Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Thursday, July 31, 2014
In this week's EWTN The World Over, Raymond Arroyo reviews the headline news of the week, plus: Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Congressman from Nebraska's 1st District, joins Raymond to discuss the crisis on the U.S. border, the ongoing violence in Gaza, and his recently introduced House Resolution to shield Iraqi Christians and religious minorities from attacks from Islamic State terrorists. Raymond also speaks with Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author of Life, Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes, and Autism, about his son Owen's autism and the role that Disney film characters played in reconnecting with Owen and understanding his condition. Plus, Raymond presents an encore of his exclusive interview with Cardinal Luis Tagle, archbishop of Manila, on his life and ministry and his work in Rome as one of the three president-delegates at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family being held at the Vatican in October.
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Resolution introduced to protect persecuted Christians in Iraq
Christians a fundamental part of Iraq, ambassador observes
Obama's "Religious freedom" nominee's record prompts worry
Europe's High Court Needs to Air Mail Ruth Bader Ginsburg a Giant Eraser. Here's Why...
The Secret Lives of "Blobs of Tissue"
Abortion's Grim Reality May Explain 'Pro-Choice' Label Drop
The Great War and Pope Benedict XV
How Not to Run an Experiment
"I Like Having Lots of Siblings Because…"
Expecting the Unexpected in the NFL
Friday, July 25, 2014
Congress Seeks to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terror Group
Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. Infrastructure for Digital 9/11
Hamas's Absurd War against Israel
Moral clarity: U.N. 'Human Rights' Council votes 29-1 to investigate Israel's "war crimes"
Casualties in Perspective
The Birth of Modern Conservatism
Are Climate 'Denialists' The Most Educated People In The World?
For GOP, a Good Crop of Senate Candidates
George Patton's Summer of 1944
'Stamp Them Out': On Josh Barro and the New Eliminationist Sexual Moralism
James Woods: Obamacare is about 'thinning the herd'
Pretty reprehensible, but given that the elderly are more conservative, it makes sense in an Obama kind of way... pic.twitter.com/lGOCgsuggu
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 24, 2014
#ObamaCare is in no small part about "thinning the herd." Siphon in the Democrat larvae through Obama's porous borders and neglect elderly.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 24, 2014
'Romney predicted this': Time Magazine cover sparks mockery of Obama's mockery
The 80s called... RT @charlescwcooke: Zing your way out of this, Barack. pic.twitter.com/8UqJjZlrQw
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) July 24, 2014
Meme, updated. @lachlan @charlescwcooke pic.twitter.com/5hQ5t2HJdy
— Americandor (@Americandor) July 24, 2014
'#TeamIsrael': 10 celebs using social media to stand with Israel
These days are so difficult to bare. Brave young men who have protected our country from terror. My… http://t.co/vE2ljYxz0l
— Bar Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) July 23, 2014
War is never romantic, but war is necessary! War is necessary to defeat evil! Evil has no reason, evil… http://t.co/bIgimB3U26
— Shyne Po (@OriginalShyne) July 18, 2014
#ObamaActNow: Rep. Jeff Duncan tweets POTUS 21 ways to secure the border
Tweeting some of the things @BarackObama could do right now to solve the border crisis using #ObamaActNow. Time to act Mr. President.
— Rep. Jeff Duncan (@RepJeffDuncan) July 23, 2014
Salon.com parody account free at last, tweets hard lessons from Twitter jail
Why parody accounts should come with trigger warnings
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
Letter from a Tweetingham Jail: “I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all.’" pic.twitter.com/mXTJrB3Wid
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
How my time in Twitter jail prepared me for my polyamorous lifestyle
— Salon Parodics (@Salondotcom) July 24, 2014
By the way, the new and improved Twitter bio from @salondotcom is a thing of beauty.
— Popehat (@Popehat) July 24, 2014
Michelle Obama on political influence: 'Write the biggest, fattest check' you can
RIP "Small Donor Revolution" MT @natashakorecki: Michelle Obama tells donors to "write the biggest, fattest check" http://t.co/1DSojy1Ywy”
— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) July 25, 2014
@natashakorecki @karenhanretty Democrats are only against money in politics when the other side is writing the checks.
