Momentous Days Ahead
Pope Francis: It's Time for Europe 'to Recover Its Faith'
Prophetic Voices are Heard in Germany
Is Pope Francis Ready for a Confrontation at the Cuban Altar?
By the numbers: Most Catholics are being run by the culture
We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection (Gal 6:14). #Roodmas #HolyCross
— Fr James Bradley (@FrJamesBradley) September 14, 2015
Celebrate the feast of the Holy Cross by reading the Old English poem, 'The Dream of the Rood'
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) September 14, 2015
"The Lord never sends a Cross that is too dififcult to carry with his help." {My mother} pic.twitter.com/jaeQcoCiJi
— Fr. Willy Raymond (@FrWilly) September 14, 2015
"How splendid the cross of Christ! It brings life, not death..." #dailyeSpiration from Theodore of Studios pic.twitter.com/FC6SlcKKtv
— Steubenville (@go2steubenville) September 14, 2015
This was Love’s great deed, that death should die when Life itself was slain upon the tree. #vespers
— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) September 14, 2015
The holy cross of Christ is the standard of God's armies, of which Mary is Queen, and by the cross she crushes serpents underfoot. -St Cyril
— Chad Pecknold (@ccpecknold) September 14, 2015
PHOTO: Crucifix based on the image from the Shroud of Turin, from the Basilica Santa Croce, Rome pic.twitter.com/KpXvar6WTE
— Pius Pietrzyk (@PiusOP) September 14, 2015
The Lord hung upon the cross to wash away our sins in his own blood. How splendid is that blessed cross! #ExaltationoftheHolyCross
— Saint Pauls Outreach (@SPO_National) September 14, 2015
Why Do We Exalt the Cross?
The Cross, Our Only Hope
Personalizing the Passion of Jesus Christ
Celebrate St. Gianna's 60th Wedding Anniversary
Today's Mass Readings

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