Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Friday, May 2, 2014


Jim and Greg discuss the media's sudden interest in Benghazi and sudden skepticism of White House spin, where 800,000 workers went last month, and Tommy Vietor's "Dude" moment.

The Only People Not Taking Benghazi Emails Seriously Are Obama Advisers
It seems that former and current members of President Barack Obama's administration are not particularly comfortable with the amount of serious press coverage newly released emails relating to the crafting of the Benghazi talking points are receiving.
The White House has long-maintained that the notion video-inspired protests led to a coordinated assault on American diplomatic and CIA facilities originated with the intelligence community. A year's worth of reports, investigations, expert testimony, and countless hours of congressional committee hearings later, the evidence suggests that this was not the case.
So from where did the claim come that a video was to blame for the nonexistent protests that supposedly led to the death of four Americans? A newly revealed email from deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes appears to confirm that, if this idea did not originate with the White House, it certainly became their preferred narrative quickly.
Also read:

Dude! Benghazi Won't Go Away Until We Get the Truth

Benghazi: American 'Liberalism' and the Mainstream Media on Trial

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