— Alliance Bean (@NerkBuckeye) July 25, 2014
Obamacare architect admits in 2012 that subsidies were limited to state-run exchanges
President Obama is going to be mad as hell whenever he finally hears about this on the news: http://t.co/Nh0pqvtbJW
— John Sexton (@verumserum) July 25, 2014
CLIPPED for convenience, @mfcannon @jadler1969 @nicholas_bagley http://t.co/xdhf6fmobL
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) July 25, 2014
This video is particularly embarrassingly for the pundits/reporters that claimed it was just a typo/drafting error: http://t.co/6060bjYxSZ
— AG (@AG_Conservative) July 25, 2014
The Great Liberal Forgetting of Jonathan Gruber begins ... NOW.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 25, 2014
'You poor dear': Rep. Jan Schakowsky's '#LiveTheWage' menu not particularly horrifying
Is this supposed to bad or something? RT @janschakowsky My #LiveTheWage menu for the week. pic.twitter.com/ZSk7W8bmUS
— RB (@RBPundit) July 24, 2014
What does @janschakowsky eat normally? Geebus.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 24, 2014
Dopey @janschakowsky: Look at how horrible this menu is! Normal people: Um, looks good and now I'm kinda hungry for some chicken.
— DrewMTips (@DrewMTips) July 24, 2014
"My peasant egg salad was served to me promptly at noon by Jesus, our Guatemalan houseboy" - @janschakowsky , probably #LiveTheWage
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) July 24, 2014
I honestly think @janschakowsky has no idea that 95% of Americans eat what's on her menu all the time.
— Pinkie (@libertychick80) July 24, 2014
'It's an adventure'! Michelle Malkin and friends coach Jan Schakowsky through her ramen crisis
This is my pantry. It is not an internatl human rights crime to eat cheap Ramen. #LiveTheWage @janschakowsky pic.twitter.com/sR5wRfmcSb
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 24, 2014
I love it. Keep sending your favorite Ramen recipes to @janschakowsky to help alleviate her #livethewage suffering. http://t.co/qXuEs32X0d
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 24, 2014
'Live Jan Schakowsky's wage for a week': Elitism inspires snark-fest
Lol regular Americans have taken over the #LiveTheWage hashtag because of @janschakowsky's insulting "poverty menu"
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) July 24, 2014
My #LiveTheWage menu for the week. pic.twitter.com/nwz0wZwd4c
— CuffĂ© (@CuffyMeh) July 24, 2014
@CuffyMeh i've been licking the dew off the grass in the morning.
— texas tweedy (@tweedylouwho) July 24, 2014
#LiveTheWage pic.twitter.com/FTj6LHr3F5
— Matthew (@Matthops82) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 :'( he couldn't afford water, so he had to drink his own tears.
— Ian Hanchett (@IanHanchett) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 @angelaisms When you're done you can lick the cupcake pictures for dessert.
— MTiller (@LadaMokusa) July 24, 2014
@Matthops82 I'll give you a gallon of milk and 3 Kool-aid packets for that painting.
— youhangitwebangit (@goingdeeep) July 24, 2014
"No duck, no shrimp, and no sorbet between courses. This isn't the America I grew up in." -- Rep. Schakowsky #LiveTheWage
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) July 24, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
In this week's EWTN The World Over, Raymond Arroyo reviews the headline news of the week, plus: Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom and Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, founder of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, join Raymond to talk about the genocide of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq. Plus, Elaine Stritch, legendary Broadway, TV and film actress, passed away on July 17. In this never-seen-before interview conducted in 2012 she talks with Raymond about her life and career and how her Catholic upbringing helped get her to Broadway. And Erwin McManus, author of The Artisan Soul, discusses the relationship between spirituality and creativity and his belief that we are all artists when it comes to shaping our own lives.
