Libs urge boycott of organic food company that doesn't cover its employees' birth control
@edenfoods Fuck you. You use your religion for control. Not for good. America will boycott you like hobby lobby.
— madest (@madest) July 3, 2014
Eden foods moves to ban contraception. Everyone else should move to ban Eden foods. #OffTheList #BoycottingIsMyHobby
— Steve Marmel (@Marmel) July 4, 2014
@Marmel @TenaciousEye thanks I'll make sure to buy their products when ever possible
— will (@highside2020) July 4, 2014
@edenfoods Stand your ground, Eden Foods. You have a new customer here. I never once expected anyone else to pay for my BC. #NannyState
— Karen (@karebair1) July 6, 2014
'Rot and burn in hell': George W. Bush turns 68; Unhinged leftists turn to usual tactics
Fuck George bush
— thugHippy (@realliricomusic) July 6, 2014
@kailijoy And then rot and burn in hell
— Tom Hamilton (@TomLglEdtr) July 6, 2014
— Jessayin2U (@Jessayin2U) July 6, 2014
'Partisan hack': ABC's Martha Raddatz ripped for 'dishonest' interview of Rick Perry
For @MarthaRaddatz it's much more important to grill @GovernorPerry on his accusations than it is to find out if they're true. #ThisWeek
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 6, 2014
Rick Perry is standing tall on This Week..we need to be listening to @GovernorPerry
— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) July 6, 2014
Hey @MarthaRaddatz..They aren't 'undocumented immigrants.' They're ILLEGALS! Btw, you were very disrespectful 2 my @GovernorPerry #ShameOnU
— Maria Lynn (@MLynnRN) July 6, 2014
'LOL': Irony spotters jump into action after Sandra Fluke stands against 'wage theft'
LOL @SandraFluke
— Tony (@TOstoja) July 6, 2014
@SandraFluke" Spread the word: Wage Theft is a crime" << What? You're joining the Tea Party? #ExcessiveTaxesAreWageTheft
— Tom Cruz'n (@TinPotDickTator) July 6, 2014
@SandraFluke Wage theft, as in taking from my pay check to give you extra free stuff? #tcot
— Sweetakin (@sweetakin) July 6, 2014
'The day is mine!' Afghan candidate's resemblance to SNL 'Celebrity Jeopardy' contestant spotted
"Suck it, Karzai" RT “@SaintRPh: Afghanistan Presidential candidate looks familiar”
— Poo Picker (@poo_picker) July 6, 2014
Libs hate this Colorado restaurant where even the waitresses are packing
In Rifle, Colorado, a restaurant called @ShootersGrill allows servers to carry guns:
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 6, 2014
Check out Guns, God, and Good Eats!
— Shooters Grill (@ShootersGrill) July 2, 2014
In Colorado restaurant, armed waitresses are on the menu @TrevorHughes
— Linda Dono (@LindaDono) July 1, 2014
Liberal douchebag to conservative mom Holly Fisher: 'I would love to let a jackass rape you'
@FilmLadd I'm not surprised he disappeared... How disgusting.
— Alecia Eakin (@aleciaeakin) July 6, 2014
'And they think I'm the ignorant one': Lefty attacks on Holly Fisher sink to new low with photo comparison
@HollyRFisher Look at this idiocy.
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) July 6, 2014
.@JayCaruso it's everywhere. @pzmyers sent it out to his loyal sheep.
— Holly Hobby Lobby (@HollyRFisher) July 6, 2014
@HollyRFisher this "man" @pzmyers a a renowned bigot. I'm not surprised he sees no difference between the USA flag and that of a terrorist.
— John Lewandowski (@lewandowskijohn) July 6, 2014
@HollyRFisher ⬅ Proud American
@pzmyers ⬅ AntiAmerican
Difference: Holly isn't a Terrorist.
Liberals are so stupid.
— Chris Ragan (@ChrisRagan99) July 6, 2014
'Real moms don't demand action, they take it': Holly Fisher supporters tell why #IStandWithHolly
#IStandWithHolly cuz ain't nothin' hotter than a #liberal getting mad :P
— Shaughn (@Shaughn_A) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly b/c she's a strong, smart, conservative woman speaking out to defend what WE love about this country. @HollyRFisher ❤ you!
— AngieSenseiofSass (@Artist_Angie) July 6, 2014
I stood with @HollyRFisher before it was cool to stand with @HollyRFisher!
What am I talking about?!?
It was ALWAYS cool.
— Ellie (@ellietilley) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly for no other reason than seeing "tolerant" morally superior liberals show their true vicious nature.
— Cranky Gordon (@CrankyGordon) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly and all brilliant, brave and beautiful conservative women. 🐰❤️🇺🇸 #tcot
— KillerBunnyFooFoo (@PolitiBunny) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly because in the eyes of liberals, the only thing worse than being a conservative, is being a conservative woman.
— Jalen (@GOPMommy) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly because @HollyRFisher infuriates vulgar, disgusting segments in the Human Democrat Centipede. I LOVE that.
— Yes, Nick Searcy! (@yesnicksearcy) July 6, 2014
. @HollyRFisher Fixed it. #IStandWithHolly
— Alex (@Alex_2nd) July 6, 2014
When I see liberals attack a woman w/a sick baby just because she's conservative, I realize how intolerant they really are. #istandwithholly
— Carla Liberty (@LibertyBelleCJL) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly Because Real Mom's Don't Demand Action, They Take It!
#tcot #2A #NRA
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly because of "tolerant" individuals like this spreading the love 31 followers at a time.
— DoyleFM (@atDoyleFM) July 6, 2014
#IStandWithHolly because she's a terrific human being who stands up for herself and us. Also, she's beautiful.
— Elly Marie (@eli_mari78) July 6, 2014
'Dude get some glasses': Critic says Fox News has 'no use for black folks'
@egunn34 @REALStaceyDash Another Fox critic who has clearly never watched FNC or FBC. And has certainly never seen @RedEyeFNC .
— John Sheridan (@JohnSheridan12) July 6, 2014
@egunn34 @REALStaceyDash Let's see Eddie. You attack someone for having a viewpoint different from yours and you call them shortsighted?
— John Drake (@jmdrake4liberty) July 6, 2014
RT @egunn34: @REALStaceyDash good luck on Fox news, they have no use for Black folks.
J$: Sheesh. A partial gallery…
— johnny dollar (@johnnydollar01) July 7, 2014
@johnnydollar01 @egunn34 @REALStaceyDash
And that picture doesn't have my 2 faves: @cvpayne & @Sherrod_Small
— Fox News Fan (@FNC_Ladies_Rule) July 7, 2014
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