Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Jim and Greg like that House lowered the boom on Lois Lerner over the IRS scandal, dislike the Pentagon overspending on "green" jet fuel, and rip Charlie Crist's latest hypocritical and revisionist comments.

Rubio Unloads on Crist Over 'GOP Racism' Remarks
Charlie Crist was a Republican before he was an independent before he was a Democrat. He was elected governor of Florida as a conservative, "Reaganesque" member of the GOP. When his US Senate bid began to falter in the 2010 Republican primary, Crist jumped ship and ran in the general as a third party candidate. He got demolished. Having incinerated his bridges to the Republican Party -- and in desperate need of a monied party infrastructure to resurrect his all-important career -- Crist completed his self-interested journey over to the Democrats. All he had to do was endorse Barack Obama for re-election, switch his policy positions on virtually every major issue, and gratuitously insult his former party as a band of "intolerable" racists.
Dan wrote up his comments on Univision yesterday. It's laughably dishonest for Crist to claim his departure from the GOP was precipitated by anything other than the ass-kicking he sustained from Marco Rubio. It's downright despicable to cry 'racism' as the revisionist pretext. If Rubio had never existed, Crist would likely be a "racist" Republican Senator today -- leading the charge against Obamacare (which he now hails as "great") and co-sponsoring pro-life legislation (he's magically become pro-choice), because that's what his position would have required. The guy is soulless. Does anyone doubt for one nanosecond that he'd flip back on all of these issues if he saw that double-backflip as necessary to advance his precious political career?
Also read:

IRS caves on Lois Lerner's emails after House passes contempt citation

Ted Cruz Renews Call for Independent IRS Investigation

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