On motorcycle tour, Scott Walker takes presidential campaign back to basics | http://t.co/6Jz8s0E5m3 http://t.co/EjNyu3WQq9
— Rick Wiley (@rick_wiley) September 9, 2015
“to come to a diner w/ his gloves & his Harley, it just shows how down to earth he is...how much he respects people" http://t.co/nkK7CcxA71
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 9, 2015
I delivered on my promises in WI and on #DayOne, I’m ready to deliver on my promises to America. My promises --> http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5 -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Late summer is about building the machinery of a campaign. Always has been. That's the metric to watch.
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
The campaigns that are building quality organizations in key states like Iowa, SC, VA etc are the ones to watch.
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
Likewise, candidates with proven records of accomplishment are the ones to look at. The record tells you what you need to know.
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
How does a candidate handle opposition? How and where do they compromise? Can they enact their agendas?
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
Talk and speeches are useless, as current POTUS proves. Tale of the tape is a candidate's record.
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
Everything you need to know about a candidate is in their record. Can they accomplish conservative policies? Can they beat Dems?
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) September 9, 2015
The American people are tired of listening to politicians talk. Here's what Walker will do --> http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5 pic.twitter.com/AU1vdYpE3D
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
.@ScottWalker Harley ride through NH took him through Eaton—becoming 2nd pres candidate ever to visit http://t.co/2SedSZjKsa #FITN #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 9, 2015
Here's a real proven #Conservative record:
√ Cut taxes every year
√ Protect unborn after 5 months
√ Voter ID law
√ Took on WI unions & won
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
— Wells Griffith (@WellsGriffith) September 9, 2015
"Offering something different" isn't electing an establishment name from the past, it's wreaking havoc in Washington & draining the swamp.
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
"Anyone can talk" but I'm still delivering for WI families.
1). Protect unborn after 5 months
2). Signed 3 budgets for $4.7B tax cuts
- SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
.@ScottWalker launches new website detailing action he would take as president on #DayOne --> http://t.co/NUyRNGJGMD
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 9, 2015
Read my #DayOne promises to wreak havoc on Washington and drain the DC swamp: http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5 Sign on if you stand with me. -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Reporter for @UsaToday @Gannett covers Scott Walker despite trying to recall him #mediabias http://t.co/eFFnCPmtff #pjnet #WakeUpAmerica
— Matt Batzel (@MattBatzel) September 9, 2015
I hope you will join me at the @teenchallengewi banquet on October 9. For more details, see http://t.co/zlvtflclYw pic.twitter.com/H1wH0kpyR6
— FLTonetteWalker (@FLTonetteWalker) September 9, 2015
USA Today Reporter Covering Scott Walker Campaign Signed Recall Petition: http://t.co/5oJarxYvma #mediabias
— Brittany (@bccover) September 9, 2015
Tonette and I were happy to be with Teen Challenge this morning in Milwaukee. pic.twitter.com/n7Z9LLpops
— Governor Walker (@GovWalker) September 9, 2015
So what's it mean to "wreak havoc?" Well, when you institute needed reforms & DISRUPT the status quo, THIS happens: https://t.co/ybnjLIfA7x
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 9, 2015
Newsbusters: "USA Today's Scott Walker Reporter Signed Petition to Recall Him" http://t.co/R1enkfpq89
— Brittany (@bccover) September 9, 2015
Hardworking taxpayers deserve an efficient, effective government that works for them and I’m prepared to be held accountable. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
USA Today Reporter Covering Scott Walker Signed Recall Petition Against Him -
http://t.co/SI17XdTcvx pic.twitter.com/JoeBQd61eW
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) September 9, 2015
Scott Walker offers "the first detailed replacement plan for Obamacare" --> http://t.co/9dtis6sXL3 @DailyCaller
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