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Iraq's Christians: Robbed, Abandoned and Desperate to Survive
Iraqi abbot calls for action to ensure local Christians' future
Free from ordeal in Sudan, woman condemned for apostasy meets Pope Francis
Obama administration says it plans opt-out alternative on mandate
CUA Prof Defends Religious Freedom in Court and Class
EWTN to Plant a West Coast Studio in the O.C.
Soaring student debt sparks response from Catholic colleges
Evensong and Icons: Exploring My Faith as an Oxford Student
Dating in a Throwaway Culture
Be Counter-cultural!
Report: French Jews Mass Immigrate to Israel to Escape Persecution
ObamaCare's Murky Future
No, Halbig Did Not Gut ObamaCare Because Of A "Drafting Error"
White House giving up fight over ObamaCare's contraception mandate?
Chasing Hillary
The Left's dark money managers: Meet Philip Gara LaMarche
Terrorism is a Tactic and It Must Be Defeated
Rising Prices And Stagnant Wages Are Real
Planned Parenthood: Hey Girls, You Should Experiment with Getting 'Spanked, Whipped, or Hit'
The Psychopathology of Sandra Fluke's All-American Totalitarian Vagina
Reports: Two Ukrainian fighter jets shot down
Breaking: Two Ukrainian military fighter jets have been shot down in the east, according to the country's Defense Ministry - Reuters
— Norah O'Donnell (@NorahODonnell) July 23, 2014
2 fighter jets reportedly down in Ukraine - breaking news at 9 am @AmericaNewsroom
— martha maccallum (@marthamaccallum) July 23, 2014
'Illuminati'? Are these Obama's most absurdly 'naive' statements yet? (Surely contenders)
Obama on the new global disorder: 'part of people’s concern is just the sense that around the world the old order isn’t holding and... [1/3]
— Mary Kissel (@marykissel) July 23, 2014
'...we’re not quite yet to where we need to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles...' [2/3]
— Mary Kissel (@marykissel) July 23, 2014
'...that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that work for all people.' [3/3]
— Mary Kissel (@marykissel) July 23, 2014
So there you have it: Obama believes US-led world order is a thing of the past, we must adapt to 'new order,' believe in 'common humanity.'
— Mary Kissel (@marykissel) July 23, 2014
"We're not quite yet where we need to be."
-- Captain, RMS Titanic
— FNA_Right (@FNA_Right) July 23, 2014
These responses to Harry Reid's latest idiocy will make you snicker
MT @SenatorReid: It's unfair when companies reincorporate overseas to avoid their fair share of U.S. taxes. pic.twitter.com/vy67JBFEW4
— S.M (@redsteeze) July 23, 2014
FIFY: It's unfair when Dems support business killing policies (#obamacare, ect.) & force companies to reincorporate over seas.@SenatorReid
— AngieSenseiofSass (@Artist_Angie) July 23, 2014
@SenatorReid It's unfair when elected officials take advantage of tax deductions they themselves passed.
— WilliamTeach (@WilliamTeach) July 23, 2014
'Isn't putting up with any of Koskinen's BS': Trey Gowdy grills IRS chief at House hearing
Trey Gowdy vs IRS Comm Koskinen today. Let me pray I never have to face that man. #LiveAssKicking http://t.co/e9RKr0Eata
— Sugarcane (@5ugarcane) July 23, 2014
'Pathetic': Katie Pavlich, others blast Dem efforts to 'turn the IRS into the victim' at hearing
Koskinen calls gathering of emails in question for targeting of conservative groups a "significant distraction" #IRS
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 23, 2014
Dem Rep. Kelly wants to know how tough this whole investigation has been....on IRS employees. Wow. "Negative morale" #IRS
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 23, 2014
Democrats are actually trying to turn the IRS into the victim here with this hearing. This is amazing. #IRS
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 23, 2014
@KatiePavlich something all of America can agree on is the IRS has never been the victim of anything
— Jess (@jesie_ann) July 23, 2014
@KatiePavlich If the #IRS had done this under a GOP Pres, the Dems would be outside their door like the mob in an old Frankenstein movie
— Todd H (@Todd_H_225) July 23, 2014
'Put some ice on that': Matt Yglesias' observation about pay and performance triggers snark
So do "business bloggers" for Slate and EIC's at Vox. RT @mattyglesias CEOs get paid a ton regardless of job performance:
— RB (@RBPundit) July 23, 2014
Put some ice on that before it starts swelling, Matt. @RBPundit @sistertoldjah @mattyglesias
— Ride It Down (@Beer__Wolf) July 23, 2014
So does Obama. RT @mattyglesias CEOs get paid a ton regardless of job performance
— Miss B (@robinbmurphy) July 23, 2014
And the Senate! RT @robinbmurphy: So does Obama. RT @mattyglesias CEOs get paid a ton regardless of job performance
— Bette Loukakis (@wikiworf) July 23, 2014
'Hacky and stupid': Politico's Blake Hounshell distracts after Dem senator accused of plagiarism
Remember that time plagiarism accusations ruined Rand Paul's career?
