Scott Walker unveils his plan for #DayOne to wreak havoc on Washington. READ the plan: http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5 pic.twitter.com/FQc45o6WrG
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
I'm at Eureka College in IL (Reagan's alma mater) to hear how Scott Walker plans to "wreck havoc on Washington." pic.twitter.com/vwLf5h9kmT
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
Trump's personal attacks against @CarlyFiorina are plain inappropriate and wrong. It's time for these shameless attacks to end. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker weighs in on Seattle teachers union protest that sent students home for second day in a row: http://t.co/Z0JO2uvExt
— Justin LoFranco (@JayLow) September 10, 2015
Ronald Reagan is everywhere here. Scott Walker must be in heaven. pic.twitter.com/GkTn9IbRDj
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
IRONY: The education of kids is being held hostage by the very people who should be educating them. http://t.co/wc8NpyJd2L
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Theme of @ScottWalker speech in Eureka College is "wreaking havoc" on Washington D.C.; speaking at alma mater of Ronald Reagan
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
Gorgeous building on Eureka College campus where @scottwalker is to talk about "wreaking havoc" on Washington pic.twitter.com/LDzsBaBLWd
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
Headed to Ronald Reagan's alma mater @EurekaCollege to watch @ScottWalker describe his day one plan for America. #Walker16
— Tonette Walker (@TonetteWalker) September 10, 2015
WATCH Governor Walker's speech at Reagan's Alma Mater LIVE starting at 9:00 AM CT -> http://t.co/QKhpQIcsBz #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/Sbfxr9qxj6
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@IngrahamAngle And here's a taste of what wreaking havoc looks like: Reforms annoy status quo lovers. https://t.co/ybnjLIfA7x @sharkey_nick
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
"The federal government did not create the states, states created the federal government," Walker says, citing what he learned from Reagan.
— Jason Stein (@jasonmdstein) September 10, 2015
Speaking at Reagan's alma mater Eureka College, Scott Walker opens w/ story of wife Tonette and he celebrating wedding anniversary in Eureka
— Jordyn Phelps (@JordynPhelps) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker is giving this speech without any notes or a teleprompter. He must have memorized this speech, as he likes to do.
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker on Ronald Reagan: "He was an eternal optimist in the American people. I share that optimism."
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker plans to unveil plans for combating federal unions in a speech Monday in Las Vegas
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker references Reagan firing air traffic controllers in relation to his own efforts against public worker unions in Wisconsin
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker calls Reagan firing of air traffic controllers "a pretty bold move" and "the right thing to do."
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker: If we just nibbled on the edges, the voters would have every right to throw us out. So we went big and we went bold. #Walker16
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
Walker: "We fought and we won. We got results - and we did it without compromising our conservative principles." #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker: Democrats "made me #1 target in America and we didn't back down. Instead, we fought and we won -- and got results." #walker16
— Mike Adam (@MikeAdamLI) September 10, 2015
Walker: We took power away from the big government special interests and put it into the hands of hard-working people. That's pro-taxpayer.
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker repeatedly says "we didn't back down" in fiery speech describing recall elections in Wisconsin
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
Check out Walker's "substantively politically serious conservative health care reform" http://t.co/Ygdk15kSKW #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 10, 2015
"We need a leader from outside Washington who has actually gotten things done." @ScottWalker @EurekaCollege pic.twitter.com/R0XE29hb7v
— Tom Evenson (@TomEvenson) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker: Talk is cheap. We need people of action. #Walker16
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
Walker going after GOP congressional leadership for not sending Obamacare repeal bill to POTUS. "They need to share our sense of urgency."
