War! Azealia Banks calls Iggy Azalea a 'Clueless White Girl' and nicknames her 'Itchy Areola'
Special msg for banks: There are many black artists succeeding in all genres. The reason you haven't is because of your piss poor attitude.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Your inability to be responsible for your own mistakes, bullying others, the inability to be humble or have self control. It's YOU!
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
you created your own unfortunate situation by being a bigot and don't have the mental capacity to realize yet. Probably never will.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Now! rant, Make it racial! make it political! Make it whatever but I guarantee it won't make you likable & THATS why ur crying on the radio.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
Enjoy continuing to bang your head against that metaphoric brick wall & Savor this attention. I'm the only way you get ANY.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
You're poisonous and I feel genuinely sorry for you because it's obvious at this point you are a MISERABLE, angry human being. Regards!
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 19, 2014
What's really behind it? Martha MacCallum questions reason for Sony's 'submission'
Dz Hollywood really fear NK sleeper cells - or is it really potential email exposure that chills them into submission?
— martha maccallum (@marthamaccallum) December 19, 2014
'A Fish Called Tawana': Al Sharpton's Hollywood takeover sparks #SharptonApprovedMovies
Kim Jong-Al http://t.co/qkT6iGoSEo
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 19, 2014
The Nutty Oppressor #SharptonApprovedMovies @IAMMGraham
— Joseph (@Johoff23) December 19, 2014
Harry Potter and the Magical White Privilege
— Michael Graham (@IAMMGraham) December 19, 2014
'Best photo of 2014?' Is this Kim Jong-un viral version of Ellen's Oscars selfie cracking you up too?
— Elle Hardy (@ellehardytweets) December 19, 2014
@ellehardytweets NICE.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) December 19, 2014
'Genius': That green MPAA ratings screen gets perfect NoKo makeover
Genius -> RT @RyanSloaneCNN: pic.twitter.com/kvv2MV68qz
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) December 19, 2014
@charliespiering @RyanSloaneCNN "No dictators were offended in the making of this film."
— James Wegmann (@jameswegmann) December 19, 2014
See how BuzzFeed unintentionally supplied evergreen headline for dismal Obama admin
Leading from behind. RT @passantino: Wow. Obama on Sony pulling The Interview: “Yes, I think they made a mistake"
— Phelony Jones (@phelony_jones) December 19, 2014
'I ain't buying it': Obama says blacks are 'better off' than when he came into office
@BarackObama "Black America is better off" ....Oh? pic.twitter.com/2YVQqDdB9a
— Kiana Wilson (@ambersandboxx) December 19, 2014
Sorry sir , Black America is not better. #msnbc #leanforward
— Dante Reid (@MECHANISM48) December 19, 2014
Black America better off? Hello? Crime in Chicago? Unemployment? Median income? @JackAllTimeLow
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) December 19, 2014
Obama just said black America is better off now than when he came into office...
Interesting how much we're ignoring reality today.
— Matthew (@Matthops82) December 19, 2014
"And now I'm going on vacation," said the Pres., wishing reporters "Mele Kalikimaka," which means "Merry Christmas."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) December 19, 2014
'James Flacco needs a new publicist': President Hollywood butchers 'Interview' actor's name
James Flacko? Is that what he said?
— Cortney O'Brien (@obrienc2) December 19, 2014
"Seth Rogen…and…James Flacco" https://t.co/McKB648QKg
— Kevin Reiss (@kevin_reiss) December 19, 2014
James "Pretty" Flacco pic.twitter.com/mFxWViB0YZ
— Matt Barone (@MBarone) December 19, 2014
"James Flacco was great in Mango Express..." pic.twitter.com/uhykp2WdbH
— Bridget Johnson (@Bridget_PJM) December 19, 2014
'Wins Twitter today': Joe Flacco helps Obama after Franco flub
Zing! Joe Flacco wins Twitter. RT @TeamFlacco: .@barackobama It's James Franco, not James Flacco ;)
— RedGalBlueState (@RedGalBlueState) December 19, 2014
Welcome to the family, brother. @JamesFrancoTV
— Joe Flacco (@TeamFlacco) December 19, 2014
'Argh': Touré wades into 'The Interview' debate, forgets to bring his floaties
If you had Toure for "first MSNBC personality to excuse North Korea's actions on-air," then please, come on down and collect your winnings.
— Jeff B@AoSHQ (@EsotericCD) December 19, 2014
.@jimgeraghty In Toure's case, the better analogy would be to yelling "fire can't melt steel" in a crowded theater.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 19, 2014
In Toure's defense, he's stupid.
— Drew M. (@DrewMTips) December 19, 2014
'ISIS would like a word': Vox's Zack Beauchamp says 'war is going away'
Vox tweets from 1913 RT @voxdotcom: Three big reasons war is going away http://t.co/EpRgWgwZTW
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) December 19, 2014
We have #voxsplained peace in our time!! RT @NoahCRothman: Vox tweets from 1913 RT @voxdotcom: Three big reasons war is going away
— el SooperSanta ن (@SooperMexican) December 19, 2014
'Onesies can be prophetic': FNC's Jenna Lee learns a new-mom lesson
#AdventuresOfANewMom We just discovered...that onesies can be prophetic #TGIF pic.twitter.com/b2LkZxr753
— Jenna Lee (@Jennafnc) December 19, 2014
@Jennafnc From my now 25 yr old son's babyhood: have gobs of wipes & scissors. U don't want to know WHY I had to cut him out of his onesie 😉
— Felicia D Murphy (@FD_Murphy) December 19, 2014
Shocking photo reveals where Kim Jong-un got idea to target, intimidate filmmakers
Shorter @BarackObama: we can't let North Korea shut down a Sony film, but we can let Al Qaeda ban a YouTube video. And jail the filmmaker
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) December 19, 2014
Obama: Where'd you learn to intimidate filmmakers?
Kim Jong-un: From you, okay? I learned it by watching you! pic.twitter.com/qGanZqesaC
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 19, 2014

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