Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Brett and Jim talk discuss Nancy Pelosi calling ObamaCare "beautiful," President Obama's agenda on coal restrictions, and a top CIA official gets outed by the White House.

Where's the Outrage Over CIA Outing?
The White House had egg on its face today. The news about the accidental outing of the name of the CIA station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan seemed to be just one more instance in a long list of incompetent episodes in a second term that is proving to be as problematic as even President Obama's sternest critics predicted. But the story of how the name of the station chief - which is, obviously, classified material, and was sent out in an email to thousands of journalists as one of a number of people briefing the president during his Memorial Day weekend trip to Afghanistan - should not be dismissed as merely the latest episode of the real life situation comedy that is Obama's second-term West Wing staff.
Coming as it did from an administration and a political party that has often sought to successfully criminalize the leaking of such information in the recent past, we have a right to ask where's the outrage about this colossal error? But more than that, this absurd tale also speaks volumes about the hypocrisy and selective prosecution policies pursued by the same people now telling us to move along because there's nothing to see.
Also read:

Exposure of CIA Station Chief Spotlights Administration's Immaturity

The Casualties of Obama's War on Coal

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