Stunner in the Aloha State: 'Obama's homeboy' Gov. Neil Abercrombie absolutely crushed in Democratic primary
Obama's homeboy --defeated π
#Aloha #HI
β DernDawn (@noprezzie2012) August 10, 2014
Was Obama's endorsement of incumbent governor Neil Abercrombie in the Democratic primary the kiss of death for his campaign? #UniteBlue
β Political Humor (@PoliticalLaughs) August 10, 2014
Tweeter claiming to be Prof. Russell Burgos says Michelle Fields got him mixed up with someone else
Youre clearly "prof B in LA." You may have deleted your blog Professor @RussellBurgos62 but it still shows on google
β Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) August 10, 2014
You can try to lie & delete whatever you want, but you're not fooling anyone @RussellBurgos62
β Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) August 10, 2014
Double standard! This journo's Obama vacation-defending use of 'scare quotes' is absurd
@petermaercbs Scare quotes. If hanging out in Martha's Vineyard for two weeks isn't factually a vacation, what is it?
β Razor (@hale_razor) August 9, 2014
Hacked? Yahoo News reports Ebola outbreak in Atlanta; Update: Yep, hacked.
So... the @YahooNews seems to be compromised. π
β Asia Chloe Brown (@AsiaChloeBrown) August 10, 2014
β@MattHardigree: Was @yahoonews just hacked?β - I sure hope so
β David Lee (@DMLeeVelocity) August 10, 2014
Yahoo News just changed its password from 1234
β Shawn Reynolds (@ShawnRTV6) August 10, 2014
'You are Satan': Fox's Eric Bolling takes on hater regarding his 'huge' new American flag
Love my new flag! Huge!!
β ericbolling (@ericbolling) August 10, 2014
@ericbolling FUCK YOUR FLAG
β ANDREHERRING ART (@pododre) August 10, 2014
Really?? What is wrong with you???---> RT @pododre: @ericbolling FUCK YOUR FLAG
β ericbolling (@ericbolling) August 10, 2014
'How many more citizens have to die'? Rick Perry hits Obama administration on border security
Perry: βHow many more citizens have to dieβ¦Before Washington understands that it has to secure the borderβ
β Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 10, 2014
At family leader summit yesterday and again at GOP funder today, Perry references murder of Border Patrol agent Javier Vega
β Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 10, 2014
Obama administration will deport a whopping 74 Central American illegal aliens
Dozens of #Honduran women and kids get deported Monday. According to 1st lady @anagarciacarias they'll arrive here.
β Rosa Flores (@RosaFlores) August 10, 2014
Sharyl Attkisson: Journalists 'have gone backwards' since Watergate
Sharyl Attkisson: Journalism Has "Gone Backwards" Since Woodward And Bernstein via @rcpvideo
β Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) August 10, 2014
@HeyTammyBruce @rcpvideo Because it's not actually journalism, it's advocacy disguised as fact-gathering.
β GOP Comedian (@GOPcomedy) August 10, 2014
Sandra Fluke endorsed by discredited 'environmental champion' Ed Begley Jr.
So proud to announce the support of environmental champion @edbegleyjr, just days after @clcv endorsed! #SD26
β Sandra Fluke (@SandraFluke) August 10, 2014
@SandraFluke Get him to pay for your contraception.
β PrivilegedVoxtopian (@murgatr0id) August 10, 2014
@SandraFluke @edbegleyjr @clcv lol, you mean this con and shill. You deserve each other
β Eric Morris (@EricMorris1616) August 10, 2014
'Something's going down in Baghdad': Reports of possible coup
Something's going down in #Baghdad, if Twitter is to be believed
β Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) August 10, 2014
#iraq police officials tell @mtawfeeqCNN Iraqi troops and sec forces deployed in and around the green zone. Major bridges closed.
β Michael Holmes (@holmescnn) August 10, 2014
Iraqi police, army and counter-terrorism forces are being deployed in strategic locations in Baghdad
β Agence France-Presse (@AFP) August 10, 2014
Obama leaving Farm Neck Golf Course after five hours
β Nedra Pickler (@nedrapickler) August 10, 2014
#Iraqi Prime Minister #Maliki Orders Troops To Guard #Baghdad Amid 'Coup' Talk- No doubt thanks to the #USA #Obama
β Andrey Panevin (@AndreyPanevin) August 10, 2014

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