— Mark Sommerhauser (@msommerhauser) September 10, 2015
"If I tell you I am going to do something, I will do it." -Governor @ScottWalker
— Brittany (@bccover) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker says he will challenge all GOP candidates at debate next week to show plans for repealing Obama health care law
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker: "When people look at my record, even Democrats agree that I do what I say I'm going to do and I don't back down." #walker16
— Mike Adam (@MikeAdamLI) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker: "On Day One, I will terminate the bad deal with Iran." #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker: "On Day One, I'm going to end President Obama's unlawful executive actions on illegal immigration." #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) September 10, 2015
Walker says he's the only GOP candidate headed into next week's debate w/ a plan to replace Obamacare: "Talk is cheap. Where is your plan?"
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker now going through list of "Day One" items he would carry out as POTUS. The governor is a man of action & results. #walker16
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker: "I've won [the] battles in Wisconsin & believe me, I won't back down from the battles in Washington. #walker16 #unintimidated
— Mike Adam (@MikeAdamLI) September 10, 2015
NRO editorial: "Walker’s Plan to Replace ObamaCare: The Best, to Date, from the 2016 Field” http://t.co/o3U1qB4mKy https://t.co/0ZxkbVFpZH
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
Walker says on Day One he will end practice of taking union dues out of federal employee paychecks a la Act 10.
— RightWisconsin (@RightWisconsin) September 10, 2015
More money in workers’ paychecks. #Walker16 https://t.co/DFoMKuPr0U
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker on his campaign for president: "We want to be a campaign about solutions." He's heavily focusing on policy speeches this month.
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker's "wreak havoc on Washington" speech is done. Cue Brook and Dunn's "Only in America."
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 10, 2015
Scott Walker closes with: We need someone who will fight and win for you, your family, and America. #walker16 #fightandwin
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker Op-ed: Hillary Clinton's Apology Changes Nothing. She Still Can't Be Trusted As Commander-in-Chief. http://t.co/0VO0UpaFX4
— IJReview (@ijreview) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker plans to tour Ronald Reagan peace garden on campus of Eureka College following speech, which just wrapped up
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
3 victories in 4 years over these idiots. Hence, Walker Derangement Syndrome... He's only "divisive" to the losers. https://t.co/1xB5OiEbFW
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
That's right! Once again, @ScottWalker knows exactly how to irritate the Left... Display Old Glory! #Walker16 https://t.co/9HQ9egzpsE
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
In reality: Working class & middle class folks would appreciate not having their bank accounts RAIDED by the bosses. https://t.co/T5sHVrTrjt
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
BREAKING: @ScottWalker demonstrates message discipline. Doesn't feel the need to insult another candidate's face... https://t.co/h7ePuRP5y8
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
@sbauerAP @ScottWalker @TheDemocrats DNC put out two statements yesterday afternoon alone against Walker. Scared much?
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@scottwalker and wife Tonette visit Ronald Reagan peace garden at Eureka College in Illinois pic.twitter.com/Ipj6hVNfix
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@scottwalker and wife Tonette view piece of Berlin Wall at Eureka College pic.twitter.com/00IDIh5qcm
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@scottwalker meets with Eureka College student unable to watch speech in person pic.twitter.com/IVUDNrxvSC
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
Good listicle by @ScottWalker in @ijreview: "Hillary Clinton’s Apology Changes Nothing” http://t.co/lJQ5kwu4Yf #Walker16 #tcot #hillaryemail
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
.@scottwalker tours Ronald Reagan museum where college degree from Eureka College is on display pic.twitter.com/EuQ3wJrU6o
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) September 10, 2015
.@CraigSBPA: "@ScottWalker says he wants to 'wreak havoc' on Washington. That means upsetting the status quo." http://t.co/DUxQr4u3L1
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker will not wait to act. He will terminate the #IranDeal on #DayOne: http://t.co/005LHvRpAs #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/22QlgQM6JE
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
Congress should have to play by the rules like everyone else. READ Walker's #DayOne promises http://t.co/005LHvRpAs pic.twitter.com/7pl3K3Wnhh
