#GamerGate points out the 'delicious irony' of Seth Rogen
Hi, @Sethrogen, how's your holidays going, punk? #GamerGate sends greetings. pic.twitter.com/d9RtL9SWA4
— TheRalph (@TheRalphRetort) December 18, 2014
185 women, kids kidnapped by Boko Haram and the U.S. response is a tweet
Boko Haram kidnapped 185 women and children, killed 32 people in raid this week, Nigerians say. http://t.co/d4Wnlq9oPZ
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) December 18, 2014
'Can I eat that?' Kim Jong-un gets the respect he deserves
Kim Jong Un come to party! #EveryOneMakeFunOfKimJongUnDay pic.twitter.com/xo7NoWm1Km
— Chad Hoover (@choover323) December 18, 2014
Shakedown? Al Sharpton meets with Sony's Amy Pascal to discuss race in Hollywood
Let me guess - Sharpton will suggest a significant donation from Sony to his organization. Complete shakedown artist. http://t.co/xGR7mYb2W4
— Brian Walsh (@brianjameswalsh) December 18, 2014
'Gives new meaning to #SonyHack': Amy Pascal asked Richard Grenell WHAT?!
true story: Amy Pascal started a one on one meeting with me by saying "before we start, I have to ask, how can you be gay AND Republican?"
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) December 18, 2014
Professor who hates Republicans claims to object to headline, 'It's Okay to Hate Republicans'
U Michigan Department Chair: We Should ‘Hate Republicans’ http://t.co/hvmzA1fLsL via @NRO
— Katherine Timpf (@kctimpf) December 17, 2014
Harvard president orders investigation into boycott of 'microaggressive' SodaStream machines
Harvard students protest Sodastream machines as "microaggression to Palestinian students and their families" - http://t.co/jNRW80vjod
— Eliana Johnson (@elianayjohnson) December 18, 2014
'You fraud': Nobody's buying White House spin on Obamacare 'gains'
@WhiteHouse When should we expect our $2500 per family health care cost savings?
— Frank Burns (@LTCFBurns) December 18, 2014
'And here is a picture of Italy': Geography-challenged CNN fails again
@CNN @NASA Thanks for the satellite photo of Italy to prove your point
— Brendan M (@ChiBDM) December 19, 2014
Coverage of Tsarnaev pretrial punctuated by 'Free Jahar' groupies
Is your nose growing @Laurel_Sweet #Tsarnaev #Todashev pic.twitter.com/Ay6SrzCFKy
— LJ (@rebelready) December 18, 2014
Though 'terrified' of Montel Williams' followers, Salon's 'Stop worshiping men in uniform' writer tries again
That David Masciotra is terrified of my followers and @kennedynation is amusing, tho I do appreciate his 1/2 apology pic.twitter.com/Fzh70HFBxF
— Montel Williams (@Montel_Williams) December 19, 2014
'Can't watch it enough!' Bush, Obama face off in 'Vine of the year'
Vine of the year https://t.co/oKCUM39lNI
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) December 18, 2014

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