Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
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This is a well done documentary that explains the history of and illuminates the undercurrent of hate that still exists in divided Ireland. Even though it is a BBC production, credit to them for having a Catholic presenter from Donegal, Republic of Ireland. From all accounts in this film, it sure feels as though the "Peace" Agreement signed in 1998 is surviving for now on a very unstable foundation and it wouldn't take much of a spark to trigger an explosion that plunges Ireland into civil war. (When a community constructs "peace walls" to separate groups of people.....) One gets the distinct feeling and fear that the outbreak of violence during the 2013 marching season is a harbinger to an escalation this summer. As the presenter, Alys Harte said, "Doesn't give me much hope...its the kind of thing that's going to go on and on."