Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Thursday, March 6, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Well, I believe that the idea can no longer be discredited or debated that Barack Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, if not in fact a Muslim himself. How else to rationalize his motives favoriting those with ties to terror over persecuted Christians?
    From Investors Business Daily ( "In another end-run around Congress, President Obama has unilaterally eased immigration requirements for foreigners linked to terrorism...At the same time Obama opens the floodgates to them, he's closing our borders to Christians fleeing persecution by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq and other Mideast countries...Yet the State Department has rejected virtually all of the 20,000 asylum applications from Coptic Christians trying to escape Egypt since the toppling of its pro-American regime. Meanwhile, it's welcoming terrorist supporters pushed out by Cairo's renewed military crackdown on the Brotherhood. Thanks to Obama's new rule, these escaping Islamist troublemakers will be able to set up shop inside America and practice their jihadism with virtual impunity. If the president doesn't like rampant rumors he's a "secret Muslim," or that he's doing the bidding of his Muslim Brotherhood-tied brother Malik, he should stop making sympathetic gestures that feed them."
    Personally, my belief is at this point in his presidency, Obama doesn't care that his mask and motives have been removed. He is going to push the pedal to the metal trying to create such chaos in America that he can invoke ( "Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions" and further cement the scary possibility that his long-term aspirations of a dictatorial Marxist tyranny is realized.