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) July 23, 2014
@blakehounshell Quoting the NYT regarding Rand Paul: "Mr. Walsh appears to have gone considerably further."
— R.D. Walker (@therealrevo) July 23, 2014
the media can't tell me that it even tries to keep partisan bias out of their reportage when @blakehounshell's first impulse is to...
— Vox's Research Dept. (@AceofSpadesHQ) July 23, 2014
...post an extremely hacky and stupid "YOU DID IT TOO!!!" tweet that would be considered juvenile even at Democratic Underground.
— Vox's Research Dept. (@AceofSpadesHQ) July 23, 2014
Amanda Carpenter wants answers on FAA banning flights to Israel
AIPAC says FAA "decision appears overly harsh and excessive."
Because local armed conflicts would never bring down a passenger jet?
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 23, 2014
@jaketapper Flights are still going to all kinds of dangerous places. Makes sense to ask how/why the decision was made.
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 23, 2014
@JakeTapper What was the FAA’s analysis that led to prohibiting flights to Israel, while still permitting flights to Ukraine?
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 23, 2014
@amandacarpenter I suspect something to do with a rocket landing within a mile of the airport, but please share your alternative theory
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 23, 2014
@jaketapper Rockets have been fired for days. The ban is highly unusual. The FAA should justify why it is banning the flights.
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 23, 2014
@amandacarpenter I'm curious what you think is REALLY going on here
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 23, 2014
@jaketapper facts suggest an economic boycott of Israel as an attempt to get the nation to comply with Obama Admin foreign policy demands
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) July 23, 2014
How many foreign nationals contributed to Obama's campaign?
.@patricenatalie Nice to know. Is there a way for me to influence your elections in Canada to fit my worldview? Thanks. @Mistressnancy
— JJ (@Diddley_Squat) July 23, 2014
Supreme court is clear on this: foreigners can’t make contributions to US campaigns http://t.co/EnK4yWZjw6 @Diddley_Squat @patricenatalie
— Mistressnancy (@Mistressnancy) July 23, 2014
*returns to my wine and chicken nuggets while americans are in my mentions*
— pat | #NED (@patricenatalie) July 23, 2014
Obama motorcade stops woman in labor from crossing street to hospital
#Obama: Woman in labor on bench as motorcade passes; not allowed to cross street to get to #CedarsSinai. http://t.co/tv9N0hoccY
— Robert Kovacik (@RobertNBCLA) July 24, 2014
NBC reporter here to cover woman in labor, can't get across street! #ObamaBabyWatch pic.twitter.com/6BEEJ5HwUW
— Carrie Clifford (@CarrieClifford) July 23, 2014
@RobertNBCLA @NBCLA The King had a party to get to. Can't keep Hollywood waiting.
