From Cosmo Girl to Catholic Woman: The Story of One Woman's Liberation
Advent in the School of the Baptist
5 Ways To Engage Your Child This Advent
Pope celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe, confirms Mexico trip
St. Finnian of Clonard, Tutor of Irish Saints
Feast of St FINNIAN of Clonard, Abbot (†549), "Teacher of the #Saints of #Ireland"; patron #saint of @dioceseofmeath pic.twitter.com/1zrPkeD2rs
— Silverstream Priory (@cenacleosb) December 12, 2015
#SharingFaith through windows of Clonard: https://t.co/hx8J51ekxX for the Feast of St Finian pic.twitter.com/UfGmX0vVmp
— Diocese of Meath (@dioceseofmeath) December 12, 2015
The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us that Christ's Mother continues her mission of advocacy and intercession.
— FrSteveGrunow (@FrSteveGrunow) December 12, 2015
Happy Feast Day of #OurLadyofGuadalupe ! pic.twitter.com/oGflulwnAc
— Knights of Columbus (@KofC) December 12, 2015
What a comfort - Our Lady of #Guadalupe's words to Saint Juan Diego are also addressed to us. #Catholic pic.twitter.com/g0x3Cp1MWJ
— ApostleshipOfPrayer (@aposprayer) December 12, 2015
The mystery of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a great turning point in mid-Advent. She quickly calls us to her side, near the heart of God's plan.
— Msgr B Bransfield (@BrianBransfield) December 12, 2015
Today's the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas. May she watch over us https://t.co/XadjTn1GPS pic.twitter.com/Eu3inEVsGc
— Franciscan U (@FranciscanU) December 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, #prayforus. pic.twitter.com/8MtGScyz2R
— Diocese of San Jose (@DioceseSanJose) December 12, 2015
Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
She's one of my family's special intercessors...love this feast day!... https://t.co/1qFMxRRhEx
— Katie Warner (@catholickatie) December 12, 2015
¡Feliz dia de la Virgen de #Guadalupe! pic.twitter.com/NRU13ujrxI
— Franciscan Friars (@MFVAFriars) December 12, 2015
In this place, I will show and give forth all my love, compassion and help. ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe #FeastDay pic.twitter.com/dK6BO2UvcN
— Sarah Kiczek (@SarahKiczek) December 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of America and the Unborn, Pray for Us! https://t.co/Of2cfvv7VL pic.twitter.com/kw7dsYBbOV
— Ashley Kiczek (@AshleyKiczek) December 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us. pic.twitter.com/npyYt3CI7T
— Sr. Veronica Paul (@sistervpaul_) December 12, 2015
Today we ask Our Lady to move our hearts to a new conversion. To a deeper love for her Divine Son, #JesusChrist. #Guadalupe
— Archbishop Gomez (@ArchbishopGomez) December 12, 2015
Here is my homily for the Mass of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Saint @ThomasApostleDC today: https://t.co/4bkYZeAm9x
— Fr James Bradley (@FrJamesBradley) December 12, 2015
Who Painted It? Remembering Our Lady of Guadalupe
The challenge of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Model of Motherhood
Stepping Deeper into Advent with Our Lady
Today's Mass Readings

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