'Shame on you': Donna Brazile's 'false narrative' about Hobby Lobby case called out
. @donnabrazile you know darn well that's not what the Hobby Lobby decision was about. Shame on you. RE https://t.co/QlCbAAgrbk
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) July 10, 2014
.@donnabrazile How is Hobby Lobby denying them health care services?
— Savannah the Bossy (@thesavvy) July 10, 2014
@donnabrazile Setting women back a hundred years making us look helpless. Nice. We can buy our own damn birth control.
— Caroline Pollard (@TexasLighthouse) July 10, 2014
@donnabrazile Why do you continue to promote a false narrative? HL case does not deny women anything. Why lie?
— Kris Kinder (@kris_kinder) July 10, 2014
'Strumming while the world burns': John Kerry's six-string diplomacy
Oh dear. John Kerry's at it again. They're going to break out a football next. #diplomacy pic.twitter.com/gV0YUEOxeo
— Matt Spence (@mattspencedc) July 10, 2014
'Awesome!' James O'Keefe hangs out with Adam Carolla
With Adam Carolla after training students how to go undercover at the first Truth Revolt conference in… http://t.co/cOyjSQ0O8W
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) July 10, 2014
'This hearing is stunning': Amanda Carpenter blasts Dems' effort to 'repeal the First Amendment'
Sen Judiciary Cmte just opened hearing debating Dem bill to repeal the First Amendment. Watch here: http://t.co/L2kTqKfjiQ #1A
— Brian Phillips (@SenLeeComs) July 10, 2014
Remember, the Citizens United decision Democrats want to undo allowed a group of filmmakers to air a movie critical of Hillary Clinton.
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 10, 2014
Citizens United was about the right of filmmakers to be critical of politicians--particularly a Democratic presidential candidate
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 10, 2014
Words I never expected to write: the Senate Judiciary Committee is voting now on amending the Bill of Rights
— JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) July 10, 2014
'WHAT A FREAKIN' LIE'! Reuters, Yahoo busted for bogus headline about Obama at border; Update: Headline changed, still wrong
Yahoo apparently has no idea where the border is. "President Obama visits the border http://t.co/j1pXbkjuwW via @YahooNews "
— KatCara (@Ktcarang) July 10, 2014
President Obama visits the border (Umm this is not the border... this is Denver.) http://t.co/RYv3tP1XJT via @YahooNews
— Matt Rowell (@MattRowell3) July 10, 2014
Great example of how the liberal media works. This headline states that he actually visited the border!... http://t.co/whzpcNYg91
— Rick Campbell (@BMENministry) July 10, 2014
'Idiocrat': Nancy Pelosi's latest lie about Hobby Lobby ruling proof 'she has lost it'
Pelosi on SCOTUS: "we should be afraid about this court...5 men can decide if a woman can use a diaphragm."
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) July 10, 2014
@LukeRussert I'm assuming that one of you corrected her, that SCOTUS did not ban use of diaphragms?
— bkParallax (@bkparallax) July 10, 2014
Same court that upheld Obamacare? RT @CHueyBurnsRCP: Pelosi on HobbyLobby:"We should be afraid of this court."
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 10, 2014
Michael Bloomberg: Colorado Springs is a roadless Third World backwater
Release: Udall Still Silent on Bloomberg’s Offensive Comments http://t.co/kG8wD6LFNq #cosen #copolitics
— Cory Gardner (@CoryGardnerCO) July 10, 2014
Read Michael Bloomberg's arrogant, condescending, and ignorant comment about Colorado http://t.co/KqIUCN8OFe #copolitics
— Bob Beauprez (@bobbeauprez) July 10, 2014
Nanny Bloomberg still licking wounds over Pueblo & El Paso County CO recalls of gun-grabbers #soreloserville ==> http://t.co/tCUmfHW9R6
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 10, 2014
Nickname downgrade suggested after Valerie Jarrett calls Obama 'the bear'
"I'm not really interested in photo ops." https://t.co/OUCYoRWFxJ
— RB (@RBPundit) July 10, 2014
Nailed It. #TheBearIsLoose RT @tweedylouwho: @CuffyMeh @vj44 dear Lord. it's like when george costanza wanted to be called t-bone.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) July 10, 2014
Whatever, T-Bone. RT @WhiteHouse: At 1:15 ET, President Obama speaks in Austin, Texas on expanding opportunity for more Americans
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) July 10, 2014
Stop trying to make #TheBearIsLoose happen. It's not going to happen. #PutinEnvy MT @vj44 I guess bears drink coffee too.
— Angela Nelson (@angelaisms) July 10, 2014
Roseanne Barr needs a private moment with Rosie O'Donnell
@Rosie dm
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 9, 2014
'Help American veterans first!': Ken Wahl calls for V.A. surge
There would BE no America for Illegal Immigrants to come to, if it weren't for Our Heroic Veterans! HELP AMERICAN VETERANS FIRST!! #VASURGE
— Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) July 10, 2014
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