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Today is the Feast of the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel & Raphael
Calling Upon St. Michael
GOD's angels defend the faithful; guards them on every side. Ps.34 #lauds #FeastofArchangels pic.twitter.com/gii5jT98jK
— Sr. Mary Clark, OSB (@SisterMClark) September 29, 2015
Today we celebrate the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels. #FeastDay #Archangels… pic.twitter.com/wzSeXv2EE4
— MyCatholicTshirt ن✞ (@MyCatholicTshir) September 29, 2015
Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, protect our marriages and families from evil and help them to grow in holiness.
— Bishop Barres (@BishopBarres) September 29, 2015
Happy Michaelmas!
(The feast day of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels.)
ORATE PRO NOBIS pic.twitter.com/OA2Rj641Sq
— St. Peter's List (@StPetersList) September 29, 2015
"While as the Archangel Michael fought against the dragon, I heard voices saying: 'Salvation unto our God. Alleluia.'" Blessed feast to all.
— Father Kevin Cusick (@MCITLFrAphorism) September 29, 2015
Happy Feast of the Holy Archangels, Sts Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael! #michaelmas #catholic #christian #calendar pic.twitter.com/mIrdOisI9d
— D. E. Barker (@diezba) September 29, 2015
— iCatholicRadio (@iCatholicRadio) September 29, 2015
Ascending and Descending with the Angels, Feast of the Archangels - http://t.co/ihxaoXEOCJ
— Fr. Roger Landry (@FrRogerLandry) September 29, 2015
Michael, Raphael, Gabriel; Members of the Family @AleteiaEn http://t.co/zS5ZkOBFfs
— Aleteia (@AleteiaEN) September 29, 2015
— EWTN (@EWTN) September 29, 2015
Today is the feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael. Who are they? http://t.co/Nt90jl16wA #saintoftheday pic.twitter.com/D0yX7zW8fe
— Catholic Herald (@acatholicherald) September 29, 2015
Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, pray for us! via @BishopBarron @WordOnFire pic.twitter.com/YuWgx4RkVs
— N. Catholic Register (@NCRegister) September 29, 2015
Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Holy Archangels, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/mDP3vqRHXH
— Diocese of Tulsa (@DioceseofTulsa) September 29, 2015
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