Michelle Malkin knows who Obama will blame for this dismal poll about the war on terrorism
CNN/ORC poll: More Americans than at any point since 2001 say the U.S. is losing the war on terrorism. https://t.co/1kjafoKV38
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) December 28, 2015
Obama will blame Americans for failing to comprehend how awesome his counterterrorism policies are. https://t.co/I6dcXnHGgz
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) December 28, 2015
Ron Fournier calls Va. GOP's effort to protect Dem governor 'petty' and 'dangerous'
Virginia Republicans To Consider Stripping Gov. McAuliffe Of Protective Detail https://t.co/78B7wJ3WSo via @dailycaller
— Katie Watson (@kathrynw5) December 28, 2015
Just when you think politics can't get more petty, more corrosive, even more dangerous ... https://t.co/FNXvvcxjHs
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) December 28, 2015
@ron_fournier Don't see the problem here. Don't more guns cause more crime according to you?
— ParatrooperJJ (@ParatrooperJJ) December 28, 2015
Ron thinks people should be protected with guns, but only if they have the proper title, not lowly commoners. https://t.co/FoBzb7AagK
— Just Doc (@Doc_68W_) December 28, 2015
'Perfect Obama-era scandal': Al Sharpton calls on Rahm Emanuel to resign (when he returns from Cuba)
"Because this is the perfect Obama-era scandal, Emanuel is currently vacationing in Cuba." https://t.co/wLMHETQisP pic.twitter.com/IMrlfunGpH
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) December 28, 2015
'Sad commentary': Samuel L. Jackson 'really wanted' San Bernardino attacker to be 'crazy white dude'
@WashTimes just another Racist liberal Hollywood moonbat @SamuelLJackson
— kathie (@railgirl1952) December 28, 2015
Whereas I didn't want there to be killers in the first place. :-/ https://t.co/djmhL5hPzL
— Ryan Love (@MN_Love) December 28, 2015
Minneapolis council member, Mall of America protest supporter tweets constituents' info
Lets not beat around the bush here the reason Alondra Cano released peoples private info was to get #BlackLivesMatter to intimidate them.
— Rika - Chan (@Hellstorm901) December 25, 2015
Angry at your critics, dear elected official? Think twice before “doxing” them on social media. https://t.co/frc7drzwQ8
— Otis White (@OtisWhite) December 28, 2015
Reince Priebus says it will be 'tough' for GOP to hold Senate in 2016
Priebus surrendering Senate in advance https://t.co/xxJArkkUK6
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) December 29, 2015
'Says the DNC attack dog': Futile search for Debbie Wasserman Schultz's self-awareness continues
@DWStweets Demonizing is the Left's only strategy
— Ron Martin (@NikaTyme) December 28, 2015
Nick Searcy translates Bernie Sanders' definition of Planned Parenthood-style 'family values'
When Republicans talk about family values, they're talking about defunding Planned Parenthood. #BernieInReno
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) December 28, 2015
When Socialists talk about family values, they're talking about the government raising your children. https://t.co/iAvgCOsNMA
— Yes, Nick $earcy! (@yesnicksearcy) December 28, 2015
@yesnicksearcy @AdamBaldwin @BernieSanders Assuming those children are allowed to live outside the womb first.
— Andra Marquardt (@almarquardt) December 28, 2015
'#PartyOfScience': Bernie Sanders' historic holiday heatwave alarmism gets cooled off
Nobody can recall a Christmas Eve where the temperature was 65 degrees. Why is it that we're not effectively addressing climate change?
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 28, 2015
@SenSanders come on--I believe in climate change but these temps are El Niño and Arctic oscillation.
— TK (@pigtailsflying) December 28, 2015
Xmas temps, DC:
1964: 72
1982: 70
1965: 69
1932: 68
1889,1893: 65
2015: 71
— Prof. Turguson (@RandallHoven) December 28, 2015
— AG (@AG_Conservative) December 28, 2015
Planned Parenthood remembers its army of 'reproductive health reporters' this holiday
Planned Parenthood sends a holiday gift to reproductive health reporters: Emergency Chocolate. pic.twitter.com/6dkJfEofws
— Sarah Kliff (@sarahkliff) December 28, 2015
.@sarahkliff so weird. Mine hasn't arrived yet.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) December 28, 2015
Gosnell: A local crime story not worth the mention
#PPact doing routine donor-stroking: Let's light up the Internet @sarahkliff
— The Scandalous DJT (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 28, 2015
Kind of bold, admitting as a "reproductive health reporter" that you're on PP's Christmas mailing list. https://t.co/dGy30s0kXC
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) December 28, 2015
"reporter" pretty stoked to be receiving swag and happy fun treats from industry she neutrally reports on @sarahkliff
— The Scandalous DJT (@AceofSpadesHQ) December 28, 2015
@sarahkliff So if I give you THREE chocolates will you be pro life?
— TranscendimusPrime (@Transcendimus) December 28, 2015

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