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) September 10, 2015
.@HillaryClinton "opted for convenience" over the security of the American people. WATCH: http://t.co/b75meGQLap
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
— Ted Kwong (@tedkwong) September 10, 2015
Watch @ScottWalker's speech at Eureka College http://t.co/Lj8MgsAKiK
— Kirsten Kukowski (@kakukowski) September 10, 2015
For months @HillaryClinton deceived the American people and dodged questions about her criminal activity. READ: http://t.co/Ay6RWaYBwt
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Defeat: so bitter. #ThroneofSkulls https://t.co/IPgMnbfjhZ
— Gregg Keller (@RGreggKeller) September 10, 2015
I saw big-labor special interest groups put the needs of their members over the needs of our kids so we fixed it http://t.co/wc8NpyJd2L -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Seattle union strike is another example of big labor unions holding hardworking taxpayers hostage to their organized extortion. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Eureka college the alma mater of President Reagan hosted @ScottWalker #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/F4CgmI1KqN
— Andrew Snow (@AndrewSnow) September 10, 2015
READ--> 5 moments when Scott Walker reminded you of Ronald Reagan. http://t.co/ax9jAtRuDI #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/IEfdzGB5Q4
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
America needs a President who respects the Constitution and secures the border: http://t.co/n4zCEfc6M5 #DayOne pic.twitter.com/eBcDFJyJ6f
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Thanks to the students & staff at Eureka College for hosting us! It was great to be at Reagan's alma mater. - SW pic.twitter.com/SpMleAx2cn
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@HillaryClinton: Welcome to Wisconsin where we froze in-state tuition at the University of Wisconsin for 4 years. - SW #Walker16
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Yikes. Hillary's backdrop collapses while she's in WI trying to attack @ScottWalker. https://t.co/HHDra47unJ
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
Hillary says she’s watched WI. So she must know about the state’s 4.6% unemployment, 35,699 new businesses & 67.9% labor force participation
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker on @HillaryClinton in WI: "could learn a few lessons from the bold reforms we've enacted in Wisconsin since I took office."
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
Hillary didn’t get the memo. @ScottWalker’s Act 10 saved taxpayers $3 billion & #RightToWork has put more money back in paychecks. #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
WI workers still have a right to join a union. But now—thanks to @ScottWalker—they also have a right to decline joining a union. #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
Walker welcomes @HillaryClinton to WI: We cut taxes by $4.7B, lowered property taxes every year, & cut our unemployment rate nearly in half
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker has frozen tuition at the University of Wisconsin system, making college more affordable for students. #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 10, 2015
Walker welcomes @HillaryClinton to WI: To move our country forward like we moved WI forward, we need a fresh face from outside Washington
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@ScottWalker on @HillaryClinton in WI tonight: Hillary Clinton has been fighting for the ruling class over the working class for years
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
— Gregg Keller (@RGreggKeller) September 10, 2015
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz https://t.co/blibNdFLRH
— Gregg Keller (@RGreggKeller) September 10, 2015
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
Zing! Maybe Hillary should focus on her primary challengers first. http://t.co/gz3NAPhPXB #FeelTheBern https://t.co/IHKTEnwcsT
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 10, 2015
.@HillaryClinton your affinity for flying private jets on taxpayers dime is well known. I for one prefer this ride-SW pic.twitter.com/F9wQKxmQE3
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@HillaryClinton while you pander to union bosses, I give workers freedom to choose if they want to be in a union or not. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 10, 2015
.@HillaryClinton, the ONLY position that's extreme is not protecting life after 5 months. #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/khxPPbOnZV
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 11, 2015
Walker takes to Twitter after Clinton calls him “some kind of tough guy on his motorcycle” during a speech in WI https://t.co/XOyvK8voOK
— Jordyn Phelps (@JordynPhelps) September 11, 2015
Pick up your signed copy of "Unintimidated" and learn how Scott Walker fights and wins. BUY: http://t.co/b7BIdgpAYN pic.twitter.com/2Ym1k46FpV
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 11, 2015

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