ABC's Terry Moran wants no 'weasel words': 'Say it. Russia has invaded Ukraine'
.@Richardgalpin reports as pro-Russian rebels enter Novoazovsk in eastern #Ukraine
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 28, 2014
Say it: Russia has invaded Ukraine. Any other description is just weasel words.
— Terry Moran (@TerryMoran) August 28, 2014
Quick question, media: Russia invades Ukraine...Who is shocked today?
Obama laughed at Romney when he said Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe. Called ISIS JVs. He's doing a nice job.
— John Steigerwald (@Steigerworld) August 28, 2014
Remember when Mitt Romney said that Russia is US's biggest geopolitical foe and people laughed at him in 2012?
— Khabir (@KhabirM) August 25, 2014
Indulge me for a minute. In 2008 Palin warned about Russia/Ukraine, the Media mocked.
When Romney warned again in 2012. He too was mocked.
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) July 19, 2014
This Paul Begala flashback tweet and replies will have you in tears...of laughter
POTUS nails Mitt for saying Russia our #1 geostrategic threat. "The 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back." Bam!
— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) October 23, 2012
Wrong Side of History RT @RBPundit: Hey Paul, remember this? @PaulBegala
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 28, 2014
@PaulBegala @thejenn999 BAM!! brilliant tweet Paul....welcome to 2014.
— Texastrue (@Texastrue11) August 28, 2014
'We got this!' So, how's that Russia 'promise of hashtag' deal going, State Dept.'s Jen Psaki?
Russia's invasion of the Ukraine is seriously underway now and Obama Admin is silent. Time to break out the heavy hashtags, @statedeptspox
— Joe the Dissident (@joethepatriotic) August 28, 2014
Good morning!
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 28, 2014
@CuffyMeh Need to go to hashtag stage 2 now!
— Ken Brisnehan (@KBrisnehan) August 28, 2014
@CuffyMeh @GayPatriot we should hold a bake sale or something
— greg clark (@macofromoc) August 28, 2014
This Joe Scarborough, Mia Farrow and Ronan Farrow convo might be the creepiest thing ever
I'm still trying to figure out this VF pic of Mika, @RonanFarrow and me
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) August 28, 2014
Nothing a lifetime of therapy can't sort out. RT @JoeNBC: Still trying to figure out this VF pic of Mika Ronan and me
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) August 28, 2014
.@RonanFarrow I'm there for you, son. Obviously, so too is Mommy Mika.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) August 28, 2014
@JoeNBC Thanks, I needed another dad.
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) August 28, 2014
.@RonanFarrow I'm not great at much but the dad thing is kinda my main deal. I need a 4th son, too. Climb on board! #BigRonanFan
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) August 28, 2014
@JoeNBC You're a gentleman and a scholar, Joe Scarborough.
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) August 28, 2014
.@RonanFarrow As are you, @ronanfarrow. Let's sign the adoption papers soon. Goodnight, son.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) August 28, 2014
I think my Twitter broke MT @JoeNBC: @RonanFarrow I'm not great at much but dad is my main deal. I need 4th son Climb on board! #BigRonanFan
— Tucker Martin (@jtuckermartin) August 28, 2014
@RonanFarrow @chrislhayes @JoeNBC This is so fucking weird & awful.
— John Molony (@JohnMolony) August 28, 2014
I'm very uncomfortable right now. RT @JoeNBC: .@RonanFarrow I'm there for you, son. Obviously, so too is Mommy Mika.
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) August 28, 2014
Grab your barf bag...Ronan Farrow just said lie ----> " @JoeNBC You're a gentleman and a scholar, Joe Scarborough"
— Ready4Obama #Midterm (@JAPITTER) August 28, 2014
'3 a.m. already?' Hillary makes '#hardchoice,' bravely speaks out on Ferguson
Hillary makes first comments on #Ferguson. Coming next week: Rodney King.
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) August 28, 2014
Hillary Clinton just made her first public comments on the shooting death on #MichaelBrown -- we're airing them for you next. #CNN
— Brooke Baldwin (@BrookeBCNN) August 28, 2014
Hillary Clinton adopts brave anti-tragedy stance.
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) August 28, 2014
I eagerly await Hillary's statements on Watts, Crown Heights, Los Angeles, maybe the St. Valentine's Day massacre.
— Jim Antle (@jimantle) August 28, 2014
Hillary Clinton: After weeks of criticism from my left, I have decided that I do have an opinion on Ferguson.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 28, 2014
"The more I read about this Pol Pot fellow, the less I like him." #HillaryClintonFinallyComments
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 28, 2014
"I am appalled and horrified at the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand"
— Blue Shift Blog (@BlueShiftBlog) August 28, 2014
Strategy? What strategy? Behold 'the Obama Doctrine in one sentence'
Actual Obama: "We don't have a strategy, yet."
