'Feminists and pajama boys' clutch pearls after Sofia Vergara sketch at Emmys
Sofia Vergara Was Completely Objectified In A Tone-Deaf Joke on The #Emmys http://t.co/lrqHrYrNsL http://t.co/m22f4Z8QGy
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) August 26, 2014
The #Emmys decided to objectify Sofia Vergara during a speech about diversity. http://t.co/MB7sDLfyZ1
— HuffPostWomen (@HuffPostWomen) August 26, 2014
The #Emmys literally objectify Sofia Vergara, a Latina woman. Because that is somehow right. Right? Riiiiight. -_- http://t.co/nyISQpZb9p
— Ruba Ali Al-Hassani (@RubaAlHassani) August 26, 2014
Just caught up on #Emmys highlights. Tip: objectifying women is still not funny or endearing. What the fuck was that Sofia Vergara bit? Ugh.
— Charles Clymer (@cmclymer) August 26, 2014
When the crowd wolf-whistled as Sofia Vergara's backside came into view on a fucking spinning pedestal, I felt sick to my stomach. #Emmys
— Charles Clymer (@cmclymer) August 26, 2014
Dear feminists & pajama boys upset over Sofia Vergara at the #Emmys: Her body, her choice. Suck it, haters.
— CatsPolitics (@CatsPolitics) August 26, 2014
Actress rotating for 45 seconds = objectification...Diva surrounded by upside down stripper mannequins.. Perfection https://t.co/F4DTvdBtqS
— S.M (@redsteeze) August 26, 2014
Sofia Vergara blasts critics of 'sexist' #Emmys pedestal: http://t.co/6rJliY7aFr
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) August 26, 2014
Here is the Sofia Vergara Emmy sketch panty-twisting hypocrisy exposed. And boy, was it easy
Sofia Veraga causes Emmy freakout. Democrats suddenly dismayed about putting someone on a pedestal.
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 26, 2014
Shot: https://t.co/QEibUCYGxl
Chaser: https://t.co/3yaqHiSUYD
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 26, 2014
Exhibit A - Z RT @lachlan: Objectification: https://t.co/WEFgLHbmVg
Not objectification: https://t.co/jVEVYvZjJQ
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) August 26, 2014
Last one via @MZHemingway's outstanding piece http://t.co/XTzI1QzXml
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) August 26, 2014
"Well, it's okay to objectify the backup dancers."
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) August 26, 2014
@jimgeraghty pic.twitter.com/FTHMTqXku0
— Brian Cates (@drawandstrike) August 26, 2014
'Get a sense of humor'! Actress Shannon Tweed slams busybodies losing it over Sofia Vergara sketch
I can't believe people are having a problem with the Sophia Vagara skit and no prob with Niki Manaj performance.Get a sense of humor.
— Shannon Tweed (@shannonleetweed) August 26, 2014
I cannot with this perfection RT @BuzzFeed: OMG pic.twitter.com/nmuF4Pttdy
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) August 25, 2014
.@NICKIMINAJ - #Anaconda coming up in the next 10mins! Did you see her MTV VMA performance?? OMG!
- Abrantee pic.twitter.com/ocyoKc7ZxV
— Capital XTRA (@CapitalXTRA) August 26, 2014
Slamming claims of @TheEmmys skit sexism & scoring in the fashion dept. @SofiaVergara + more red carpet stars. 7:15 pic.twitter.com/1XaiESisc0
— KTLA 5 Morning News (@KTLAMorningNews) August 26, 2014
'The Emmy for best tweet goes to...' Gain scored with this 'Breaking Bad' tweet
Dear W.W., congratulations on your win. We refreshed these for you. #OutstandingLeadActor pic.twitter.com/IPad4vfOwB
— Gain Laundry (@Gain) August 26, 2014
Congrats to the winners of #OutstandingDramaSeries. We also know how to develop a Grade A product. pic.twitter.com/nafZjqoIJe
— Gain Laundry (@Gain) August 26, 2014
@Gain Well played.
— Melody Murphy (@Melody_Murphy) August 26, 2014
Reporter: State Department unsure why there's 'confusion' over U.S. ISIS strategy
Must have been Sorority hipster @marieharf in way over her head working for an incompetent admin w no coherent FP! @HannahAllam @ColorMeRed
— JoeC (@JoeC1776) August 26, 2014
Report: Lois Lerner's Blackberry destroyed after congressional probe begun
Lois Lerner's Blackberry was WIPED CLEAN... AFTER the IRS knew that a congressional inquiry was underway in the Tea Party targeting scandal.
— Len Markir (@Facts_RuleofLaw) August 26, 2014
We were lied to abt Lois Lerner's emails (they WERE backed up), Now news that her Blackberry was destroyed AFTER congress started its probe.
— Brian Wilson (@BrianWilsonDC) August 26, 2014
The @JudicialWatch lawsuit is again getting at the truth in the IRS scandal.
— Brian Wilson (@BrianWilsonDC) August 26, 2014
If this were a GOP admin -- the MSM wd be apoplectic about new developments in IRS scandal. By and large the sound you hear is crickets.
— Brian Wilson (@BrianWilsonDC) August 26, 2014
'Might as well join the ISIS': Lefty comments to Burger King are hilarious
Not really following the logic here. pic.twitter.com/4wmJu2QNpY
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 26, 2014
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ pic.twitter.com/8PDx4KIs9G
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 26, 2014
Well, that escalated quickly. pic.twitter.com/DROLFHr1JE
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 26, 2014
Found a winner. pic.twitter.com/GPoiUGO3mS
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) August 26, 2014
Pelosi complains about cost of Boehner lawsuit, gets called out on hypocrisy
@NancyPelosi @SpeakerBoehner I think the many millions of dollars ferrying you around on private jets when you were Speaker was a waste of $
— NYC Infidel (@NYC_Infidel) August 26, 2014
@NancyPelosi <== How much is that indictment against @GovernorPerry costing? or is COST for this one irrelevant? @SpeakerBoehner @GOP
— Defund NPR PBS & NEA (@Jarjarbug) August 26, 2014
.@NancyPelosi Let's talk about you steering over a billion in taxpayer dollars to a company your husband invests in. @SpeakerBoehner
— Jeff (@SenseOffense) August 26, 2014
@NancyPelosi @SpeakerBoehner Nancy, call me when the expenditure reaches the amount wasted on defective ACA enrollment website.
— Jon P (@frozenindrum) August 26, 2014
#SendBackOurMarine: Calif. assemblywoman hand-delivers letter to Mexican president
Hand delivered letter to Mex. Pres. @EPN demanding release of #Tahmooressi. Tune into @KFIAM640 @ 4:30pm-pst today #SendBackOurMarine
— Melissa Melendez (@asmMelendez) August 26, 2014
Joy Reid sounds 'Florida fire alarm'; Rick Scott outdraws both Dem opponents
Dark clouds over @CharlieCrist's primary win: Turnout in Broward, 10%, PB, 12%. Dems don't win statewide like that.
— John Kennedy (@JKennedyReport) August 27, 2014
.@FLGovScott also draws 100K more votes statewide than @CharlieCrist. Scott rope-a-doped Dems on GOTV efforts.
— John Kennedy (@JKennedyReport) August 27, 2014
Only county w/worse turnout than Broward? Glades. For Fla Dems, let's hear a collective "eesh."
— John Kennedy (@JKennedyReport) August 27, 2014
Strong showing for Rick Scott tonight in Florida as he is single handily still outnumbering all democratic votes in the primary. #FL
— Christian N. (@CRENpolitics) August 27, 2014

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