Man indicted on charges he planned terror attack on last year's Super Bowl
β The Thinker (@ThaThinkingMan) December 26, 2015
'No way to treat people': Muslim journo arriving in US upset by TSA's scrutiny of electronic devices
As an American Christian lawyer, I have been required to do the same. You're paranoid and whiny
β Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) December 26, 2015
Welcome to the United States. Here's a gift basket of 'too bad, no one cares, and you're lucky to be here'. πΊπΈ
β LMR (@LilMissRightie) December 26, 2015
Planned Parenthood cartoon helps male allies check their privilege when chillin' with the homies
Some male allies are still unlearning sexism. This graphic helps you check your privilege.
β Planned Parenthood (@PPact) December 24, 2015
@PPact I never wanted to defund planned parenthood, but this graphic caused a complete 180.
β 21MilesOuttaFerguson (@themoonisalive) December 26, 2015
@PPact or we can just stop being allies. Enjoy your last year of federal funding.
β Invest in Cat Food (@InvestCatFood) December 26, 2015
Amazing Slate piece on feminist dude who loves to grill nearly lost to history
some things should ONLY be told to your therapist, who is paid not to laugh
β Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) December 26, 2015
President commutes prison sentences of nearly 100 felons before taking off for vacation
@AHMalcolm @benshapiro NOT drug dealers: violent criminals who *plea bargained* down to a lesser drug dealing charge.
β Abu Nudnik (@AbuNudnik) December 21, 2015
Obama has commuted more prison sentences than the last 5 presidents combined via @IBDeditorials
β Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) December 23, 2015
How small? POTUS jokes that sharing a gym with Marines makes him feel small
@thehill The Cub Scouts make Obama look small. (Apologies to the scouts, they can repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.) #TGDN
β Paladin (@Paladin_Warrior) December 26, 2015
@thehill How small? This small.
β Greg Burton (@WG_Burton) December 26, 2015
Attn: DWS! Mark Ruffalo promotes petition calling on DNC to hold more debates
Please Sign Robert Reich's petition: Tell Democrats to hold more presidential debates. #MoreDemDebates
β Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 26, 2015
Hillary said NO, NO, NO!!!!
β bigalmoo (@bigalmoo) December 26, 2015
Did Bernie Sanders just send the 'most economically illiterate tweet ever'?
Well you see, @SenSanders, a home has actual value, whereas a $100,000 degree in "women's studies" is WORTHLESS.
β Bill Sanderson (@BanCollectivism) December 26, 2015
Hillary Clinton's holiday photo tweeted by Ghost of Christmas Past
Merry Christmas!
β Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 25, 2015
I'm sure others have raised this question--but why is @HillaryClinton tweeting a Christmas photo from 20 years ago?
β Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 26, 2015
β Cheryl Stieve (@clstieve) December 26, 2015
Hillary Clinton's Kwanzaa greeting is another idea for the reject pile
What is this @HillaryClinton ?
β Johnetta Elzie (@Nettaaaaaaaa) December 27, 2015
β #Poeticine on Kindle (@Deshair) December 27, 2015
β Hello Murica (@HelloMurica) December 27, 2015
Her mac and cheese better be on point. RT @HelloMurica @Deshair @Nettaaaaaaaa @HillaryClinton Don't forget: she's you're abuela, too. π
β Kokujin (@Kaibutsu) December 27, 2015
It IS possible to honor a diff community's traditions w/o injecting yourself in the center or putting it to "use". @finneyk @HillaryClinton
β Only4RM (@Only4RM) December 27, 2015
Girl, bye. RT @HillaryClinton: Wishing everyone the best this Kwanzaa. To all celebratingβBill and I send you our warmest wishes. - H
β Charles Broccoli (@hotterthanjuly) December 27, 2015
@HillaryClinton @davebudge I am speechless. Pander on girl.
β BioBuckTweet (@Bucktweet_Say) December 27, 2015
So you can acknowledge Kwanzaa but canβt acknowledge the role you played in the mass incarceration of blacks? @HillaryClinton
β R2-D2B (@kidnoble) December 27, 2015
Yo @HillaryClinton is so disrespectful
β Kayla Reed (@RE_invent_ED) December 27, 2015
@HillaryClinton all aboard the implosion train. choo choo!
β The Pilgrim (@Nosajio) December 27, 2015

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