Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


He's been falsely labeled "the new Joe McCarthy."  He's been likened to a "serial killer."  His political views are routinely distorted by the liberal media.  Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews are obsessed with him (see here and also here.)  Harry Reid is scared of him.  Dianne Feinstein is mad at him.  Other Democrat senators and RINO losers loathe him.  But guess what?  Senator Honey Badger doesn't care and that's why the rest of us admire him.  Everybody else can get real or get lost!

If you want to know what Senator Honey Badger is all about, know the following:
Cruz bumped Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) in the hallway, pointed and said "what's that on your tie?" When Udall looked down Cruz flipped up his hand, batting him in the face. As Udall arrived at the Senate cafeteria, he noticed his lunch money was gone.
Ted Cruz regularly sits on the hood of his Camaro in the Senate parking lot, with a toothpick in his mouth, waiting for the Senate Women's Caucus to let out.
When Sen. John McCain asked Cruz what he was filibustering against, Cruz replied "whaddya got?"
Suspect fitting Cruz's description drove slowly by the White House, clinking three empty beer bottles stuck to his fingers and taunting, "Obaaaamaaa! Come out to play-ee-yay!"
Spends all Republican caucus meetings slowly rocking his back-row chair, chewing gum and cracking wise.
Anonymous complaint filed with the Senate Ethics Committee alleged a certain Texas senator "only refers to Hawaii Sen. Schatz by the present-tense version of his name."
Gave Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank a swirly. Refused to pay for replacement eyeglass lens.
His knuckle tattoos read "SINE DIE." (Cruz lost his left pinkie at a high-stakes Federalist Society moot court.)
Joined Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) for an extended game of keep-away with Sen. Leahy's lip balm. The Senate Judiciary Committee meeting had to be rescheduled.
Every time Sen. Barbara Mikulski enters a room, Cruz slicks back his hair and says, "How YOU doin'?"
Cruz interrupted a long answer by SecDef nominee Chuck Hagel, with "speaking of drones, we gonna wrap this up soon?"
By the way, he's also got a bachelor's degree from Princeton and a law degree (magna cum laude) from Harvard (Alan Dershowitz said "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant") and he knows how to use his expertise, having drafted a crucial amicus brief, signed by 31 attorneys-general, in the landmark District of Columbia vs. Heller case. How's YOUR resume looking?

The Guinness Book of Records awarded the Honey Badger with the title "Most Fearless Animal on Earth." Even when a cobra bites this unstoppable species, the honey badger will only pass out for a couple of minutes...and than eat the cobra.

Exit quote from Democrat operative James Carville:
"I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I've seen in the last 30 years.  I further think that he is going to run for president, and he is going to create something...this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. He is going to be something to watch."
Senator Cobra, you've been warned! 

1 comment:

  1. It is no wonder that so many on both sides of the schism fear him and let that show as hatred toward him. He's serving notice by his actions that there is no lukewarm in this battle for the soul of Americans; you are either with him (the good we are capable of) or against him, & then you're just in the way, and most likely, actively working in contravention of his aims.

    We need more of this new Type A as exemplified by Sen Cruz! And, as is the case with Rep Issa, now I have another person in D.C. whose continued good health I must worry over and pray about. One bout of illness at an inopportune time would set us back so much.
