Amanda Marcotte's reason Sen. Gillibrand shouldn't 'name a harasser' deemed 'insane'
I’m now convinced that the reason Republicans are demanding Gillibrand name a harasser is so they can castigate her as a lying slut.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) August 30, 2014
@NoahCRothman if it were a GOPer making the claims she'd be demanding names be named so we know who the insensitive men are.
— Brittany Cover (@bccover) August 30, 2014
.@amandamarcotte is pretending the harassers were Republican and that Republicans know this and want to call Gillibrand a liar. OMG.
— RB (@RBPundit) August 30, 2014
@AmandaMarcotte or so the person that supposedly did this (regardless of party) can be called out and reprimanded. Too logical?
— toshia thomas (@toshia_thomas) August 30, 2014
'Born-again fan': Iowahawk remembers when John Kerry wasn't fond of coalitions
Kerry today: we need a coalition to save Assad govt
Kerry 3 mos ago: Assad worse than Hitler
Kerry 2 yrs ago: candlelight dinner with Assads
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 30, 2014
Andrea Tantaros: I will not apologize for criticizing radical Islamic jihadism
I will not apologize for speaking the truth about radical Islamic jihadism. Period.
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) August 30, 2014
'Trapper should shut his yapper'; Former M*A*S*H cast member Wayne Rogers explodes at Michelle Fields
I guess I got under Wayne's skin.
— Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) August 30, 2014
'Powerhouse duo': Holly Fisher finally meets Dana Loesch 'in the flesh'
Finally, @DLoesch in the flesh.
Photo credit: @JennJacques.
— Holly Fisher (@HollyRFisher) August 30, 2014
He's out: Michael Sam released from St. Louis Rams
THIS JUST IN: The Rams have released Michael Sam.
(via @AdamSchefter)
— NFL on ESPN (@ESPNNFL) August 30, 2014
Michael Sam got cut. Prepare for irrational LGBT outrage.
— Sean Anthony (@SeanLikesRice) August 30, 2014
'The journey continues': Michael Sam's first tweets after getting cut from Rams
I want to thank the entire Rams organization and the city of St. Louis for giving me this tremendous opportunity and allowing me to (1/2)
— Michael Sam (@MichaelSamNFL) August 30, 2014
show I can play at this level. I look forward to continuing to build on the progress I made here toward a long and successful career (2/2)
— Michael Sam (@MichaelSamNFL) August 30, 2014
The most worthwhile things in life rarely come easy, this is a lesson I've always known. The journey continues.
— Michael Sam (@MichaelSamNFL) August 30, 2014
'Did an intern fill in today?' Mother Jones aims for 'damn dumbest' Michael Sam headline
Michael Sam, Who Is Better At Football Than You Will Ever Be At Anything, Has Been Cut By the Rams
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) August 30, 2014
Everybody point and laugh at @MotherJones ——>
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) August 30, 2014
Pretty sure even Michael Sam would think this is idiotic...
— Kimberly C (@conkc2) August 30, 2014
'Blame him now?' Does media frenzy over Michael Sam cut prove 'Tony Dungy was right'?
Tony Dungy has a rock-hard God boner right now.
— Mike Tunison (@xmasape) August 30, 2014
Michael Sam gets cut; Tony Dungy masturbates furiously
— Kissing Suzy Kolber (@KissMeSuzy) August 30, 2014
@STLouisRams dont want to hear shit from coach fisher,he and westbrooks can go fuck each other and masterbate together with Tony Dungy.
— La Terre Toujours (@Bienvenue77) August 30, 2014
Welp Michael Sam got cut. Tony Dungy doesn't sound so wrong anymore huh?
— Ea$y E (@Grizzly_Jonez) August 30, 2014
Now ALLLLLLL the fools who hated on Tony Dungy for what he said look like dummies.
— Mary Watson, B.S. (@StilettoExec) August 30, 2014
Why is the #NFL focusing so much about #Michael #Sam getting cut. A 100 other guys cut today. Like #Tony #dungy said he is a distractIon.
— Rodd Wilburn (@roddxav) August 30, 2014
But people were unnecessarily mad at Tony Dungy saying dude was a media circus. .....this is PROOF…
— Jay Washington (@MrJayWashington) August 30, 2014
The odd thing is that mad people were cut this weekend yet the rams will have to answer for the release of one. Tony Dungy had it right
— Cal-El (@Cal_Reaves) August 30, 2014
Pharrell Williams is happy about Hillary Clinton's 'don't look back' message
Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward. - @HillaryClinton #GIRL
— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) August 30, 2014
@Pharrell @HillaryClinton I respectfully disagree. Reflection is a key ingredient in getting it right.
— Peter Rivera (@1nysportsfan) August 30, 2014

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