Ahmed 'clock kid' Mohamed extends his 15 minutes of fame in NYC with selfies at Google and the U.N.
I'm enjoying New York!!!! It's so awesome.
— Ahmed Mohamed (@IStandWithAhmed) September 25, 2015
'Throwing somebody under the bus': Hillary Clinton's Meet the Press interview was as bad as you'd expect
Must Watch: @meetthepress Plays Brutal Collection Of @HillaryClinton Flip-Flopping Clips https://t.co/YXohzkmgDo
— America Rising PAC (@AmericaRising) September 27, 2015
Proof that the Left marches 'in lock step': Dem operatives give exact same take on Hillary's MTP appearance
LOL did @finneyk and @woodhouseb just copy and paste from the same strategy e-mail? pic.twitter.com/9EbK1XapZO
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) September 27, 2015
Astronaut Scott Kelly shares photo of North Korea at night
The #Korean Peninsula. #Pyongyang the capitol the lone spot of light in an otherwise dark #NorthKorea. #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/9NUmdDwrd7
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) September 26, 2015
'I don't support butchering of babies': Carly Fiorina confronts Planned Parenthood protester at Iowa tailgate
.@CarlyFiorina, confronted by #PlannedParenthood: "I support your health care. I don't support butchering of babies" https://t.co/9gUsinz2il
— Laura (@GOPrincess) September 27, 2015
Nancy Pelosi calls for investigation into whether PP videos were faked (Bonus: She hasn't watched them)
Has Pelosi seen PP videos? "No..I've seen some news reports...but I also know some of it is not real & you can create any reality" #CNNSOTU
— State of the Union (@CNNSotu) September 27, 2015
Oops: Pregame fireworks mishap causes Steelers/Rams game to be delayed
This is why the Rams/Steelers game is delayed pic.twitter.com/8YZE5GYtQx
— Ollie Connolly (@OllieUKEZ) September 27, 2015
Teen confronts Bernie Sanders over how he'll pay for his 'free' tuition plan
@reihan I nominate her for Speaker of the House.
— Holly (@HollyASwanson) September 27, 2015
'Beyond ignorant' Bette Midler somehow uses Boehner resignation to take a shot at Ronald Reagan
Midler thinks #JohnBoehner was "recalcitrant"? These leftist are beyond ignorant. #SpeakerOfTheHouse https://t.co/YdH2IVBJnF
— Pamela Foley (@PamyDFoley) September 27, 2015
Awful: Somebody made a DISGUSTING video of Dana Loesch shooting herself in the head
I'm not responding to the guy personally. I will let law enforcement handle that. He has a history of violent rhetoric and harassment.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 27, 2015

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