Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Greg welcomes guests Jesse Joyce and Jedediah Bila.

Rachel Maddow: Russian invasion of Ukraine is Bush's fault, of course
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on — what else? — George W. Bush. And she plans to prove it in an upcoming one-hour telecast she refers to as a documentary.
Maddow appeared on fellow-MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell's show Monday to give viewers a sneak-peek at what will come in her program titled, "Why We Did It," which is set to air Thursday, according to MSNBC.
Ignoring President Obama's own weak leadership and lack of a foreign policy, she instead claimed that Bush's own Middle East decisions ultimately determined the course of present-day U.S. national security and world events.
She disregarded last year's discovery of chemical weapons in Syria — many of which we now know came from Iraq, to drag out the tired refrain that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were a mere pretext for invading that country.
"We know that the public case for why we were going to Iraq is not true," she claimed, adding that it all came down to "what Iraq had to offer, not what Iraq was threatening."
And what Iraq had to offer was the one thing on which the Bush policies was centered — oil, and keeping the price of oil down, Maddow said.
There's only one problem with that theory. Most of Iraq's oil exports end up in China and not the United States, as reported Monday by The Washington Post.
Instead of examining the facts and coming up with a theory, she posits a theory and then shoehorns the facts to fit. This is perhaps the major reason Maddow's ratings are in the weeds.
Watch the interview via MSNBC, then check out "Obamas set new record for vacation travel expenses; stonewalled documents finally released."

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