As Scott Walker rode a Harley through N.H., he hummed classic rock tunes to himself. Great story by @WSJMattD4: http://t.co/FzoGNL8pjU
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 9, 2015
The failure of @BarackObama to abide by our Constitution and obey federal law must come to an end on #DayOne. READ: http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Scott Walker headed back to Iowa this weekend... http://t.co/Qjur0uau8Q
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 9, 2015
No @HillaryClinton, opening up US State secrets to hacks and compromise by China & Russia is recklessness, not leadership. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Gov. Walker Statement in Response to Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Attacks https://t.co/pvki7gwCFE #Walker16 #sctweets #scpol #tcot #FITS
— Sam Vetter (@thesamvetter) September 9, 2015
56% think the #IranDeal is bad for America. RT and SIGN if you're one of them: http://t.co/p6wHU2WgWJ pic.twitter.com/kino5XI7KK
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Excellent additions to the team for @ScottWalker in VA. http://t.co/0hB80oCXYz @DavidIRamadan @delterrykilgore @MarkObenshain
— Chris Leavitt (@LeavittCS) September 9, 2015
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Small Business Summit in Eau Claire today! pic.twitter.com/EeWYsxw23e
— Governor Walker (@GovWalker) September 9, 2015
"U.S. Should Not Take In Syrian Refugees: Governor says fighting #ISIS should be top priority" READ: http://t.co/hrYY2Xyvv5
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
— Justin LoFranco (@JayLow) September 9, 2015
I'm honored to serve as Co-Chair of #Walker16 campaign in Virginia‼️
@ScottWalker @VA_GOP pic.twitter.com/M0Jp44N2vo
— Del. David Ramadan (@DavidIRamadan) September 9, 2015
Excited to have @delterrykilgore, @DavidIRamadan and Del. Margaret Ransone join @ScottWalker's team in VA! #Walker16 http://t.co/0vHsZ1ayyO
— Mark Obenshain (@MarkObenshain) September 9, 2015
Thank you Mark; looking forward to help carry Virginia for #Walker16 & elect him next #POTUS. Onto victory‼️ https://t.co/YMjCtcP4CY
— Del. David Ramadan (@DavidIRamadan) September 9, 2015
Early #FF to 2 of @ScottWalker’s just announced VA campaign co-chairs: @delterrykilgore @DavidIRamadan https://t.co/6P7tFpNsJK #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 9, 2015
We shouldn't be taking in any more Syrian refugees right now. The real problem here is the Obama Admin's failure to deal with #ISIS. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
"U.S. Should Not Take In Syrian Refugees" ... Reiterates that "fighting #ISIS should be top priority" http://t.co/lwnd5nX872
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 9, 2015
.@ScottWalker launches 'Day One' website ahead of speech at Reagan's alma mater --> http://t.co/1robeUIGY3 #Walker16
— Justin LoFranco (@JayLow) September 9, 2015
US already takes nearly 70,000 refugees/year - about 2,000 from Syria. We've spent $4 billion on Syrian crisis. http://t.co/hrYY2Xyvv5 - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
I agree w/ @ChuckGrassley. @BarackObama’s #IranDeal demonstrates weakness, that’s why I’d terminate it on day one http://t.co/LTTzZ4tDr9 -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Football kicks off tomorrow, pickup a t-shirt and show you're on team #Walker16. BUY: http://t.co/JJIHL7qGA2 pic.twitter.com/7e48oJ66QB
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 9, 2015
Scott Walker's VA grassroots team grows. Best in the race. http://t.co/YAwAuujaD7 @LeavittCS @DavidIRamadan @delterrykilgore @MarkObenshain
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@ashlee_strong, we'll work hard to carry #Virginia for @ScottWalker‼️ #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/8Tjv1CMLgE
— Del. David Ramadan (@DavidIRamadan) September 10, 2015
Seattle union strike that sent home 50K kids is what happens when unions have unlimited power over taxpayers: http://t.co/wc8NpyJd2L
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Our reforms removed the special interest stranglehold and allowed Wisconsin’s teachers to do what they do best: educate our kids.
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
This is what happens when unions have unlimited power over taxpayers. pic.twitter.com/buqv2OSZ2Q
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Coming Monday: Scott Walker will unveil his national labor policy ideas in Las Vegas. http://t.co/N2gQEzHfCi
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015

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