Today = 150 days out from the Iowa caucuses.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) September 4, 2015
NEW @ScottWalker op-ed: America will not be intimidated, neither will I: http://t.co/tVBTWYmbIy via @scj #Walker16
— Ted Kwong (@tedkwong) September 4, 2015
The Walker Admin. will confront radical Islamic terrorism using a full range of options to keep Americans safe. http://t.co/AqcpBeuC26
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 4, 2015
Haven't been following the #Walker16 campaign all week? Here's a quick read to catch you up. LINK: http://t.co/frQmlFVhD2
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
Yes, @ChicagoBears fans are welcome in the #Walker16 family. Any other Bears fans out there? pic.twitter.com/cq5Pt2wVYE
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
.@ScottWalker op-ed: "I reject the Obama-Clinton false choice between this bad deal and war.” http://t.co/SG23ry7kGD #Walker16 #IranDeal
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 4, 2015
@MattBatzel @KevinKaduk Walker's last 2 budgets increased spending on K-12 education. Plus Act 10 saved schools billions. #JustSaying
— Nick Novak (@NickBNovak) September 4, 2015
What's better than #Walker16 gear? #Walker16 gear that's on sale. Start your Friday >> http://t.co/GCKSTGhPEm pic.twitter.com/ZYda0q1p6P
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
Met some wonderful people at Lori's Cafe in Midland, Texas. -SW pic.twitter.com/ZtI41oQKWN
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
Walker will rebuild and reform the tools of American power, ensuring our military has the resources to keep us safe. http://t.co/AqcpBeuC26
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 4, 2015
Catch up on all the #Walker16 news with "This Week with Walker." READ: http://t.co/frQmlFVhD2 pic.twitter.com/xi11VxutbA
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
In Wisconsin, workers can't be compelled to join a union. Teachers can now receive merit raises. Happy Labor Day - It's working! #wiright
— Brian Fraley (@Dailytakes) September 4, 2015
In Wisconsin, we got rid of seniority & tenure. We hire & fire based on merit, pay based on performance. That's pro-worker! - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015
Thought about grabbing a #Walker16 t-shirt? Now get 15% off with code "LABORDAY." http://t.co/JJIHL7qGA2 pic.twitter.com/0V8zkqgvbO
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 4, 2015

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