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Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs https://t.co/lCTgGEplbu pic.twitter.com/I4sb7yQygi
— Kristin's Crosses (@Kristinscrosses) December 28, 2015
The Holy Innocents remind the world that evil and hatred cause only suffering. Pray for all who suffer needlessly. pic.twitter.com/eOqi6QqYQd
— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) December 28, 2015
uCatholic: Feast of the Holy Innocents - https://t.co/5osDsbMFnN * https://t.co/Qh3WFDHJn3 #saints pic.twitter.com/t0yrrPlDOu
— CatholicSaints.Info (@sjsoftware) December 28, 2015
To Honor the Innocents https://t.co/XN0QgBEzPs pic.twitter.com/trRXR56WWX
— Elizabeth Reardon (@theologyisaverb) December 28, 2015
We pray on the Feast of the Holy Innocents for a greater awareness of the sanctity of human #life. #prolife #prayer
— Fr Doug Halsema (@FrDougHalsema) December 28, 2015
Arabic #Christmas carol: Byzantine Hymn of the #nativity sung at #Melkite church in #Ottawa https://t.co/JAKGFClOE8 pic.twitter.com/9ssyouKL5h
— Barb Fraze (@bfraze) December 28, 2015
O God, the Holy Innocents were your silent witnesses: may we proclaim you to others by word and deed. #feastday pic.twitter.com/kWxcOr2D8z
— Archdiocese of TO (@archtoronto) December 28, 2015
Holy Innocents, Martyrs, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/HwxKLvMwIk
— Father Kevin Cusick (@MCITLFrAphorism) December 28, 2015
Today we honor the tiny martyrs, the Holy Innocents, killed in vain attempt to prevent love from entering the world pic.twitter.com/X4nLEQpnBN
— Ryan M. Thomas ن (@RyanM_Thomas) December 28, 2015
From @catholicidentity - Today is the feast of The Massacre of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs. #Catholic 🌹✝⛪ pic.twitter.com/pB3DHBNVLt
— FrRichardGonzales ن (@fr_gonzales) December 28, 2015
Holy Innocents, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/S1329WNcta
— Franciscan Friars (@MFVAFriars) December 28, 2015
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, join me in praying fervently for an end to all abortions, for unborn children, and for their parents.
— James D Conley (@bishop_conley) December 28, 2015
Friends, #KingHerod is a symbol for all those rulers and forces in our world that are afraid and jealous of God. #HolyInnocents
— Archbishop Gomez (@ArchbishopGomez) December 28, 2015
Herod's misuse of power can't thwart God's loving plan.Jesus' resurrection ensures that love always wins in the end! pic.twitter.com/yWGUMN799e
— Franciscan Friars (@CFR_Franciscans) December 28, 2015
The #HolyInnocents were the first martyrs for Christ. We ask for their prayers today. #homilytweet pic.twitter.com/PoAWdL57BT
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) December 28, 2015
Medieval window from Chartres Cathedral of the Martyrdom of the Holy Innocents & Flight into Egypt
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) December 28, 2015
Dec 28, 2015
In the USA, 1,254 240 babies have been aborted so far this year!
#ProLife pic.twitter.com/NIKwFYpQq6
— Christ's Footsoldier (@Toupsfamily) December 28, 2015
Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs
The Warning of Herod and the Feast of the Holy Innocents
All Christians Are Called to Martyrdom
Flight Into Egypt: The Grain Miracle
Today's Mass Readings

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