#FailedYankeeCandles make for an aromatic hashtag game
Jogger's Feet #FailedYankeeCandles
— MustBeTheMeds (@MustBeTheMeds) August 13, 2014
Airplane Seat Cushion #FailedYankeeCandles
— Aaron FitzPatrick (@CN_AaronF) August 13, 2014
Halitosis Breeze
— Kat (@dixiedarlin_RN) August 13, 2014
#FailedYankeeCandles Amanda Marcotte
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) August 13, 2014
And we're done here. RT @NathanWurtzel: #FailedYankeeCandles Amanda Marcotte
— SteveK (@stephenkruiser) August 13, 2014
Vitriol? Opponents of Common Core hijack #SupportTheCore hashtag
I can't #SupporttheCore because why in the world would I support something with zero data behind it?
— Shane Vander Hart (@shanevanderhart) August 12, 2014
We don't #SupporttheCore because kids need more classical literature, not less.
— Truth in American Ed (@TruthinAmEd) August 12, 2014
We don't #SupporttheCore because CCSS represents a top-down initiative that bypassed state legislatures. Executive overreach off the chain.
— American Principles (@approject) August 12, 2014
I DO NOT #supportthecore because it has become about the $$ made from test taking. Stop the madness #stopcommoncore pic.twitter.com/WXf436eGqP
— Angela Weinzinger (@angeldwein) August 12, 2014
The Fed Gov has no constitutional right to educational policy. I won't #supportthecore & violate the Constitution. pic.twitter.com/w1NOZgMpHf
— Angela Weinzinger (@angeldwein) August 12, 2014
Because they were NEVER TESTED, PILOTED, OR TWEAKED Don’t #supportthecore http://t.co/rxQlBM1kaP
— Badass Teachers Asso (@BadassTeachersA) August 12, 2014
I do not #supportthecore because of these Ten Colossal Errors: http://t.co/RG06YaG5FM
— Anthony Cody (@AnthonyCody) August 13, 2014
I won't #supportthecore because those who promote it don't subject their children to it. So wonderful? You first.
— Melody Geroux (@121melody) August 13, 2014
Hijacking the reformy hashtag proves our strength. They have more money, but we are grassroots. WE are the people and don't #SupportTheCore.
— Arthur Goldstein (@TeacherArthurG) August 13, 2014
'Le burn!' It's THIS bad: Did the French foreign minister just slam vacationing Obama?
FRENCH FOREIGN MINISTER: "when people are dying, you must come back from vacation" http://t.co/Ck5GgBtuhL
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) August 13, 2014
Minds. Blown! Did Michelle Malkin just out herself as a 'leftist'?!
Woo-hoo! It's National #LeftHandersDay - it's the only thing "leftist" about me :) pic.twitter.com/sBOq6lenYr
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 13, 2014
@michellemalkin are you left-leg dominant?
— JustinGreen∞ (@JGreenDC) August 13, 2014
@JGreenDC hah. no. i roundhouse kick with my right :)
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 13, 2014
@metaphorsbwithu yep. shoot and bowl right-handed. everything else with the left.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 13, 2014
'Dear God no!' 'Ready for' hugs? Hillary Clinton's attempt to make up with Obama is beyond parody
Serious foreign policy disagreements during a time of global crisis should, by all means, be settled by "hugging it out."
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) August 13, 2014
How awkward will the Hillary/Obama hug be? This awkward
Wondering if HRC/Obama hug will be more/less awkward than this one... http://t.co/yPq1Xv26PT via @erindooley1 pic.twitter.com/rr7EGz0B5a
— Alex Mallin (@alex_mallin) August 12, 2014
Clinton & Obama hugging it out would be the most awkward PDA since Rock Hudson & Phyllis Gates said I Do.
— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) August 12, 2014
Yukking it up! All is great, guys, see? This Obama photo nutshells his 'Nero' likeness
This won't inspire mockery. At all. RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Obama seems to be enjoying himself. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque) pic.twitter.com/Pp8juGNZU6
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 11, 2014
@BuzzFeedAndrew So do you, with a backwards baseball cap.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) August 11, 2014
'Courage!' Media squee: Guess who was pitiful part of crowd at Hillary Clinton book even
It's like Beatlemania all over again. RT @nedrapickler: Media huddling against rain for @HillaryClinton book signing pic.twitter.com/NMvXUcrTKR
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 13, 2014
'DID SHE USE AIR QUOTES?' Hillary Clinton hugs it out with another forced book plug
How could any self-respecting human being vote for Hillary Clinton after this? pic.twitter.com/NDWRfBPQWi
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) August 13, 2014
'Transparency!' No press allowed at President Obama and Hillary Clinton's 'hug summit'
Obama is on his way to the Hug Summit with Hillary Clinton at Vernon Jordan’s house. Press pool expects little access to the private party.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) August 13, 2014
Hillary should present Obama with a reset button tonight.
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 13, 2014

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