It's a 'fore-gone conclusion' that this new Obama logo is PERFECT
I didn't know Obama was a golfer lol #Entitleist
— Lucas Raper (@UncleLuke02) April 29, 2013
@michellemalkin New Obama Logo:
— Gwilym McGrew (@GwilymMcGrew) August 25, 2014
@GwilymMcGrew @michellemalkin should b presidential seal til end of term, along w/the Go-Go's "Vacation " always playing b4 his appearance
— Trish (@mommode2) August 25, 2014
These responses to Debbie Wasserman Schultz's 'fired up' crowd photo will crack you up
*whisper* She said there would be bingo. MT "@DWStweets: This pic says it all. @NMDEMS are motivated & ready to win!"
— Ross the Boss (@RossElmo) August 25, 2014
This key point crushes slacktivist ghouls glomming onto Ferguson, Michael Brown funeral
The rich & famous have glommed onto #Ferguson b/c it's an easy outlet for activism-on-the-cheap. No cost, high visibility.
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) August 25, 2014
See Martha MacCallum remind Ferguson-focused Joe Scarborough to also be outraged by another death
@JoeNBC my heart breaks for MB's family, but also for #BrendanTevlin 's - pls be outraged for him too.
— martha maccallum (@marthamaccallum) August 25, 2014
Judicial Watch tells Shannon Bream: IRS emails do exist in a backup somewhere
BREAKING: #TomFitton of @JudicialWatch just told us on @FoxNews DOJ atty told JW atty that IRS/Lerner emails DO EXIST in backup somewhere
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) August 25, 2014
ISIS unveils new coordinated hashtag campaign around captive journalist Steven Sotloff
All y'all isis clowns are so damn butthurt it's sad. #StevensHeadinObamasHands
— Whiteney (@sykesmeeupp) August 25, 2014
Conservatives kick-start government's $1 million #Truthy 'misinformation' database
Misinformation? Astroturfing? Toss in Botox Abuse and Nancy Pelosi might as well turn herself in now. #Truthy
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) August 25, 2014
Obama said that terrorists were "on the run". I'd call that "a false & misleading idea". #truthy
— laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) August 25, 2014
You can keep your insurance and your doctor! #Truthy
— Shoebart (@theshoebart) August 25, 2014
Most transparent Administration in history! #Truthy
— Shoebart (@theshoebart) August 25, 2014
Congressional Black Caucus wants 'police czar' to oversee local law enforcement
Dear @RepCummings, please retire, you worthless pile of crap. RT @politico @OfficialCBC members push police czar idea
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) August 26, 2014
@forewit @politico @OfficialCBC Well, you can never have enough bureaucratic posts to award to financial donors.
— Traydr (@stoktraydr) August 26, 2014
'What the hell is that?': Lena Dunham's Emmys dress is 'tutu much'
Uh oh. Someone let Lena Dunham dress herself again... #Emmys
— Joseph Robinow (@Joerobinow) August 25, 2014
'Happy place': Emmys viewers can't unsee ad for Depends
This is THE BEST commercial ever!!!!!! #Depends #Emmys
— Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) August 26, 2014
There was just a Depends ad. The #emmys know their audience
— Laura Hertzfeld (@laurahertzfeld) August 26, 2014
The real show tonight: The advertising versus last night's "awards show." Depends ad vs. Trojan Ecstasy ad. So. #Emmys
— Adam Griffiths (@adamgriffiths) August 26, 2014
That is some kinda brave. Sheryl Underwood really just posed in Depends on national TV. #Emmys
— Makho Ndlovu (@makhondlovu) August 26, 2014

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