Weiner's sexting partner proposes her 'orgasmic' 2016 ticket
If I could see a ticket with Elizabeth Warren & Alan Grayson ALL of my orgasms would come at once.
β Sydney Leathers (@sydneyelainexo) July 16, 2014
People get so angry that I have opinions. Yeah, I'm a woman, I have sex, AND I'm well informed! Sorry if that scares you. ππ
β Sydney Leathers (@sydneyelainexo) July 16, 2014
If your hero was Andrew Breitbart, why aren't you worshipping me?
β Sydney Leathers (@sydneyelainexo) July 16, 2014
Just because your opinion is different than mine doesn't make any of my views less valid. Your world view is tiny & skewed.
β Sydney Leathers (@sydneyelainexo) July 16, 2014
Lettuce bikini-clad Courtney Stodden 'would love to make Barack Obama vegan'
Courtney Stodden is on the Hill in a lettuce bikini ... I'm on the case!
β BuzzFeed Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2014
Serious DC press pool chasing down @CourtneyStodden in a lettuce bikini outside Rayburn House building. pic.twitter.com/Zs62j95RW7
β Judy Kurtz (@JudyKurtz) July 16, 2014
Happening outside your Federal Government right now pic.twitter.com/UiBQtubrml
β BuzzFeed Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2014
This will be a productive interview! pic.twitter.com/TEa50ndR6E
β BuzzFeed Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2014
OMG Capitol Police vs. Courtney Stodden. Best.Day.Ever. pic.twitter.com/vr5nHIwobX
β BuzzFeed Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 16, 2014
'Wow': Darrell Issa accuses former Labor Secretary Solis of 'illegally soliciting funds' for Obama's re-election
At the hearing, @GOPoversight released an audio recording of US Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis illegally soliciting funds for Obama campaign
β Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) July 16, 2014
Solis' solicitation of funds for re-elect campaign is a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits political activity on official time.
β Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) July 16, 2014
Listen to then-US Labor Secretary Hilda Solis: https://t.co/CIjwGp52Sf
β Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) July 16, 2014
Full press release with transcript of Solis illegally soliciting funds for Pres Obama's re-election campaign here: http://t.co/uvaLqe1f6I
β Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) July 16, 2014
Perfect: Iowahawk finds a 'great place to send all those unfortunate border kids'
Hey, here's a great place to send all those unfortunate border kids: Nancy Pelosi's private vacation resort in Napa pic.twitter.com/kMVNYwynIf
β David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 16, 2014
@iowahawkblog Well, she DID say she wanted to take them all home! Let's make her dreams come true!
β Carolina Girl (@Carolina_Girl3) July 16, 2014
'Liars'! AP shames itself with 'terribly biased headline' on Senate birth control vote
BREAKING: Senate Republicans block bill to restore free contraception under health care law.
β The Associated Press (@AP) July 16, 2014
So we've moved from bias to outright deception now. https://t.co/nOv9mZTM1Q Well played, @AP
β Slublog (@Slublog) July 16, 2014
AP wasn't hacked; they are hacks. https://t.co/YoKxlZMG33
β Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) July 16, 2014
Dear @AP, here's the correct headline: "Senate Republicans block attempt to gut Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed by Bill Clinton."
β RB (@RBPundit) July 16, 2014
'This country blows'! AP's deceptive headline leads to widespread liberal freakout
Read the responses to this tweet.. Then weep for humanity https://t.co/pH4KaD7gSt #PrayForSMOD
β S.M (@redsteeze) July 16, 2014
This lie has been told often enough that people believe it, and you can lose swing voters over it bc they are misinformed. Fix it.
β Brittany Cover (@bccover) July 16, 2014
'How do you even sleep?' Valerie Jarrett spews 'insane' birth control bullcrap
Senate GOP thinks a womanβs boss should decide if she can have birth control. Arenβt they a day early for #TBT? #Not1914 #NotMyBossBusiness
β Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) July 16, 2014
.@vj44 STFU you liar. There isn't one ounce of truth in what you just wrote. What a vile creature you are. #StopLyingVaJayJay #Psychopath
β Michelle (@PhonyScandal) July 16, 2014
@vj44 You're such a liar.
β elizabeth the bossy (@UMfangirl) July 16, 2014
@vj44 You are a special kind of evil. Patently false statement. An employer has no such power & never will. @charlescwcooke
β laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) July 16, 2014
Va-lie-rie Jarrett RT @RBPundit: Dear @vj44, STOP. LYING. Just once. https://t.co/xJFt8WdIyB
β Kate (@misskathrynhyde) July 16, 2014
.@vj44 Oh, yeah. Cause without government mandates, I'm not going to be able to have birth control! I'm a woman. HELP ME GVT.
β Julie Borowski (@JulieBorowski) July 16, 2014
'This guy is America's chief diplomat?' Bobby Jindal blasts John Kerry for what makes him 'uptight'
So I guess I make John Kerry βa little uptightβ because I think America is an exceptional country. http://t.co/kEGTvuH3Tw
β Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) July 16, 2014
This guy is America's Chief Diplomat? Shameful. http://t.co/kEGTvuH3Tw
β Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) July 16, 2014
This Administrationβs naΓ―ve Foreign Policy mindset is starting to make sense. http://t.co/kEGTvuH3Tw
β Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) July 16, 2014
'Flacktivists': Democrats still promoting 'rapid response' propaganda initiative
@TheDemocrats Insanity: 8 yrs of @BarackObama
β Robert Colebank (@RCtrainalbans) July 16, 2014
We know who Harry Reid is. MT @TheDemocrats Someone remind the GOP of the definition of insanity
β Miss B (@robinbmurphy) July 16, 2014
FIFY RT @TheDemocrats Someone remind the GOP of the definition of insanity: pic.twitter.com/Q5gE7KHpv8
β Carla Liberty (@LibertyBelleCJL) July 16, 2014
mt β@TheDemocrats: Someone remind the GOP of the definition of insanity: β pic.twitter.com/UAcrgjzP7B
β Casey Kim (@caseykim12) July 16, 2014
EVERYBODY is reading Katie Pavlich's new book
On Jasper's reading list - Assault and Flattery by @Katie Pavlich pic.twitter.com/N4BNBnu3Kv
β Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) July 17, 2014
@DanaPerino @KatiePavlich @katie GOOD DOG!
β Wendy (@autodog5150) July 17, 2014
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