'He'll muster outrage after vacation': James Foley barbarically beheaded; WH response a disgrace
British man executes an American reporter. So far only the PM of Australian has said appropriately strong words of condemnation.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 20, 2014
Oh. The White House is "appalled." Yet the Prez has to return to his golfing. I'm appalled at Obama! What a disgrace. http://t.co/1fWJ3hTrlw
— John Corson (@johncorson) August 20, 2014
Appalled? Has Obama ever in his life exhibited genuine passion for anything other than his own political fortunes or class warfare?
— KeepCalmAndDrawl (@FormerDeminTX) August 20, 2014
Looking forward to Obama showing how serious he takes Foley's murder by showing up 45 minutes late for his speech on it.
— TheH2 (@TheH2) August 20, 2014
Whoa! Report: ISIS recently threatened to kill James Foley and Obama admin knew
Oh no. RT @rickklein: White House knew of recent ISIS threat to kill James Foley, @jonkarl reports: http://t.co/9pFPvx6BrD
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 20, 2014
Admin knew of threats to James Foley's life and his killer may have been a released Gitmo detainee. Disturbing news http://t.co/Hzsw6rCIze
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 20, 2014
So the White House was warned that #ISIS would behead James Foley and did nothing. And Obama decided to go back on vacation. Solid leader.
— Princess Chelsea (@chelsea_elisa) August 20, 2014
Pure evil! Jonah Goldberg crushes idea of putting ISIS 'in context' with shattering truth
People looking to put ISIS in "context" desperately avoid most obvious context. They're evil. They do obviously evil things for evil ends.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) August 20, 2014
@JonahNRO I'm afraid declaring this is no longer enough. Our 'intelligentsia' denies evil exists; it's mere social construct to them.
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) August 20, 2014
@JonahNRO Part of the left's ideology is moral equivocation (i.e. don't judge anyone), either they cannot or will not recognize evil.
— Molly Ogden (@MollyOgden) August 20, 2014
@JonahNRO How can they be the bad guys? They're not white, Christian, gun-owning, businessmen?
— Jeff Koch (@KochMonster) August 20, 2014
@JonahNRO George Bush and anyone who dared to call out Islamic terrorists' evil were mercilessly mocked by the Left for the past 13 years
— Sara (@SGLawrence) August 20, 2014
@JonahNRO But that would mean abandoning their relativism, which is the left's last remaining defense against reality...
— Brian Thomas (@Kervanderv) August 20, 2014
'Depraved': Let's compare David Cameron's response to Foley beheading to Obama's (It's enraging)
If true, the murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved. I will today chair meetings on the situation in Iraq/Syria.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) August 20, 2014
wow @hotairblog After ISIS beheading video, David Cameron cancels vacation, Obama heads back to vacation http://t.co/AtUUyV8LoA …
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 20, 2014
David Cameron cut his vacation short after the ISIS Foley video. Obama is still on the vineyard.
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) August 20, 2014
Meanwhile, Obama still AWOL: David Cameron cuts holiday short after US reporter ‘killed by British jihadi’ http://t.co/PpIEkBk5Wo
— Nile Gardiner (@NileGardiner) August 20, 2014
WH reportedly knew of ISIS threat to kill Foley and Obama was doing this
MT @rickklein: White House knew of recent ISIS threat to kill James Foley, @jonkarl reports pic.twitter.com/GjX74LiblZ
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 20, 2014
@redsteeze @rickklein @jonkarl Hey, a good time was had by all!
— Mr. Butcher (@blindmanscane) August 20, 2014
@redsteeze Not sure which is worse -- that they knew & he continued his vacay fun -- or that they're clueless and had no idea. We're screwed
— Suze (@suze109) August 20, 2014
'Not the JV team anymore?' Obama 'now talking like ISIS is varsity'
Man, Obama is one feckless POS. No fire at all. Can't get worked up over the JV team, eh?
