Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Jim and Greg like the Senate election results in North Carolina, gag over Obama's latest climate-change rhetoric, and discuss the (hopefully) brief re-emergence of Monica Lewinsky.

Dems' Meddling Falls Flat in North Carolina GOP Primary
Despite Kay Hagan's cynical efforts to interfere in their primary with a dishonest ad campaign, North Carolina Republicans nominated the candidate of whom Team Hagan is evidently most afraid. Tarheel State House Speaker Thom Tillis needed to clear the 40 percent threshold in he crowded GOP primary in order to negate a run-off -- which would have been a costly proposition, in terms of dollars and time. He did so, with percentage points to spare. If he hadn't, Tillis and his closest rival would have locked horns for two more months, depleting the party's resources, and firing salvos at one another.
The embattled incumbent, meanwhile, could've kept her powder dry while hunkering down for the general's delayed start. Instead, the race to November is on. Hagan -- who provided the 60th and deciding vote for Obamacare in the US Senate -- has been literally running away from questions about the law, while trying to convince voters that Tillis is a hypocrite on the issue. Primary voters weren't fooled. Though Tillis rejects the "establishment" label by pointing to his strong conservative voting record, he was the undoubtedly the party's top choice.
Also read:

Stop Whining About The Monica Lewinsky Story

Obama's Climate Gambit Insults Your Intelligence

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