James Woods: Obamacare is about 'thinning the herd'
Pretty reprehensible, but given that the elderly are more conservative, it makes sense in an Obama kind of way... pic.twitter.com/lGOCgsuggu
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 24, 2014
#ObamaCare is in no small part about "thinning the herd." Siphon in the Democrat larvae through Obama's porous borders and neglect elderly.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 24, 2014
'Romney predicted this': Time Magazine cover sparks mockery of Obama's mockery
The 80s called... RT @charlescwcooke: Zing your way out of this, Barack. pic.twitter.com/8UqJjZlrQw
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) July 24, 2014
Meme, updated. @lachlan @charlescwcooke pic.twitter.com/5hQ5t2HJdy
— Americandor (@Americandor) July 24, 2014
'#TeamIsrael': 10 celebs using social media to stand with Israel
These days are so difficult to bare. Brave young men who have protected our country from terror. My… http://t.co/vE2ljYxz0l
— Bar Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) July 23, 2014
War is never romantic, but war is necessary! War is necessary to defeat evil! Evil has no reason, evil… http://t.co/bIgimB3U26
— Shyne Po (@OriginalShyne) July 18, 2014
#ObamaActNow: Rep. Jeff Duncan tweets POTUS 21 ways to secure the border
Tweeting some of the things @BarackObama could do right now to solve the border crisis using #ObamaActNow. Time to act Mr. President.
— Rep. Jeff Duncan (@RepJeffDuncan) July 23, 2014
Salon.com parody account free at last, tweets hard lessons from Twitter jail
Why parody accounts should come with trigger warnings
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
Letter from a Tweetingham Jail: “I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all.’" pic.twitter.com/mXTJrB3Wid
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
How my time in Twitter jail prepared me for my polyamorous lifestyle
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
By the way, the new and improved Twitter bio from @salondotcom is a thing of beauty.
— Popehat (@Popehat) July 24, 2014
Michelle Obama on political influence: 'Write the biggest, fattest check' you can
RIP "Small Donor Revolution" MT @natashakorecki: Michelle Obama tells donors to "write the biggest, fattest check" http://t.co/1DSojy1Ywy”
— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) July 25, 2014
@natashakorecki @karenhanretty Democrats are only against money in politics when the other side is writing the checks.
— Alliance Bean (@NerkBuckeye) July 25, 2014
Obamacare architect admits in 2012 that subsidies were limited to state-run exchanges
President Obama is going to be mad as hell whenever he finally hears about this on the news: http://t.co/Nh0pqvtbJW
— John Sexton (@verumserum) July 25, 2014
CLIPPED for convenience, @mfcannon @jadler1969 @nicholas_bagley http://t.co/xdhf6fmobL
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) July 25, 2014
This video is particularly embarrassingly for the pundits/reporters that claimed it was just a typo/drafting error: http://t.co/6060bjYxSZ
— AG (@AG_Conservative) July 25, 2014
The Great Liberal Forgetting of Jonathan Gruber begins ... NOW.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 25, 2014
'You poor dear': Rep. Jan Schakowsky's '#LiveTheWage' menu not particularly horrifying
Is this supposed to bad or something? RT @janschakowsky My #LiveTheWage menu for the week. pic.twitter.com/ZSk7W8bmUS
— RB (@RBPundit) July 24, 2014
What does @janschakowsky eat normally? Geebus.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 24, 2014
Dopey @janschakowsky: Look at how horrible this menu is! Normal people: Um, looks good and now I'm kinda hungry for some chicken.
— DrewMTips (@DrewMTips) July 24, 2014
"My peasant egg salad was served to me promptly at noon by Jesus, our Guatemalan houseboy" - @janschakowsky , probably #LiveTheWage
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) July 24, 2014
I honestly think @janschakowsky has no idea that 95% of Americans eat what's on her menu all the time.
— Pinkie (@libertychick80) July 24, 2014
'It's an adventure'! Michelle Malkin and friends coach Jan Schakowsky through her ramen crisis
This is my pantry. It is not an internatl human rights crime to eat cheap Ramen. #LiveTheWage @janschakowsky pic.twitter.com/sR5wRfmcSb
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 24, 2014
I love it. Keep sending your favorite Ramen recipes to @janschakowsky to help alleviate her #livethewage suffering. http://t.co/qXuEs32X0d
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 24, 2014
'Live Jan Schakowsky's wage for a week': Elitism inspires snark-fest
Lol regular Americans have taken over the #LiveTheWage hashtag because of @janschakowsky's insulting "poverty menu"
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 24, 2014
My #LiveTheWage menu for the week. pic.twitter.com/nwz0wZwd4c
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) July 24, 2014
@CuffyMeh i've been licking the dew off the grass in the morning.
— texas tweedy (@tweedylouwho) July 24, 2014
#LiveTheWage pic.twitter.com/FTj6LHr3F5
— Matthew (@Matthops82) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 :'( he couldn't afford water, so he had to drink his own tears.
— Ian Hanchett (@IanHanchett) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 @angelaisms When you're done you can lick the cupcake pictures for dessert.
— MTiller (@LadaMokusa) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 I'll give you a gallon of milk and 3 Kool-aid packets for that painting.
— youhangitwebangit (@goingdeeep) July 24, 2014
"No duck, no shrimp, and no sorbet between courses. This isn't the America I grew up in." -- Rep. Schakowsky #LiveTheWage
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) July 24, 2014
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