— Tex Lovera (@texlovera) August 20, 2014
'Just wait them out'? Passive POTUS says 'people like [ISIS] ultimately fail'
Determinism is a very bad approach here RT @Phil_Mattingly: "People like this ultimately fail." - Obama on ISIL
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 20, 2014
Obama: "Ultimately people like ISIS fail." No, champ, ultimately they are DEFEATED.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 20, 2014
That time when Obama gave a statement on ISIS and all we got was a stern face and tees
If you missed Obama's "statement" from Martha's Vineyard, you didn't miss much. He made a #sternface & took no questions from press.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 20, 2014
@michellemalkin Must be back on the links already
— JWF (@JammieWF) August 20, 2014
According to WH travel pool w/POTUS, the president arrived at Vineyard Golf Club at 1:05 p.m., following statement on #JamesFoley and #ISIS
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) August 20, 2014
Bet you can't guess where Obama went right after his James Foley presser!
President Obama on ISIS terrorists: "We will be vigilant and we will be relentless" pic.twitter.com/8Pe0WQ7dPo
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) August 20, 2014
Leadership MT @MajorCBS: the president arrived at Vineyard Golf Club at 1:05 p.m., following statement on #JamesFoley and #ISIS
— Matthew (@Matthops82) August 20, 2014
At some point, the reporters traveling with Obama need to stand up as Americans and say GET OFF THE DAMN GOLF COURSE AND DO YOUR JOB.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 20, 2014
Golfing? RT @WhiteHouse: "When people harm Americans anywhere, we do what is necessary to see that justice is done." —President Obama
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) August 20, 2014
Dear ISIS: you have no place in the 21st century, or on my putting green. Love, Barack Obama.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 20, 2014
Obama's first mulligan on the golf course today will be dedicated to the memory of James Foley.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 20, 2014
20 minutes after Obama spoke about a tragedy. pic.twitter.com/zpHcfeYpYi
— Matthew (@Matthops82) August 20, 2014
I take back anything positive I said about Obama's speech. He went immediately to the golf course? Fuck that guy.
— Matthew (@Matthops82) August 20, 2014
'What is the psychology of this?' Location of Obama's statement about James Foley baffles
View from Edgartown Elementary School, makeshift WH briefing room. POTUS statement on #JamesFoley at 12:45 pm pic.twitter.com/NjzV3erEI9
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) August 20, 2014
Why does the President always address the world's worst savages from elementary schools or in front of playgrounds? https://t.co/4mUZjLbZKX
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) August 20, 2014
@Will_Antonin I've wondered the same. What is the psychology of this? He looks ridiculous.
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) August 20, 2014
@MelissaTweets @Will_Antonin Because he likes audiences looking up at him, and he likes looking down on them.
— t.a.n.s.t.a.a.f.l. ن (@darthlevin) August 20, 2014
@MelissaTweets @Will_Antonin His constituency, the very young, uninformed, moldable. #childabuse
— Jennine Jones (@jenninejones) August 20, 2014
Geraghty: 'This can't be the true reason for the president's DC trip'
Obama's bachelor night out: dinner at the home of his and Michelle's food dude Sam Kass near Logan Circle
— Mark Felsenthal (@markfelsenthal) August 19, 2014
This can't be the true reason for the president's DC trip. Cannot be true. http://t.co/8SnBIwOAib pic.twitter.com/OIWs0M14C3
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 20, 2014
@jimgeraghty Come on, it's all he does: http://t.co/9ALxWXIunL
— keithbacker (@keithbacker) August 20, 2014
What. The. Fucking. Fuck. RT @jimgeraghty This can't be the true reason for the president's DC trip. Cannot be true. pic.twitter.com/PrPZQteA7s
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 20, 2014
Funeral for a dead general? I'll be on the back 9.
5-hour celebrity dinner party? I'll bring a dessert plate!
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 21, 2014

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