'Yow!' You're about to see why this 'blistering' Daily News Obama cover may be the best ever
President Obama has lost the Daily News. pic.twitter.com/8HfJI70zpI
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) August 21, 2014
Semiautomatic doofus: CNN's Don Lemon shoots his mouth off, beclowns self; Update: Lemon calls fuss a 'distraction'; Update: Now claims he 'misspoke'
.@donlemon doesn't know what an automatic weapon is https://t.co/IWArrr0L6e
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 21, 2014
Helpful guide for @donlemon:
Semi-auto: *pew* *pew* *pew*
Automatic: *brrrrrp*
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) August 21, 2014
. @donlemon says his embarrassing on-air flub about automatic weapons is just a "distraction." https://t.co/mFUq97eRm9
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) August 21, 2014
@donlemon @kswinburne I'd say that sums it up perfectly for you, Don. Facts = Distraction. Now we know, thanks.
— H.G. Pennypacker (@HG_Pennypacker) August 21, 2014
Don Lemon: I misspoke when I confused semi-automatic and automatic guns http://t.co/3UP9YRqM0e pic.twitter.com/xNuxa7naJ0
— Talking Points Memo (@TPM) August 21, 2014
'Pasty gun-nut Lemon-hater'! Tommy Christopher goes to bat for dizzy Don Lemon
Somebody explain to Don Lemon that "automatic weapon" means you hold down the trigger and it shoots a steady stream of ear plugs.
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 21, 2014
Sad, enraging summation: How 'appalled' by Foley beheading was Obama? THIS appalled
Obama is so appalled by the beheading of James Foley he pushed back his tee time to 1:05 pm.
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 20, 2014
Shit just got real...
— Joe (@timeforgravy) August 20, 2014
'They've noticed': CNN finally wakes up to President Putt-Putt reality
This is what President Obama did after his speech on #ISIS http://t.co/XUG3awdIgX pic.twitter.com/8DSohz6DPt
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 21, 2014
Obama's optics landed right in the water. RT @CNNPolitics This is what President Obama did after his speech on #ISIS http://t.co/sMT6BxRlgp
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) August 21, 2014
Fist bump? Just when you thought Obama's golf after Foley presser couldn't get more sickening...
Here's a man that just doesn't give a damn - Fist bump: Furious reactions hit Obama for golfing after Foley speech http://t.co/TqynuIxfwh
— Vermonter (@VTRepublican) August 21, 2014
'Nice gesture': Pope Francis phones family of James Foley
@Pontifex Pope Francis called the family of James Foley this afternoon says a Vatican spokesperson.
— Anne Thompson (@annenbcnews) August 21, 2014
.@annenbcnews @Pontifex Guessing there was no golf after that call.
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 21, 2014
Pope Francis phoned the family of #JamesFoley this afternoon at their residence in New Hampshire. The family was "moved and grateful."
— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) August 21, 2014
Ebola survivor Kent Brantly 'douchebag of the day' for thanking God for recovery
How Long Before Ebola Survivor Dr. Kent Brantly Is Attacked For Publicly Thanking God For His Miracle Cure?... http://t.co/gpva0tRGdV
— Troy McComas troy48 (@tlm1948) August 21, 2014
'Army of lawyers': Tammy Bruce sees evidence Obama admin has 'no plans to wipe out ISIS'
DOJ launching a *criminal investigation* into #Foley beheading. Which means they have no plans to wipe out ISIS, they'll send lawyers...
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) August 21, 2014
'About 8 people here almost raging': #DayOfRage sparsely attended nationwide
Just another day at the office #hoopsnotbombs pic.twitter.com/63831Ul7K9
— Joce Sterman (@jocefromthenews) August 21, 2014
That last picture shows you what's happening where there is supposed to be a #DayOfRage protest
— Joce Sterman (@jocefromthenews) August 21, 2014
This is DC's #DayofRage protest. Seriously. Hula hoopers & photographers pic.twitter.com/OenQVApkLk
— Joce Sterman (@jocefromthenews) August 21, 2014
#Chicago assembling #DayOfRage via @rickmajewski pic.twitter.com/1kgmcLtwRn
— SEIZED (@TheAnonMessage2) August 21, 2014
Denver's #dayofrage protest. @kdvr pic.twitter.com/uKiYSg1jEy
— Maureen Capasso (@MPCapasso) August 21, 2014
Nine people here for Baltimore's #DayOfRage protest for #Ferguson pic.twitter.com/2g2AhfFxhu
— Colin Campbell (@cmcampbell6) August 21, 2014
Yeah the #dayofrage protest didn't seem to happen in St. Louis so I'm heading out of the park
— Shay Horse (@HuntedHorse) August 21, 2014
#dayofrage in Seattle's first location is??? Not raging! Nothing happening here. pic.twitter.com/IAv7QcND97
— Dan King (@DanKingImages) August 21, 2014
So...... Is nobody else coming to #Oakland #DayOfRage besides the Oakland Police?
— Minister Flashes (@Federal_flashes) August 21, 2014
So is anyone else showing up for the #DayOfRage in Salt Lake at Slcc? Looking kind of uneventful here. Anyone else around?
— Chris Daniels (@ChriSaito) August 21, 2014
I'm highly disappointed in Miami #DayOfRage
— ✨Mz.Yani✨© (@MzYani305) August 21, 2014
Let's keep spreading the word #miami don't just honk stop!!! #dayofrage pic.twitter.com/k1u4c8PuAT
— ✨Mz.Yani✨© (@MzYani305) August 22, 2014
Another live shot from the #DayOfRage protest here in Boston. Oh man it sure is nuts. pic.twitter.com/D6lVJRkB4I
— BatHedge (@Hedge76) August 21, 2014
. @AnonymousPress in times sq where are our brothers and sisters???? #DayOfRage
— sturpin' (@HumbearHumbear) August 21, 2014
@barwickblog So much for the #DayofRage. I read earlier today that Friday needs to be a #DayofEnui. I like that better!
— Sally Eastman (@sallyeastman1) August 21, 2014
If the purpose of #DayOfRage #NYC was 2 run up #NYPD payroll it worked ! All officers and tourist 1 protester good job 😧
— MdotHersh (@MdotHersh) August 22, 2014
Just left NOLA #DayOfRage 5 white kids with pink hair...didn't seem all that pissed to me.....
— Rusty (@10mill) August 22, 2014
Live from Oakland!!!!! #DayOfRage so hectic my mom's picking me up pic.twitter.com/eio1Kud6pL
— Sabrina Caylen Sivan (@sababy__) August 22, 2014

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