— John Conrad Hauser (@HauserConrad) July 24, 2014
@RobertNBCLA After all, King Obama is on a much more important quest....FUND RAISING! #babywillwait
— MP (@Mike92882) July 24, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Expulsion of Christians a 'crime against humanity,' Mosul bishop says
Radical Muslims Invade Monastery, Steal 'Everything' From Iraqi Christians
Islam's Religious Exemption From Criticism
Bishops Slam "Unprecedented and Extreme" Attack on Religious Freedom
Papal Astronomer: Real Science Is Not the Realm of Atheists or Egoists
New word of terror for the Left: Family…
Pornography recovery program helps 'fight the new drug'
NFP Saved My Life and My Marriage
'Desire of the Everlasting Hills' Provides Potent Witness to Truth of Catholic Teaching
Recovering an Enchanted World
Jim and Greg rip European leaders for concluding there's nothing they can do to Putin, rip the FAA decision to suspend flights into Tel Aviv, and slam Obama for pretending like everything's just fine.
Will Obama Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory Over Hamas?
Ted Cruz: 'Political' Flight Ban Is 'Economic Boycott' of Israel
Putin signals total disregard for the West as rebels take down two more Ukrainian planes
Will Obama Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory Over Hamas?
But there is a big positive in the equation. As part of the Brotherhood and the global jihad, Hamas is also more isolated than it has ever been. As those of us opposed to U.S. intervention in Syria have contended, by not interrupting our enemies while they were squaring off against each other, we'd see their relations rupture. That is exactly what has happened.
As Judge Mukasey observes, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah – respectively, Hamas's former principal patron, safe-haven, and jihadist ally – turned on Hamas once it threw its lot in with the Syrian regime's enemies: the Muslim Brotherhood-Sunni supremacist axis of Morsi's Egypt, Erdogan's Turkey, and Qatar (headquarters of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi). Hamas's gamble came up snake-eyes when the Brotherhood was ousted in Egypt. And a bonus: so badly had the Brotherhood soured relations with its former Gulf patrons in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that these nervous Sunni regimes not only firmly back the new Egyptian government but are quietly pulling for Israel to quell Hamas.
So for allies, Hamas is down to Erdogan's sharia state, whose ties to the Brotherhood and violent jihadists I outlined in Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy; and Qatar, which, besides Hamas, backs the al-Qaeda offshoots ISIS and al-Nusra, among others.
Meaning that, right now, there is a tremendous opportunity to demolish Hamas. Doing so is the only chance of breaking the Palestinian jihadist will, paving the way for the three obvious Palestinian concessions needed for peace: accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, renounce terrorism (or "resistance"), and abandon the nonsensical "right of return" demand. If you really want a two-state solution, there is only one way to get it: the jihad has to be utterly defeated. So let Israel win - and why do we keep having to remind everyone that this just means siding with our actual ally, the only real democracy in the region? - and begin negotiations from that clean slate. The worst thing that could happen right now is a ceasefire that enables Hamas to regroup before Israel has destroyed what we now know is its prodigious terrorist arsenal and infrastructure.
But when it comes to American relations with our Israeli allies and our Islamic-supremacist enemies, you can always rely on Obama to do the wrong thing...Also read:
Ted Cruz: 'Political' Flight Ban Is 'Economic Boycott' of Israel
Putin signals total disregard for the West as rebels take down two more Ukrainian planes
Airlines Indefinitely Suspend Service to Tel Aviv After Hamas Rocket Lands Near Airport
Analysis: Halbig v. Burwell is a blow to ObamaCare, but issue is far from settled
The Goal of Immigration 'Reform': Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class
American Families Are Right To Be Worried About Inflation
Obama's Islamist Spring Leads to Christian Winter in the Middle East
The Odds of a GOP Wave Are Increasing
Elizabeth Warren Is Overrated
Setting the Record Straight on Jim Crow
Ways and Means Committee: We've learned that Lois Lerner's hard drive was scratched...but data was recoverable
Why America is duty bound to help Iraqi Christians
'WILL THIS HOAX EVER END?' Check out the transparency of Obama's Apollo 11 photo op
Today at the WH: Pres Obama marks 45th anniversary of Apollo 11 moon landing meeting with former astronauts Buzz Aldrin & Mike Collins.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 22, 2014
WH restricting Apollo 11 photo op with POTUS to still photos only: no reporters. No TV camera.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 22, 2014
Fed up! Obama snubs reporters again, press not pleased; Major Garrett spanks
.@jonkarl notes White House limits access to Apollo 11 after Neil Armstrong was critical of POTUS. Earnest: Nothing to do with it.