— Lizbuddie (@lizbuddie) August 28, 2014
He sure did. RT @jimsciutto: Did POTUS just say no strategy yet on #ISIS response?
— Vaughn Sterling (@vplus) August 28, 2014
POTUS: "We don't have a strategy yet" on #ISIS. Stunning to hear from the podium in the WH briefing room. #Iraq
— Molly Hunter (@mollymhunter) August 28, 2014
Incredible that POTUS would declare at a press conference "we have no strategy for ISIL yet" - w/intel comm sounding the alarms on threat.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) August 28, 2014
CNN's Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, alarmed: On Obama's "we have no strategy" line: "Let me be very clear, ISIS heard all of this."
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) August 28, 2014
Vox ready with 'more sympathetic interpretation' of president's 'no strategy' comment
@attackerman @ron_fournier Vox is taking the early lead.
— Sean Bannion (@SeanBannion) August 28, 2014
Great @zackbeauchamp piece on *why* Obama doesn’t have a strategy yet:
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) August 28, 2014
Even for Vox, this is pretty Vox. RT @allahpundit: ‘Xplained
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) August 28, 2014
RT @voxdotcom: 'We don't have a strategy yet': What everyone gets wrong about the quote that literally just came out of Obama's mouth.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 28, 2014
This is the moment when Vox transforms from leftist hackery to outright parody.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) August 28, 2014
#WeDontHaveAStrategyYet, but Vox is writing a post on why saying not having a strategy is itself a great strategy - Or something
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) August 28, 2014
If not ISIS, what? Here are a few #ThingsWeHaveaStrategyFor
#ThingsWeHaveaStrategyFor Hoovering campaign cash from goo-goo eyed Hollywood and Silicon Valley nitwits
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 28, 2014
'Awkward'! Does Krystal Ball have a strategy to forget about this 2012 tweet?
— Lesley (@Cl3v3r_G1rl) August 28, 2014
So is Romney just admitting here that he has no particular plan???
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) October 4, 2012
'The Bear Is Molting'? Obama's suit leaves public 'perplexed'
Impeach that suit.
— Seth Fiegerman (@sfiegerman) August 28, 2014
What's he wearing?!
— LaurieAnn (@mooshakins) August 28, 2014
Did the president say anything? I was too busy being perplexed by his suit.
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) August 28, 2014
Empty suits - now available in khaki
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 28, 2014
And now, for an important mesage from State Farm Insurance, President Barack Obama.
— Nathan Wurtzel (D) (@NathanWurtzel) August 28, 2014
Quick, somebody photoshop a Century 21 or ABC Sports patch on that jacket
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 28, 2014
Here you go. RT @iowahawkblog Quick, somebody photoshop a Century 21 or ABC Sports patch on that jacket
— Scott Lofquist (@ScottLofquist) August 28, 2014
I mean, Obama could do worse.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) August 28, 2014
Barry's amazing technicolor press conference inspires
I have to say, this was a bold fashion choice for the president. (h/t @Matthops82)
— Michael Deppisch (@deppisch) August 28, 2014
It'd be cool if Obama announced real action against ISIS. It'd be even more awesome if he took podium in a robot suit
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) August 28, 2014
And you may find yourself in a beautiful Oval Office...
— Doktor Zoom (@DoktorZoom) August 28, 2014
A Herb Tarlek suit would have been awesome
— Nathan Wurtzel (D) (@NathanWurtzel) August 28, 2014
Carter in tan sweater: Malaise Speech
Obama in a tan suit: We Don't Have A Strategy Speech
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 28, 2014
'Smart take': What Obama's suit means for...gender equality?
@voxdotcom STOP
— Jessica Roy (@JessicaKRoy) August 28, 2014
Is this real life? RT @voxdotcom: The Obama suit backlash is a promising sign of gender equality
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) August 28, 2014
@voxdotcom WHAT THE!? Why are you so bad @ your job?
— Sherlock Holmegirl (@MentionMeT) August 28, 2014
What message is Obama sending with that tan suit? Rapper El-P has an idea
Obama has apparently entered the "fuck it I don't care gimme any suit" phase of his presidency.
— el-p (@therealelp) August 28, 2014
@therealelp "2 weeks notice" dress code
— Harry Tuttle (@_Harry_Tuttle_) August 28, 2014
his socks prolly don't even match. could be dangerous times ahead.
— el-p (@therealelp) August 28, 2014

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