'Classic': James O'Keefe shows how easy it is to cross from Mexico to US
BREAKING: Video shows man crossing border from Mexico into the US dressed like Osama Bin Laden. https://t.co/jpKDRXNXrU
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 11, 2014
How much would it cost to shut up James O'Keefe? This much.
My life. RT @katearthsis Can we pay @JamesOKeefeIII to stop? Honestly, how much would it take?
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 11, 2014
'Does it make Hillary a racist?' Don't miss the NY Post cover that Greta Van Susteren calls a 'sizzler'
Hillary slams Obama for 'stupid' foreign policies http://t.co/Hf7zERnahJ\
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) August 11, 2014
New York Post front page is a sizzler! pic.twitter.com/6EF4jdjKX1
— Greta Van Susteren (@gretawire) August 11, 2014
'Touched my heart': Reporter documents evacuation of trapped civilians from Mount Sinjar
Aboard an Iraqi Air Force helicopter making a dangerous emergency aid delivery to trapped Yezidis on Mount Sinjar pic.twitter.com/Hi36xzxNl9
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
Iraqi gunner blasts away at targets below while flying over ISIS front line to deliver aid to people on Mount Sinjar pic.twitter.com/y6LZL3UsCI
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
Circling over mount Sinjar, where we could see desperate Yazidis taking shelter under trees below
#Iraq pic.twitter.com/bJ192xfs9d
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
After chaotic scramble, Iraqi Air Force helicopter picked up 20 traumatized, hungry, dehydrated people from Mt Sinjar pic.twitter.com/slvhEOApMg
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
15 year old Aziza cried whole flight to safety. Her father got separated during ISIS attack 1 week ago. Still missing pic.twitter.com/VSmTbhpHet
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
Rescued Yezidis aboard Iraqi Air Force helicopter that evacuated trapped civilians from Mount Sinjar pic.twitter.com/2m9cJR2d7x
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
Mother and baby....precious cargo aboard Iraqi Air Force chopper evacuating Yezidis from Mount Sinjar pic.twitter.com/vmJbPq5afv
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
When gunners shoot at ISIS on flight out of Mt Sinjar,Aziza clutches mom's hand (wears my helmet), sister covers ears pic.twitter.com/pcyP4JKNkW
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
These Iraqi Air Force guys and the Pesh Merga doing these rescue missions from Mt Sinjar are heroes
#iraq #kurdistan pic.twitter.com/NH6PB4BMK1
— Ivan Watson (@IvanCNN) August 11, 2014
'Doesn't think much of #homeschoolers': Dictionary.com blasted for 'insulting' example sentences
.@dictionarycom Thanks for letting #homeschool families know what you think of us. Good to know where the jerks are. http://t.co/omW0HIuRoD
— April Thompson (@oddlysaid) August 11, 2014
'This is just painful': Obama counters own claim Iraq troop pullout wasn't his decision
— Chris Hynes (@realchrishynes) August 11, 2014
Wolf Blitzer/Tom Friedman interview makes Daniel Drezner 'want to gnaw my arm off'
Oh dear God, Wolf Blitzer is gonna talk to Tom Friedman and I can't find the television remote. Might have to just break the TV.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 11, 2014
The only way I'm gonna survive Blitzer interviewing Friedman is to live-tweet it. I forgive all of you who decide to unfollow me right now.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 11, 2014
So Blitzer starts by asking Friedman if he can get into Obama's head through Friedman. Already I want to gnaw my arm off.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 11, 2014
Friedman tells Blitzer he "wouldn't begin to presume to declare" what Obama's doctrine is. Friedman has clearly never read his own column.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) August 11, 2014
A visual aid for my reaction RT @dandrezner: Wolf Blitzer just asked Tom Friedman if there is an Obama doctrine pic.twitter.com/dzsGqJBkeL
— Cal Kotz (@TheRealKotzie) August 11, 2014
Andrew W.K., Glenn Beck discuss 'love and partying' on TheBlaze TV
.@glennbeck reacts to @AndrewWK ’s epic response to son complaining about his ‘right wing father’: http://t.co/bfaO7xNT6J
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) August 8, 2014
I've been invited to come talk about my writing on @GlennBeck's show today. Stay tuned for more details... #PhilosophyOfPartying
— ANDREW W.K. (@AndrewWK) August 11, 2014
Went on @GlennBeck to discuss love + partying. Did the best I could! Watch @TheBlaze at 5PM ET http://t.co/b473BpTypT pic.twitter.com/BewuQzuCcg
— ANDREW W.K. (@AndrewWK) August 11, 2014
PARTY TIP: Don't be mean today.
— ANDREW W.K. (@AndrewWK) August 11, 2014
PARTY TIP: The world isn't being destroyed by the right or left, it's being destroyed by each believing the other is destroying the world.
— ANDREW W.K. (@AndrewWK) August 11, 2014
If I could change political parties, I'd take away the politics and just have the parties...
— ANDREW W.K. (@AndrewWK) August 11, 2014
These #ISISBumperStickers make great airstrike targets
My Child is an Honor Beheader at Raqqa Magnet Madrassa #ISISbumperstickers
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 11, 2014
I Brake for Beheadings
— Cristina OliveTree (@c_deolive) August 11, 2014
My other car is a bomb.
— Torcer (@TorcerT) August 11, 2014
@iowahawkblog #ISISbumperstickers pic.twitter.com/UO1nyAcxmp
— Bob Kirnum (@Rkirnum) August 11, 2014
'Equally insufferable': Chuck Todd to replace David Gregory on 'Meet the Press'?
Scofflaw Gun Criminal David Gregory Out At NBC? http://t.co/gfkGB21DvT via @dailycaller
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) August 11, 2014
Report @Chucktodd to take over Meet the Press? My enthusiastic take. http://t.co/FqyH0VsXsK
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) August 11, 2014
Meet The Press: David Gregory or Chuck Todd, what difference, at this point, does it make? http://t.co/gObVs8qj4p
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) August 11, 2014
They can fire @davidgregory and replace with @chucktodd all they want…
Really doesn’t matter who host Meet the Press, nobody’s watchin'
— Wayne Dupree ★彡 (@WayneDupreeShow) August 11, 2014
The way NBC is treating David Gregory is horrible, disrespectful, and incredibly appropriate.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 11, 2014
What NBC fails to realize is that they so damaged their brand with MSNBC, it makes no difference whether it's David Gregory or Chuck Todd.
— Media Mucus 4America (@MediaMucusMan) August 12, 2014

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