libertyCA) August 24, 2014
@Nikka_777 I would have told those people at #slutwalk that the biggest problem for our young girls > boys not becoming men
— Mike (@mike4libertyCA) August 24, 2014
@mike4libertyCA Amen!
— Nikka (@Nikka_777) August 24, 2014
'Some much needed good news': American journalist freed from Syria after two-year captivity
Picture of journalist Peter Theo #Curtis who was released by #Nusra_Front today
— Carol Malouf (@carolmalouf) August 24, 2014
An American released from Syria. Some much needed good news. LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) August 24, 2014
'A welcome addition': Fox News adds actor Stacey Dash as contributor
After a few appearances on @FoxNews they asked me to be the first working actor to also be a paid contributor.
— Stacey Dash (@REALStaceyDash) August 24, 2014
@REALStaceyDash @FoxNews Love!!!!
— Ashley Warren (@asyouareleaving) August 24, 2014
@REALStaceyDash @FoxNews DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Amira Ihsan (@amiraihsan) August 24, 2014
@REALStaceyDash @FoxNews Roger Ailes made a very wise choice adding you to the FOX News Family!
— David Hamilton (@David_in_Dallas) August 24, 2014
'A true legend': Actor, director Lord Richard Attenborough dies at 90
We are deeply saddened to hear that the great Richard Attenborough has passed away. RIP
— BFI (@BFI) August 24, 2014
Richard Attenborough was the kindest man I have ever had the privilege of working with. A Prince. RIP 'Pa' - and thank you
— mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) August 24, 2014
#RIP Sir Richard Attenborough - "Regular" people will know you as the Grandpa in Jurassic Park. The rest of us will thank you for Gandhi.
— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) August 24, 2014
RIP Richard Attenborough he was a great Actor and Director and lived a good life.Miracle on 34th street was the best
— ❤Rebs❤ (@rebeccahunt97) August 24, 2014
Small group demonstrates in support of Officer Darren Wilson
This man told me he knows Darren Wilson and knows he isn't prejudice. The man wouldn't tell me more
— Jim Dalrymple II (@JimDalrympleII) August 24, 2014
Robin has been out collecting money from passing cars to support Darren Wilson's defense. #ferguson #stl
— Jim Dalrymple II (@JimDalrympleII) August 24, 2014
These people also support Darren Wilson. #Ferguson #STL
— Jim Dalrymple II (@JimDalrympleII) August 24, 2014
Rallier Sara Wilson: "He deserves to be innocent until proven guilty & he's basically been crucified by the press"
— Jim Dalrymple II (@JimDalrympleII) August 24, 2014
Hillary Clinton ignores questions about Ferguson, Mo., at book tour stop
Has Hillary said anything about Ferguson yet?
— BrookLyn (@BrookLyn1825) August 24, 2014
Clinton is early to her book signing in Westhampton. No statement on Ferguson or ISIS.
— Dan Merica (@danmericaCNN) August 24, 2014
HRC ignores question about #Ferguson as she exits her West Hampton book signing.
— Ruby Cramer (@rubycramer) August 24, 2014
Why would she ignore? I don't get it. "@rubycramer: HRC ignores question about #Ferguson as she exits her West Hampton book signing.”
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) August 24, 2014
@ananavarro @rubycramer she doesn't want to be on the other side of what the jury decides. Also, she's a conservative
— Tyler Healey (@TyHealey) August 24, 2014
@rubycramer @AdamSerwer Seems like a free opportunity to shore up support on her left a bit. Instead, she comes off as brittle.
— Jason. (@overlayered) August 24, 2014
@rubycramer She still refuses to say that the signing of DOMA was wrong. I'm not holding my breath. Cc: @AdamSerwer
— Ian Thompson (@iantDC) August 24, 2014
@ananavarro @rubycramer and she has absolutely no idea how deafening her silence is on #Ferguson. I WILL NOT FORGET HER SILENCE!
— Kuala C. Chambers (@kcarr78) August 24, 2014
@Keethers @JAPITTER
If girlfriend thinks she has my vote after remaining silent then she's in for a big surprise.
— Adrian Elizabeth (@MoChroi1965) August 24, 2014
@MoChroi1965 she lost my vote a long time ago..but her silence on Ferguson just cemented my decision. @Keethers
— Ready4Obama #Midterm (@JAPITTER) August 24, 2014
'Tweet of the day!' Could this be the reason for Obama's frequent golf outings?
Pointless for Obama to stop golfing now. It will seem like caving to critics and generate lots of stories about why he had to stop. No?
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) August 24, 2014
@JonahNRO It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone - the man who was forced to golf FOREVER
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 24, 2014

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