Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Monday, February 24, 2014


TV's Andy Levy hosts! He welcomes guests Jesse Joyce, Will Rahn and Jedediah Bila.

Kidnapped Nuns No Longer Bear the Cross
A new video of the twelve Christian nuns kidnapped in Syria recently appeared.  In it, the nuns are taped sitting in a room and being questioned by an unseen man, presumably a member of the kidnappers.  He asks them how they are, if they've been mistreated, etc.
They respond that they are being treated fine, that they very much look forward to being returned to their convent, that they heartily thank the world for its concern, and that they continually pray that God grant peace to all nations.
Their words say one thing, their expressions and demeanor another.  Put differently, as female captives of Islamic jihadists, what else could they say but what they were told to say?  (See, for example, how the nun in glasses had to be forced to face the camera at 1:46.)  Even if one of them dared to say the "wrong thing," it naturally would have been edited out.  Who knows how many takes it took to get the video - which includes a bizarre clip of the nuns having a snowball fight with their abductors - just right?
One thing, however, although minor, speaks volumes concerning the nature of their captivity.  Although these same nuns, in pictures before they were kidnapped, often appear wearing the large pectoral crosses that nuns often wear, these are all gone in the recent video.
From here we understand the true plight of the captive nuns: to their captors, not only are the Christian women hostages to be used for leverage, but ideologically speaking, they are "infidel" inferiors - near sub-humans who are more akin to animals.  Indeed, the same Caliph Omar whom Syria's jihadis are hearkening to regarding the ban on Christian crosses is also on record saying that the life of a non-Muslim is equal to the life of a dog (Western readers should bear in mind that in Arab/Muslim culture, dogs are among the lowest life forms.)
As such, the plight of the kidnapped nuns remains precarious - all their scripted words aside. (See here for more on the history of Islamic jihad on Christian nuns.)

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