'Message received, skipper!' This Obama flashback quote is eerily prescient, disturbing
They said if I voted for Romney, we'd be embarrassed on the international stage and there would be race riots in the streets. #TheyWereRight
— DMH (@HawkinsUSA) August 14, 2014
Martha's Vineyard - Shrimp Cocktails.
Ferguson - Molotov Cocktails.
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 14, 2014
"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." ~ Candidate Obama #MessageReceivedLoudAndClearSkipper
— LilMissFreeSpeechFTW (@LilMissRightie) August 14, 2014
Obamas dance 'to nearly every song' on tear gas free Martha's Vineyard
Hey, #tcot, now you can say it. THIS is Obama's Katrina. #Ferguson
— Larry Schumacher (@LWSchumacher) August 14, 2014
This is Obama's Katrina. There are a lot of people looking for him...and he's on vacation
— 12kyle (@12kyle) August 14, 2014
RT @exjon: #Ferguson RT @mattyglesias "The Obamas danced nearly every song. A good time was had by all." http://t.co/YAMWhUF0HQ // Surreal!
— Defund NPR PBS & NEA (@Jarjarbug) August 14, 2014
On a hopeful note, we're all but guaranteed a terse, uncomfortable, carefully scripted Obama statement before the next 18 holes tomorrow
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) August 14, 2014
The President was briefed tonight by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Attorney General Eric Holder on the situation in Ferguson.
— Eric Schultz (@Schultz44) August 14, 2014
The Police gave us a real scare. But then they came out and played a great set. Sting is the Truth. #MarthasVineyard #NeverForget #Ferguson
— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) August 14, 2014
White House doubles down on 'tin ear' Ferguson idiocy; Gets slammed with truth
Tin ear RT @Schultz44: Readout of tonight's social gathering coming shortly - spoiler alert: a good time was had by all.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 14, 2014
where the hell is @PressSec and why hasn't he taken twitter away from @Schultz44?
— Ryan (@alwaysonoffense) August 14, 2014
WH claims Obama briefed on Ferguson after 'hug summit': How did it happen? Like this
Technical term is "morning paper" RT @AprilDRyan: President Obama is slated to get a briefing or the situation in Ferguson early this am.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) August 14, 2014
Media absurdity! How bad is the state of journalism? THIS was an actual line from New York Times
Sat through 2 hours of national news programmes discussing whether or not Hillary and Obama actually hugged. Some news now please, Americans
— Katie Myler (@LadyMyler) August 14, 2014
We still don't know if President Obama and Hillary Clinton actually hugged. (A Clinton aide said this week they would "hug it out")
— Good Morning America (@GMA) August 14, 2014
Obama and HRC "ate surf ’n’ turf and pasta, but White House officials declined to say whether they hugged." http://t.co/g3Km7QxAXn
— Betsy Morais (@BetsyMorais) August 14, 2014
Theory why photo of Obama dancing was deleted would do Lois Lerner proud
The Martha’s Vineyard photographer who posted Obama dancing photo on Instagram deleted her photos http://t.co/SHxoCNWgpr
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 14, 2014
Protecting Dear Leader MT @charliespiering: Marthas Vineyard photog who posted Obama dancing photo deleted her photos http://t.co/c7rZvUrhwH
— Starz and Strypz (@StarzandStrypz) August 14, 2014
Well, at LEAST Obama is NOT FIDDLING!!!! Photographer deletes pic Obama DANCING on Vineyard after it goes viral #tcot pic.twitter.com/8MxTl9SNml
— slone (@slone) August 14, 2014
Phew! 'Gray, gaunt and tired' Obama still has plenty of energy for golf
President Obama has never looked more gray, gaunt and tired than he does today from Martha's Vineyard.
— Roger Simon (@politicoroger) August 14, 2014
Obama looks tired... N stressed.... Y'all sucking the life out of him
— Kayla (@ohkayKayla) August 14, 2014
You can tell OBAMA been thru so much,he really looks so tired & drained❗️
— BwiZZ (@BwizzDa) August 14, 2014
Obama looks stressed and tired af, the U.S has really took its toll on him 😩
— Perfectly Imperfect♡ (@SeeMeTweeet) August 14, 2014
That didn't take long: @BarackObama has arrived at a golf course here in Edgartown.
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) August 14, 2014
Hahahaha RT @jonkarl: That didn't take long: @BarackObama has arrived at a golf course here in Edgartown.
— SunnyRight (@sunnyright) August 14, 2014
"now watch this drive!" RT @jonkarl That didn't take long: @BarackObama has arrived at a golf course here in Edgartown.
— Nino (@baldingschemer) August 14, 2014
Obama stepped away from the mic and asked for his 5 iron...like, literally.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) August 14, 2014
'Out of Touch': Citizens wonder 'what song is President Obama dancing to'
"@Cameron_Gray: #WhatSongIsPresidentObamaDancingTo pic.twitter.com/EMCPoLeJlt @CuffyMeh @RBPundit"
"Cult of Personality"-Living Colour.
— Dennis Walker (@DennisWalkerJr) August 14, 2014
'Everything will be ok': White House releases picture of Obama on the phone
President Obama talks on the phone with Missouri @GovJayNixon on the situation in Ferguson. pic.twitter.com/h8AMuQIbqI
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 14, 2014
@WhiteHouse Day late and a dollar short. Partying could have waited 30 minutes. @GovJayNixon
— laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) August 14, 2014
@WhiteHouse Oh, thank goodness. A phone call photo-op from an ivory tower. Everything will be OK now. #Ferguson
— Patrick (@PatrickInNC) August 14, 2014
@mac_b_from_tn @WhiteHouse @GovJayNixon Wait...why is skinny bicycle guy about to run into a wall while flying off the handlebars? #Metaphor
— Michael (@g8erlaw68) August 14, 2014
Cue the 'Sarah McLachlan music' and weep for Obama's 'vacation from hell'
.@BarackObama's "vacation from hell" http://t.co/PhteunLu1P | Photo: AP pic.twitter.com/FfGZHNp2N7
— POLITICO (@politico) August 15, 2014
Poor him. RT @politico .@BarackObama's "vacation from hell" pic.twitter.com/S0btoOjegA
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 15, 2014
He's the real victim. RT @politico .@BarackObama's "vacation from hell" http://t.co/cMGpq1Sj1B | Photo: AP pic.twitter.com/NKQ35NBgRc
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 15, 2014

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