Is Obama Really 'Madder Than Hell' Over V.A. Scandal?
Last week, after a seemingly emotionless Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki told a Senate Committee he was "mad as hell" about the allegations of incompetence and corruption at VA hospitals, White House spokesman Jay Carney wouldn't go quite that far when discussing the commander in chief's outrage over the scandal. "He certainly is very concerned and angry about the allegations that we've seen regarding specifically the Phoenix office," Carney told ABC News' Jon Karl.
After 48 hours of focus testing, the White House spin machine discovered that voters want their president madder than that, so the White House chief of staff told CBS News' Major Garrett that Obama was "madder than hell" over the growing scandal.
Because, you know, "madder" is more than "mad."
This does call into question whether the president really is "madder than hell" over this scandal or whether he needs to say he's "madder than hell" to keep reporters and pundits from asking pesky questions.
How did the president express his "madder than hell" attitude? According to the Associated Press, he went golfing at a really nice country club...Also read:
Carney: Silly press corps, we have now entered the stop-asking-questions phase of the V.A. scandal
Another: Eighth V.A. Wait List Allegation Arises, Obama Regime in Damage Control Mode
He stinks.