Thanks Rep. Skip Rollins & Sen. Bob Letourneau for joining the ride yesterday. Looking forward to today! https://t.co/VKsGwBjEoz
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
Here we go Day 2! https://t.co/8hQ28C1MKP
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
Yesterday, @ScottWalker wrapped up day 1 of his 10 county NH Harley ride. On to day 2! https://t.co/G30BFuNj5A #FITN #nhpolitics #Walker16
— Josh Falzone (@JoshFalzone) September 7, 2015
We just hit our 7th county of the weekend in NH with a stop at Munroe's in Coos County! -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 7, 2015
A Happy Labor Day wish to the cops, firefighters, EMTs, armed service members and others who are working today.
— Brian Fraley (@Dailytakes) September 7, 2015
Happy Labor Day to @ScottWalker & GOP lawmakers who brought worker freedom to Wisconsin public and private sector #itsworking #wiright
— Brian Fraley (@Dailytakes) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker to deliver address at @EurekaCollege, President Reagan's alma mater, this Thursday at 9AM CT. #Walker16
— Tom Evenson (@TomEvenson) September 7, 2015
— Kirsten Kukowski (@kakukowski) September 7, 2015
— Andrew Snow (@AndrewSnow) September 7, 2015
A Scott Walker fan in Conway, NH: "I've been sending you five-dollar checks for years." pic.twitter.com/5bhMHzl2JY
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 7, 2015
Gov. Walker riding through New Hampshire earlier this morning #FITN #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/abA8yPK0rA
— Matt Connelly (@MattConnelly) September 7, 2015
Scott Walker getting thoroughly booed here in Boston after Obama references his battles with labor in Wisconsin, not by name tho.
— Garrett Quinn (@GarrettQuinn) September 7, 2015
— Shira T. Center (@shiracenter) September 7, 2015
POTUS goes after @ScottWalker collective bargaining reforms in Labor Day speech. Would take that fight any day
— Kirsten Kukowski (@kakukowski) September 7, 2015
Walker stood up for middle class workers, POTUS stands up for big gov't union bosses. #Walker16 https://t.co/JnCkaFYcKA
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker is Snapchatting his motorcycle tour of New Hampshire: pic.twitter.com/14rpZTljVz
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) September 7, 2015
Great seeing supporters in Conway, NH - what a beautiful New Hampshire ride today! -SW pic.twitter.com/tBBpjaEiRg
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 7, 2015
Walker's Labor Day pitch: To truly grow the economy, we need to get the fed gov out of the way. ... need a new president who can wreak havoc
— Jordyn Phelps (@JordynPhelps) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker arrives at the Pink Cadillac diner in Rochester, NH. One more county to go! #nhpolitics #fitn pic.twitter.com/CaYDqJQFeQ
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 7, 2015
Scott Walker's 10-county tour of NH continues: Nine counties done, one more to go. pic.twitter.com/H507rgUSfL
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) September 7, 2015
Thanks Lino's! A great family-owned restaurant -SW pic.twitter.com/wumotX4Taz
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker arrives in Rochester NH met by #1 supporter @WoodsforSenate #nhpolitics @StraffordNHGOP pic.twitter.com/wDY2mT8ACp
— Matt Mayberry (@mattmayberrynh) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker talking w voters #pinkcadillac in #rochesternh right now. #nhpolitics @StraffordNHGOP pic.twitter.com/J9II7J4Rl4
— Matt Mayberry (@mattmayberrynh) September 7, 2015
WaPo: Walker: '[POTUS] stands with the big government union bosses, we stand with hard-working people' @DavidNakamura http://t.co/oOGeO5cslj
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 7, 2015
Walker gives this man a fist bump for his Clinton shirt (be sure to read the fine print) pic.twitter.com/2BJkVhf0GI
— Jordyn Phelps (@JordynPhelps) September 7, 2015
10 NH counties later, Scott Walker trades in the Harley for another set of wheels pic.twitter.com/3P6pJ0F0tR
— Jordyn Phelps (@JordynPhelps) September 7, 2015
.@nhgop activist Chris Ager introduces @ScottWalker: "this guy does what he says he's going to do." #fitn #nhpolitics pic.twitter.com/5rOvXH1NJs
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
After touring all 10 counties in NH on a Harley, @ScottWalker ending the day at a great house party in Amherst, NH pic.twitter.com/UWImsaxJ1l
— Matt Connelly (@MattConnelly) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker says #POTUS stands with the big govt union bosses; he stands with hard working taxpayers. #fitn pic.twitter.com/041olRaWee
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
On #LaborDay, @ScottWalker talks about how he took on the big govt unions - and won - three times. #fitn #nhpolitics pic.twitter.com/jW5J7rd2RH
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
.@ScottWalker: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We've been tested and won't back down."
— Kayla Berube (@KaylaBerube) September 7, 2015
Pink Cadillacs, motorcycles, puppies and BBQ today as @ScottWalker finished his 10 county tour in NH #nhpolitics pic.twitter.com/xPigf8nFeD
— Cassie Spodak (@CassieSpodak) September 7, 2015
David Kramer's excellent OpEd on @ScottWalker #Iran policy is a must read: http://t.co/axhNGp4PdV via @aminterest
— Robert C. O'Brien (@robertcobrien) September 7, 2015
Picnic in Rockingham County, 10th and last county on our Harley tour - SW pic.twitter.com/OwsJ5zKQmU
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 7, 2015
Scott Walker fires back at Obama on collective bargaining @seangallitz http://t.co/MnnzdtC7lv pic.twitter.com/vAVV8M2lR6
— CBS News Politics (@CBSPolitics) September 7, 2015
We took power from the big government union bosses and put it into the hands of hard-working people. That's pro-worker! -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 7, 2015
"his hero status as the union vanquisher from Wisconsin carries weight with financiers and rank-and-file...alike." http://t.co/FcyQuwppLq
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) September 7, 2015
Gov. @ScottWalker dubs his two-day 10-county motorcycle tour the "Full Harley." #gop2016 #fullgrassley
— Matthew DeFour (@WSJMattD4) September 8, 2015
Hope u have the chance to read. Thank you @ScottWalker 4 fighting & winning 4 our sons @MattWalkerWI & @AlexWalkerWI
— Tonette Walker (@TonetteWalker) September 8, 2015
— Ted Kwong (@tedkwong) September 8, 2015
.@BarackObama is worried because I don't just talk, I get things done. If I can do it in blue state, I can do it in Washington -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 8, 2015

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