— Chris Johnson (@chrisjohnson82) July 22, 2014
Watch the back and forth btwn @MajorCBS, @jonkarl and @PressSec over press access to Obama meeting astronauts http://t.co/SI2ys0bBMA
— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) July 22, 2014
'Baby's face says it all': Rep. Kristi Noem glimpses a future taxpayer
This baby's face says it all... pic.twitter.com/hTcVW6cKuY
— Rep. Kristi Noem (@RepKristiNoem) July 22, 2014
Is there a National Medal of Bundling? Jeffrey Katzenberg to get big award from Obama
Obama to give his #1 bundler a prestigious award because #YOPO https://t.co/TS2iHmHaKa
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) July 22, 2014
'Shining' asshattery: Sneering border 'expert' Stephen King takes a stand against Christians
Much easier to be a Christian when the little children aren't in your back yard, isn't it?
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) July 22, 2014
I see @StephenKing knows as much about foreign relations and border security as he does about the Constitution. #Nothing
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) July 22, 2014
How many have you taken in, @StephenKing? Do you lock your doors at night? WHAT IF SOMEBODY NEEDS SOMETHING, RACIST? https://t.co/qrMumnhymB
— Yes, Nick Searcy! (@yesnicksearcy) July 22, 2014
Here we see @StephenKing’s gated home in MAINE where he deals with all sorts illegal children in the back yard. pic.twitter.com/UtZWDolNto
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 22, 2014
'All hail moral equivalency'! Sally Kohn asks 'moronic' question about Hamas, Israel
How can same people who believe Hamas violence justifies Israeli violence then disagree that Israeli violence justifies Hamas violence?
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) July 22, 2014
.@sallykohn perhaps because those people reject utterly false moral equivalencies.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 22, 2014
.@sallykohn and perhaps because lumping all "violence" together without attempting to draw meaningful moral distinctions is moronic?
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 22, 2014
.@guypbenson and drawing distinctions between "good" violence vs "bad" violence is morally righteous!!??? Not according to my faith...
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) July 22, 2014
.@sallykohn Really? So the 'violence' of, say, fighting off a rapist is morally indiscernable from the rapist's actions?
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 22, 2014
@sallykohn right. Every side of every war is just reacting. No one ever starts anything or is wrong. All hail moral equivalency.
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) July 22, 2014
Moral equivalency is the last refuge of those who picked the wrong side in a war.
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) July 22, 2014
Comedy gold: Iowahawk wants to be Obama's wacky neighbor
Shut up and take my money MT @iowahawkblog: Thinking about a Kickstarter to buy a house to be the Obamas' wacky next door neighbor.
— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin) July 23, 2014
In the next episode of That Darn President, Barry's golf game is interrupted when Dave invites Mexico over for tequila shots #hilarityensues
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 23, 2014
That Darn President, episode 103: it's laughs ahoy as Dave and Barry drop X at the Coachella Festival
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 23, 2014
That Darn President episode 104: Barry and Dave team up to repel undead Sinatra and his Zombie Rat Pack Apocalypse
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 23, 2014
As wacky next door neighbor, I will of course need a pool full of bikini go-go girls in bouffants. #takingapplications
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 23, 2014
Thomas the Tank Engine is racist
How miserable do you have to be to see the world like this? http://t.co/ISIJND3mmP
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) July 23, 2014
#WeWillNotConform: Glenn Beck's live theater event takes on Common Core
Tweet me photos from your theater & I will RT and follow! #wewillnotcomform #StopCommonCore
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 23, 2014
'NOW I CANNOT UNCRINGE MYSELF': Hillary music video is a 'sad crime'
@vncnt_csmr @iowahawkblog "Comments are disabled for this video." Wonder why.
— Diana Morrison (@GrandmaD62) July 22, 2014
@vncnt_csmr @iowahawkblog it's fresh, it's hip, it's new, I really dig the groovy dancing
— Harold Tessler (@thetessler) July 22, 2014
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