Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage has good advice for the GOP's 2016 hopefuls:
One of the reasons that Romney lost is that he failed to take on the media. The ultimate lost opportunity came when CNN's debate moderator Candy Crowley directly inserted herself into the argument between Obama and Romney to declare her favorite right and Romney wrong.
Romney had won the Republican primaries, but had failed to absorb the lesson of his most tenacious opponent. Newt Gingrich did not treat the media as a neutral moderator, but as a debate opponent, challenging its premises and agendas. And so Romney was left unprepared for Crowley's attack.
A media smear campaign can't be met with sensible clarifications. They only strengthen the smear. Christie's clarification that he believes in measles vaccinations has allowed the media to begin spinning him as flip-flopping on vaccines. Any further statements explaining his views will be used to continue reporting on the manufactured story of the "Republican vaccine controversy."
The only way to break the cycle is for Republicans to stop explaining themselves and to challenge the narrative. The narrative is a lie, but no one will ever know that if the candidates don't challenge it.
The road to the White House is over the crushed and mangled narratives of the media. A Republican candidate who fails to take on the media will fall wrapped head to toe in lies and scandals. He will go on issuing clarifications and sensible statements while the media accuses him of murdering small children.
The media is not impartial. It is not even a forum. The national media is the political opponent of every Republican running for the White House.
It needs to be treated that way.Be sure and read the whole thing!
Also read: Reince Priebus Wins His Long War Against MSNBC
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