Who else wants to see Rob Lowe vs. NY Mag's lib writer Jonathan Chait? Here you go!
.@RobLowe and @jonathanchait are arguing about Burger King. Is this the series finale of twitter dot com?
— Rob Flaherty (@Rob_Flaherty) August 26, 2014
Don't listen to Rob Lowe's opinions about Burger King http://t.co/c75qwwGjC1 pic.twitter.com/oLcqkHia99
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) August 26, 2014
@jonathanchait You don't need to be a policy expert, to see the move was tax related. In most cases, tax flight costs jobs.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) August 26, 2014
@RobLowe 1. That is was tax-related is in question. 2. Even if so, there is no case that BK is shedding US jobs via a tax inversion.
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) August 26, 2014
@jonathanchait Yes, in this case and many "inversion" cases jobs may not be lost. My point is business will flee prohibitive environments.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) August 26, 2014
@jonathanchait We shall agree to disagree. Maybe we can hash this out over a Whopper in Moose Jaw! I'm buying.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) August 26, 2014
@RobLowe @jonathanchait so inversions do not cost jobs per se, but the underlying problem with US tax code IS a jobs-killer
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) August 26, 2014
I agree w/@RobLowe on today's debate (http://t.co/wU29gK3Cjk), however, @jonathanchait does make a point w/this gem: pic.twitter.com/rN5zc3FTsy
— Armen Devejian (@daddykool) August 26, 2014
We never thought we'd see the day we agreed with a WH strategy. Can get on board with THIS one
The White House has been unapologetic about Obama's Foley-to-golf pivot. http://t.co/3lEBh04JvO
— POLITICO (@politico) August 25, 2014
I like this strategy
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 25, 2014
@politico @instapundit For an administration that purports to be so attuned to image and message, this month has been a complete failure.
— Catherine Marshall (@mickeymyman) August 25, 2014
Lapdog days of Summer: How do you know a Democrat is in the White House?
You know a Democrat is in the White House when ISIS is beheading Americans and MSM is reporting nonstop about Beyonce and the Emmys.
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 26, 2014
Jim Geraghty shares son's pun-tastic Twitter manners advice that's 'too good'
From my son: "You should be nice to people on Twitter, because you should Tweet people the way you want to be Tweeted."
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 27, 2014
@jimgeraghty He's obviously brilliant.
— laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) August 27, 2014
@jimgeraghty I gonna have to steal that. Sorry. It's too good.
— John Feehery (@JohnFeehery) August 27, 2014
They'll 'eat this up': Dana Perino blasts Obama's plan to join UN's climate 'name & shame'
Perhaps Obama seems so disinterested in the presidency lately because he would rather govern as a king: http://t.co/CsU1TZ6Ouo
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 27, 2014
King Obama! RT @thehill: Obama looks to skip the Senate on new U.N. #climatechange deal http://t.co/cqIsquBPjL by @jessebyrnes
— Heather (@hmfearny) August 27, 2014
The UN will eat this up. Just eat it up! Name & shame the USA in front of the UN on climate change? Say it ain't so. http://t.co/tB3zs86K26
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) August 27, 2014
@DanaPerino The UN is a wretched hive of scum and villainy They prove it almost every single day.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) August 27, 2014
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announces Common Core lawsuit against Obama administration
Today, I filed suit against the Federal Govt for violating federal law and the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution. http://t.co/Y6J3N3icVE
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 27, 2014
The Obama Admin has used federal grants to lure states into adopting a single set of federally defined standards. http://t.co/Y6J3N3icVE
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 27, 2014
The Feds are coercing states, as well as utilizing testing products created by a federally funded “consortia.”
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 27, 2014
In filing this suit we are going right to the source of the problem. http://t.co/Y6J3N3icVE
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) August 27, 2014
@BobbyJindal Go get 'em Bobby!
— Les Johnson (@peikkony) August 27, 2014
Bravo @BobbyJindal ! Jindal sues feds over Common Core http://t.co/BJvpqzck8z …
— ★♥ Harriet Baldwin (@HarrietBaldwin) August 27, 2014
Can't decide which one cracks us up most: These 2 perfect tweets sum up lefty Burger King absurdity
Progressives are outraged. “But that’s so unlike them, Jon.” I know, but this time they mean it: http://t.co/rgoXr0iKr1
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 27, 2014
So why do you insist that they stay in one country? pic.twitter.com/G8PxibzzqM
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) August 26, 2014
"I prefer my Whopper heavily taxed. I said GOOD DAY SIR!"
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) August 26, 2014
Sister of Boston Marathon bombers arrested … for making bomb threats
Tsarnaev sister threatens to blow up woman: "I know people who can... put a bomb on you." http://t.co/wlniJKoxqI pic.twitter.com/qSlPGOsfWN
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 28, 2014
The sister of the Boston bombing suspects has been arrested for making... a bomb threat. http://t.co/tgSL5SniFZ
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) August 28, 2014
@mattdpearce So in that family, the black sheep is the one who doesn't blow things up?
— Crystal Ward (@Crystal11) August 28, 2014
'Clicks first, facts later': Vox's cred gets whacked after 'Sopranos' scoop
Did Tony die at the end of The Sopranos? David Chase finally reveals the answer http://t.co/DvlodYKqNy
— Vox (@voxdotcom) August 27, 2014
David Chase’s publicist says Vox “misconstrued” his remarks. “Whether Tony Soprano is alive or dead is not the point" pic.twitter.com/zU1vdWmGkg
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) August 27, 2014
Vox wrong? The Hell you say. “@ditzkoff: David Chase’s publicist says Vox “misconstrued” his remarks..."
— Nick Sharkey (@sharkey_nick) August 28, 2014
Why would you write a definitive piece on something as huge as TONY ISN'T DEAD without first getting all your ducks in a row?
— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) August 27, 2014
I mean, you KNOW there will be lots of talk about it. You KNOW people will check with Chase about it. Why risk being wrong?
— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) August 27, 2014
@BrianFaughnan Because it's Vox, that's why. Clicks first, facts later.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) August 27, 2014
♪ ♫ Don't stop voxplainin' ♪♫
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 28, 2014
MT @voxdotcom: We stand by our colossal incompetence.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 28, 2014
Nope RT @DrewMTips: Has it ever hit "1"? EVER? RT @TheH2: Just gonna leave this here ... pic.twitter.com/34vJQMJuoG
— TheH2 (@TheH2) August 28, 2014
'Give it up, champ': Matt Yglesias can't dig his way out of 'Sopranos' Vox-hole
Here's a list of things that people want Matt Yglesias to explain:
— Bobby Big Wheel (@BobbyBigWheel) August 28, 2014
It's not up to David Chase whether Tony is alive or dead.
— Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias) August 28, 2014
.@mattyglesias Is that why the vox article touted him as the ultimate authority who was "revealing" the true answer? pic.twitter.com/xOgmTn6MYT
— brendan james (@deep_beige) August 28, 2014
OMG, make it stop. My sides. RT @mattyglesias: It's not up to David Chase whether Tony is alive or dead.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 28, 2014
Vox: David Chase reveals what happened in the finale.
Chase: No I didn’t
Vox: It’s not up to you, shut up.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 28, 2014

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